Why have beards become such a thing with weak men?
When I was a kid 99% of men were clean shaven and only perverts and weirdos had beards.
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Beards cover up a weak chin.
it's an obvious reaction to their lack of masculinity. the beard thing started with ironic hipsters in the early 2000's who aped real men and then other pussies realized they could pass themselves off briefly as male by growing a beard.
if you are a masculine man and grow a beard, the difference is immediately obvious when compared to one of these disgusting lardbeasts doing the same thing.
real men should be clean shaven more often than not.
This and it's just them being lazy.
Secret islamisation plot.
Beards are for men, not like you would know about that beardlets
I like a lil stubble. Once a week shave life
>Beards are for men
You talk like a fag lol
muslims respect you more with a beard
Weak men can't grow strong beards. If you think that pic is a average beard, then you a sadly mistaken or just ignorant
If you only knew how much of a hassle it is to have to shave all the fucking time kiddo.
I can grow a pretty good beard, I recently chopped it off though. It became more work to care for than just shaving every other day. Female opinion on my beard was pretty split 50/50 so it's not like I was really losing something in my attractiveness.
and pic related is a 10/10 in bongland
They have no jaw line
beards are awesome if you don't shower. my facial hair is very oily and soft and not itchy at all. I haven't showered in 2 weeks.
I can grow a beard. But it makes me look like a old man. Clean shaven is best plus my jaw is decent.
If that's all it takes, that says alot.
>not a true beardsman
WTF do i do when im balding and cant grow a decent beard?
I look like an egg with buzz and shave, AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH
Because they became associated with strong men again after the War on Terror (Navy SEALS popularized it) and so weak men grew beards to appear strong as well
That and some of them were just lazy and didn't want to shave
>Female opinion on my beard was pretty split 50/50
If you give a shit what women think you might as well take your balls off together with that beard.
The ones who complain about beards on this board can’t even fucking grow one. Lmaoooo losers
I'm just too depressed to shave.
But they do it because it's in vogue.
To masquerade as homeless.
This is a message from our vogue overlords - prepare to become homeless - all of you.
What reason is there to have a beard if not to court women? bears are a sign of masculinity/virility, things women desire in men. But if you already have these things, then what purpose is there for it?
Beards. I call them facial biotopes. Yuck.
a beard means nothing. why is this obsessed over?
goyboys have beards. manly men have beards. some don't...
nothing is so simple folks.
I don't think that's particularly true, but with regards to the demographic you're alluding to, it's to cover their weak chin or their chin fat. My brother is a nu-male and has had a beard for years, he's a fat fuck. I also have a beard, but I have a defined jaw and look masculine and lean.
Buzzcuts are terrible. Only insecure people shave their hair off. Real men own up their baldness by letting their tufts of hair grow out.
lift weights. it increases testosterone and weight loss will make your natural face look more masculine.
also, just rock it dude. nobody cares. everybody loses hair eventually.
Don't use Jill's image in such a shit way.
nothing says faggot better than spending $20 a month on creams and razors so you can infantilize your face
There is just something about these trashy British slags that I love. Even the chavs turn me on.
Yeah the only reason I have a beard is because im to lazy to shave everyday. But I have a good jaw line so the beard makes me look like the crimson chin
Isn't R3make out yet?
this legit scares young women
>real men make themselves look like prepubescent children
Go be a kike elsewhere.
>confederate flag
of course you love trashy women buba
when you're the only kid in your highschool who can grow a full beard its something to brag about. As you get older, clean shaven makes you like you've got your shit together, it's just more professional. If you do want a beard don't just grow it out like the sperg in your pic, groom it and keep it trimmed.
Grow a beard but don't wear glasses. Not being overweight or malnourished is a plus too.
Stubble masterrace
Agreed. I'm clean shaven and always have preferred it. Facial hair is over-rated.
Who fucking cares
Fear is a strong aphrodisiac. Don't turn yourself into a baby shaped blob by buzzcutting.
Shaved heads used to symbolize slaves, just like a cut foreskin.
i have a beard and glasses and the bitches at the university love it. But i actually need the glasses, im blind as a bat, im not some fag that wears frames to look """cool"""
Much like the day of the rake—there will be the day of the shave. Where all commie neckbearded soibois face the blade.
I got a beard but I am very right wing, I think there are two reasons a man might have a beard.
One would be if you give up on being sexually attractive and become a onions bitch.
The other one is that you give up on being sexually attractive becuase you are the patriarchy of 5 kids, and coming across as sexual isn't that high a priority. (Same for mothers of 5 kids, they don't walk around in high heels and a fuck me dress with a shaven pussy either)
The man that shaves is a modern city man, that wants to come across as cleanly groomed and sexually attractive.
Some science also suggests that women see shaven men as more sexually attractive, but consider men with beards more father/husband material.
He still has his hair though, Its not like he has the horse shoe pattern baldness.
softboys BTFO
onions bitch* don't know why I wrote onions
I give up, too tired.
Welcome to Yas Forums, newfag.
Remember, you're here forever!
>But i actually need the glasses
I fucking hate contacts.
It feels like a piece of plastic in my I the whole time.
Attractive men will be attractive with or with out a beard. The reason why I grew a full beard is becuase I look like im very young. Im 24, but without the beard I legit look 19. Since the beard, Ive noticed way more female attention
I’m a criminal and bird makes me less intimidating, other than that I hate it
Hey pol I'm extremely lazy and I shave only twice a year when my beard gets reddiculace
I want to ask clean shaven men how often they shave? I can't imagine how much effort it takes to be clean shaven all the time
Anyway I recently clean shaved and the skin around my beard looks terrible how do I get rid of that skin damage look
yeah man, contacts hurt my eyes so much. I cant concentrate with them in because my eyes are bothering me
aww his first time. Enjoy the ride
Found the kike
>real men should be clean shaven more often than not.
no. beards are manly. ive even seen bitches with beards
Hahaha, welcome to Yas Forums. It's one of the eccentricities here. You must be new to posting, but don't worry, nobody will be able to follow you outside of this thread. Don't take any of the hate personally, just laugh it off and make fun of it. If you can't take being harshly criticized at random then you don't belong here.
how much are you paid?
lol this is the nicest comment to a newb ive seen on Yas Forums. One Le reddit sliver for you good sir!
In east europe 99% of men have beards, it's menly.
I would fugg the middle two, they just have shit makeup on
>only perverts and weirdos had beards
this is still true
>deadlifts quintuple your bodyweight
Just to grow one and be a man
Pro-tip - women hate you if you make accommodations for what they want of you
>beards are for fags and jews
This guy is both.
>In east europe 99% of men have beards, it's menly.
Didnt used to be like this though. Especially yugos were always clean shaven.
Is the the faggot one?
I see no need to be mean to new people. That being said, I'm not going to coddle them either, if you can't handle being told to kill yourself then you shouldn't post here. When I get told to 'kill myself faggot' I consider that a victory.
>fucks so many whores STDs have a turf wat in his nuts
I agree, I wish people would have helped me out when I got here in 2014. I didnt even know about the auto thread update for years, people like you help retain new comers
I’m not weak but people call me sweety or honey when I don’t have a beard. It’s weird. When I grow it out they show respect and call me Sir and bend over for me.
beards are part of male evolution... just like your foreskin.. why get rid of what God gave you to make you more masculine?
beards and long hair were associated with freedom and manhood in European history.
its also to intimidate other men. Im more likely to disrespect a cleanshaven cuck boy than a scraggly hobo looking fella
People wear beards as a costume
>falling for obvious satire accounts
>saved blurb of libfag wimp
Fag detected.
people who shave are sheep trying to fit in with the normies. What's your point asshole?
Im to lazy to shave whats the point if you never go out anyways
That dude's like 5 foot 2 LOL
They're all men