Woman hate thread

It's what Socrates would've wanted.

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sexual assault victims are forever changed after the act, aren't they

they become something else entirely

did her boyfriend do it?


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Aristotle, Politics: "[T]he male, unless constituted in some respect contrary to nature, is by nature more expert at leading than the female, and the elder and complete than the younger and incomplete."

Women are fucking dumb.

seems like every twitter thot has some obsession with small animals and a mental illness to pair

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My gf said she's going to cheat on me with a black guy unless I stop being racist. I caught her fucking one in my apartment and opened the door right as he blew his load in her face.

Some punctuation wouldn't hurt, bitch

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Happened to me too bro

Sweet, and the best thing is that you kept her as your girlfriend. Truly alpha as fuck

Posting about my divorce since mods deleted last thread. 11 years of hell

Kind of a longish story, but I took her virginity, knocked her up, married her shortly after our first born came along. Things got real shitty when she started making friends with this divorced bitch, hyper liberal woman, her ex beat her (I'm sure she deserved it) so she hates men, her attitude towards shit started to change a lot. If I asked her to do things she'd say yes and never do it, typically stuff like cleaning up after herself, this ended up being fights each time towards the end because she didn't want me (a man) telling her what to do. She resented me for telling her I think tattoos are trashy so that became a constant fight, I told her to just do what she wants but all she wanted to do was fight about it. We moved halfway across the country because I hoped getting her away from shitty influences would help and we'd rely on each other more. She ended up just making more divorced hyper liberal bitch friends here and lived through her phone texting her old friends and them. She started to resent me for not liking modern tv and music and would complain about me being lame. She got fired from two jobs in the past year, jobs she did nothing at as she worked remote, I'm talking maybe two hours of work a week shit. First job she reached out to lawyers because she was convinced it was because she was a woman and had nothing to do with laziness. Final straw was finding out she was hiding $20k in credit card debt, on top of that she stopped sending in the mortgage and car payments so my credit is fucked. I have no clue where the money went. I get no apology, I'm the bad guy, I asked why she did it and she said she felt like she couldn't talk to me (I try to talk to her about finances all the time) and that she thought if I knew I'd leave her. I said you're damn right. Women are pure evil


sorta same thing just happened to me, just got out of a 3 year relationship and found out some twitter thot was telling my girlfriend she loved her and when i approached her about it she got defensive and asked "Can't I just make friends?!"

two days later she left me because her friends had been whispering into her ears that i was being manipulative and abusive by questioning the girls intentions with my girlfriend

>making freinds with divorced bitch
Thats fucking depressing

I'm not sure who is more retarted
Anyhow to her point Socrates would not have anything to do with morality, he himself admit that if there is no idea of bad means there is no idea of good

I feel you man. My uncle was married upward of 30 years, even opened a food joint with her in the name (his and her initial). She ended up getting friendly with middle-aged burnt out divorcees and decided family life with kids, a big ass house, good income and loving husband was lame and wanted to go party and ride the cock carousal again. Divorced women are cancer that needs to infect other women in order to complacently justify/deny the fact they're going to die alone, friendless and with a gaping cunt.

Sorry, posted the wrong quote. But yeah, I highly doubt Socrates would see Twitter whores as any way righteous. Just a hunch.

Let me guess, New York or California?

Damn bro that fucking sucks, I hope you cut all ties with the hag. My GF and I get into the same fight about tattoos, I think they are gross and devaule a person, and she is getting mad that I dont want her to get any. On top of that, we have a daughter together, and I wnt her to lead by example, I dont wont my little girl to ruin her skin with fucking ink.

wish me luck my friend, and any advice would be appreciated

Stop taking everything on Twitter seriously.

I'm not that deep into greek philosophy but wasn't Plato, who was the student of Socrates, a huge proponent of moral objectivity? He defended Socrates in his dialogues and built upon his teaching. There is no was Socrates or Plato would argue moral subjectivism, she is clearly speaking out of her vagina.

craziness is contagious

Nope, but her friend was from NY
Check out pic related, it's just insane how dumb women are to see unhappy people and follow in their footsteps, but the media tells them those people are cool and exciting which doesn't help their rodent brains.

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The man who pioneered the idea of living virtuously and cultivating virtue in oneself being misappropriated by a degenerate hedonistic thot. Nothing is sacred any more.

Reminder that Socrates even managed to BTFO women in passing whilst delivering the greatest speech ever: "And if those among you who are said to be superior in wisdom and courage, and any other virtue, demean themselves in this way, how shameful is their conduct! I have seen men of reputation, when they have been condemned, behaving in the strangest manner: they seemed to fancy that they were going to suffer something dreadful if they died, and that they could be immortal if you only allowed them to live; and I think that they were a dishonor to the state, and that any stranger coming in would say of them that the most eminent men of Athens, to whom the Athenians themselves give honor and command, are no better than women."

Obviously. None of them were moral relativists. They just namedrop one of the only philosophers even public school students will hear about it in order to facilitate the bullshit delusion that she's somehow intellectually ingratiated while talking like a dumb whore.


>any advice
Sorry friend, it isn't what you'll want to hear but leave her. If you try to impose good on a woman that wants to do wrong, a friend or tv show will convince her to hate you for it and that'll manifest in a number of terrible ways, women hold a grudge like you would not believe. Every fucking text they get from friends is programming and they're all trying to dig each other in to bigger holes because they're evil

Letting teenage thots riddled with birth-control-brain, social media addiction and low self steem live rent free in your head... t'sk...

Kings, you are better than this.

i broke up with a chick because she stopped putting out or even touching me. she started aa and i can tell those faggot cultists got in her head, pisses me off so much.

Be fucking assertive no full macho or full Laissez faire will work. Being in a relationship is swaying in a knives edge

I know you are right deep down, I fucking hate her friends. Everything will be great, but one day she wants to hang out with her friends and then she gets the tattoo ideas. Why cant women think for them selfs instead of mindlessly following trends

What course of action would you recommend? Completely ignore them?

so if you fuck a poo lady does that make you pooburner or a shitsmasher

I literally blame americans and westenrers. you guys let things get so bad with your own women now even us brownoids have to fucking deal with your bullshit!!!

It's not about a wrong quote, it's about refuting her socratian point using an aristolian point, you could argue who is """more""" right, but Aristotle based his arguments against Socrates even he him self admit his arguments have faults. She is dumb because she has no idea what she is trying to say, you are dumb using logic against stupidity

Based, and checked.

>Omg men are PIGS
>Oh they're all gone, WOMYN! UNITE!
>Entire 1 World Government collapses


i am better than this

I feel you bro, mine started acting great when she wanted another kid, then went right back to being a piece of shit. Just know the consequences if you don't stop her now, shared property, potential of having more kids. You can look for a better chick before cutting it but if you're able to be happy alone I think that's ideal and that's what I'm looking for. Try vr porn, I plan to get one of those sex dolls too

That's correct. What Socrates thought was that humans could not achieve perfect knowledge about ethics, that is something only the gods know, but nevertheless it is everyone's duty to think about these things and the only way to even lead a truly good life.

Thomas Paine pilled. But yeah, I don't know. It's a character flaw on my part but it just gets me when I see ignoramuses smugly proclaiming their intellectual prowess-- which is pervasive among liberals. Unenlightened, half-baked gobbled-up propaganda maliciously and arrogantly spewed from the vantage of "I'm right by default," when they literally know nothing.

Imagine being so caught up in the delusion that you’re desirable based on the wet hole between your legs that you genuinely believe any man would jump at the chance to fuck you. Ten bucks says when he turns her down she screams rape.

They are of their father user. Satan. My recommendation is to get out now before she permanently screws you over. Become a successful single guy and adopt.


Have sex.

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>Completely ignore them?
Yes goy ignore them while the hordes of cucks on the planet stay ignorant and continue enable/aid your whores in the destruction of everything good around you.


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A reminder that that Socrates said that rule is based on merit, even a wise women can rule man

Based and nutpilled

yeah ok based ngl


adopt? get a surrogate for a kid

If any single anons want to know why no female adoptions or that shit where you pay a woman to give birth to a kid and you take the kid are the best option I was the son of a divorced witch, literal witch, my Dad left for Korea...we made up and I forgive him completely but I have some horror stories.

Du bs of truth. Surrogate is the word I was too autistic to remember. Thanks user.

>but I have some horror stories.

>I have some horror stories.
If you got then spit it out

Fuck you and your leaf-tier shit posting. In the future, post this shit with a meme flag.

That’s was I was thinking

>She got fired from two jobs
why is your wife working and not making kids?

Mutts law

Memory is hazy due to autism but here are a few. This is after the divorce and she started making fun and emotionally programming me and my little brother.

>be around 8, innocent as fuck, one day i am hopping on my bed and Mom comes to bedroom and chokes me for no fucking reason.
>Not spank, not even a pop in the head, two hands to the throat chokes me.
>Says something very angry that my mind has mentally blocked for all eternity for some reason.
>One day I tell my aunt, on my dad side, what happened because I idolize my dad's side of the family
>Aunts as it turns out are as witchcraft as my biological mother and are like a high school clique/coven
>Incident gets swept under the rug and I forget about it due to her smooth talk and "you were having a nightmare" talk until I was 16 and living with my real mother, who is my Stepmom.