FED Chairman Donald J. Trump

>before we elected obama it was around 80 trillion, however after contact zero revealed that the Fed was printing trillions in USD and selling it through SWIFT as a gold backed note, it became obvious the Fed had overstepped their mandate. they are only supposed to print for the USA. when the dod finally tracked down the account, the 'spiritual golden boy' account, for however is the real head of the illuminati, it had 600 trillion dollars in it. if the world knew there was even that much money in circulation the whole thing would collapse.

The Treasury department has created an ESF, or exchange stabilization fund with that 600 trillion dollars in gold bullion. the IMF, yes the world pedophile banker jew outfit, is funded through SDRs, or special drawing rights. it turns out those were created by the Federal Reserve, and now we control them.

i qoute the press relase directly:
>The Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) consists of three types of assets: U.S. dollars, foreign currencies, and Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), which is an international reserve asset created by the International Monetary Fund.

>The ESF can be used to purchase or sell foreign currencies, to hold U.S. foreign exchange and Special Drawing Rights (SDR) assets, and to provide financing to foreign governments. All operations of the ESF require the explicit authorization of the Secretary of the Treasury ("the Secretary").

The Treasury is now the Fed, and the US treasury is now the IMF. we absorbed them. this is huge.


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REMINDER on how this works mathematically.
>Debt exceeds money in the world.
>This is the root of Jewish power, because they own the central banks and thus the debt.
>Trump seizes control of the Fed and cranks out the Trumpbux at zero interest, thus reducing the degree of that debt > money overhang.
>But now the Treasury owns the Fed so that debt can go away entirely with the right actions.
>Enter the $600 trillion funny money. Pic related.
We win. Kikes lose. MAGA.

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Didn’t Trump say on the campaign trail in 2016 that he was going to pay off the national debt?

>The Treasury department has created an ESF, or exchange stabilization fund with that 600 trillion dollars in gold bullion

Indeed he did. He also said we were going to unlock the mysteries of space in his inaugural address. Consider a world in which all the money allocated to debt service (read: interest payments to the Fed) in the federal budget gets instead directed to NASA and private space research. The US Space Force's first mission was this week, and was a success. Starship and SLS are both on track to fly by next year. We'll visit the moon again in his second term, this time to stay.

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>contact zero
can anyone redpill me on this org. I had never heard of it before last night.

Can you dumb this down for me?

he mentions the illuminati, so it's already just about as dumb as it's going to get

MIGA faggots at it again.

This will lead to a one world currency and the mark of the beast.

Y'all niggas really think someone cozied up with the higher ups is going to change everything for the good of the common man? Lmao. Not even blackpilled but c'mon y'all r/deh_duhnald niggas will pull anything out your asses to convince yourself Trump is not a puppet of the Jewish cabal that dominates our nation and the world.

Imagine the most wishfulliling future with all debts paid and literal utopia for everyone but if you swear the oath to this new system with endless money, you damn your soul forever.

You idiots are the Jew puppets here.

>Yes, goyim, it LOOKS like it's the promise of everything you ever wanted, but you get locked out of Jewish Heaven if you agree to it! You wouldn't want that, would you?

Christfags are the ultimate useful idiots.


Its very complicated. It's all either a jewish double bluff psyop, or a public debriefing for those who wish to see it.

Soviet tier economics. We have officially nationalized financial markets. Competition no longer exists for the corporatocracy.

In short, you're fucked. Only the most retarded of the people still on the Trump train will think this a positive development for anyone other than rich Jews.

>All operations of the ESF require the explicit authorization of the Secretary of the Treasury ("the Secretary").
>the president
>the state electorates
>the people in each state make their electorate laws

>two branches become one
>All operations of the ESF require the explicit authorization of the Secretary of the Treasury ("the Secretary").

>All operations of the ESF require the explicit authorization of the Secretary of the Treasury ("the Secretary").
The ESF isn't the fed.

It is now, lmao.

finance.yahoo.com/news/feds-cure-risks-being-worse-110052807.html (non-paywalled)
bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-03-27/federal-reserve-s-financial-cure-risks-being-worse-than-disease?srnd=opinion (paywalled original)

Thats the fucking point achmed

I've read that and nothing in there states that you stupid mong. I swear you faggots are fucking shills damage controlling for Trump and to trick dumbfuck boomers into thinking they've "won" but actually being fucked over after he just signed over more powers to the federal reserve with the CARE act.

You're either lying or not paying attention.
>So how can they do this? The Fed will finance a special purpose vehicle (SPV) for each acronym to conduct these operations. The Treasury, using the Exchange Stabilization Fund, will make an equity investment in each SPV and be in a “first loss” position. What does this mean? In essence, the Treasury, not the Fed, is buying all these securities and backstopping of loans; the Fed is acting as banker and providing financing. The Fed hired BlackRock Inc. to purchase these securities and handle the administration of the SPVs on behalf of the owner, the Treasury.

The Fed gives money to the ESF. The ESF then does Central Banky things at the direction of the Treasurer including being the lender of last resort. The Fed is completely cut out of the system here except as a rump organization feeding money into the ESF.


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Fucking hell this is one of greatest happenings of the century and Yas Forums is sleeping on it. After over 100 years America is liberated from being held hostage to an unaccountable privatized federal reserve. Unironically God bless Donald Trump.

You're a fucking retard, the whole thing is just an exploit so the fed can essentially now lend to private companies using the ESF with the SPV are acting as a middle man to allow it to happen. This is giving them even more power over everything. The fed is doing what it's always been doing, lending out money but now it has more customers. You're been sold out and you're trying to spin this as a good thing. I see you also left out Blackrock in your little cut n paste since they're surely trustworthy, right?


> I see you also left out Blackrock in your little cut n paste since they're surely trustworthy, right?
They're waiving fees. Thanks for reminding me to add it to the pasta.

>the account,... ...had 600 trillion dollars in it. if the world knew there was even that much money in circulation the whole thing would collapse.

Anybody want to point out the glaringly obvious reasons why this statement is fucking retarded and OP sucks cock all day when he isn't larping?

Your brain must be smoother than a babies bottom.

>They're waiving fees
Then they're obviously getting something insidious out of this whole program, they wouldn't run that operation for free unless they're getting something out of it.

>let's just ignore the evidence and assume I'm right
OK retard.



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you're part of the psyop.

You're paid to refute the argument speaking as a black person with "nigga", to cause people to not want to associate with you and give the stated claim more validity.
Last thread you were using a canadian flag. This thread you're using an American one.
You're a alphabet shill.

Israeli shills moving the goalposts


Then it was just spread of disinformation.. "THE FED NOW CONTROLS THE TREASURY"

Now they're admitting it's true, but saying because it's Drumpf it's bad even though it's been 100 years since the government got back the control from the bankers. If Trump worked for them he would have never done this and left it as is. You fuck over the FED and you are on (((their))) bad side.

This is amazing news. People will still be working but now they won't be fucked super hard from currency and market manipulation if the government has seized control of the printing of money and buying out huge amounts of the markets at 0% interest with the FED providing the loans

We are truly living in historic times

Lets say this is true.
What implications does it have for the common man? How do we put ourselves in a position to best take advantage of what's about to unfold?

>190. Standard Bank of South Africa (South Africa) Account no. 4259734811 with account name of White Spiritual Boy and with standing balances of US$ 2, 000, 000, 000, 000 reconfirmed and reconsidered matured audit dated December 1, 2008 that guaranteed and reconfirmed earned worth of US$ 986, 000, 000, 000 from the month of May up to this month in the total of US$ 2, 986, 000, 000, 000.

In 2018 the federal government spent $325 billion paying interest on the federal debt. Setting that to zero and reducing expenditures on SS, Medicare, and Medicaid (by limiting immigration via the public charge rule, and by growing the economy to reduce citizens' reliance on the programs) will allow the US to balance the budget without raising taxes.


is that a Q


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Someone please explain how this went down and why it's important to a brainlet like myself.

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>lets just trust these sketchy jews to help us for free
Ok retard.
All your evidence points to the exact fucking opposite to what you're saying. Funny how no media has been kvetching from the top of their lungs over this and both parties were ecstatic to get that bill signed as quickly as possible and shaming anyone who even just a little accountability to what they just passed. In time when nothing has fucking happened and no evidence pops up to back up these ridiculous claims you'll have moved on to shilling some other bullshit as usual.

Can someone with no economic and financial background explain this to me:

How can this action taken by the Fed and Treasury possibly restore us to the gold standard?
Someone take me from point A to point B. It would be greatly appreciated by many.

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>do a 360 and walk away
what's that supposed to prove

more money in people's pockets, less money in (((theirs))), people's money being worth a lot more, people getting paid adequately and not being in debt-slavery

Controlling a nation's money supply is controlling a nation. Go ask the Rothschild's when they had the British Kings by the balls with loans of money.

Trump just said fuck you to them and just took over their biggest source of power, the control of the money. Something our founders feared the most, what Andrew Jackson fought for, what JFK and Lincoln tried to stop.

Trump bought shares in corporations with loan money, enough to make the government a powerful mover and BlackRock is their broker who are the largest investment firm in the world.
Trump has leverage by creating a plunge protection team using loaned money

>Funny how no media has been kvetching from the top of their lungs over this
How could they? They'd have to admit the true nature of the status quo ante - that a cabal of Jews not answerable to Presidential authority had run the money system of the United States since 1913 - in order to complain about Trump seizing control of the Fed.

>We'll visit the moon again in his second term, this time to stay.
Man I hope we really aren't that far behind and some our disappeared money went to secret space shit like many claim.

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Even if we aren't, that's relying only on public programs like SpaceX's Starship and NASA's SLS, the target date for humans on the moon again is 2024.

>puppet of the Jewish cabal
Epstein, Salzman, and Bronfman thought so.

can someone with*

Why do we think Trump will be allowed to succeed? How do we know there isn't a layer to this where another Jew(jew puppet) doesn't get installed as the person who dictates things?
Why do we assume we will be allowed to benefit from this, and not just consolidating their power under the guise of losing it?

And what exactly happens with $600 trillion?

If you have 100 products & 100 dollars then everything should cost about a dollar.

If you have the same 100 products but now have $1,000 dollars, then everything is gonna cost around .10c.

600 trillion with nothing to back it is just a number.

> enough to make the government a powerful mover
mover of what?
>Trump has leverage by creating a plunge protection team using loaned money
can you put this into other words I don't follow, sorry fren

Holy shit

>trump running a reverse psyop
>convince jew he is a jew pretending to not be a jew
nice timeline
too bad its bullshit

All I know for sure is that we are either supremely fucked for a long time or we are about to enter a huge golden age. I don't see much of a middle ground.

i feel the same way fren

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Trump was bragging about the great economy because he was using loaned money from the fed and goldman sachs to buy up stocks in the market.

>apocalypse or golden age
Sort of like what George magazine predicted for 2020.

That has an intentional hard starboard into a hard to port. The Q is interracial.

>And what exactly happens with $600 trillion?
We keep it. Sound money.

If you've been paying attention since 2015 you should know that the Jewish power structures have been throwing every trick in the book at him to try and stop him. They don't want him to succeed, but they can't do a damn thing about him anyways. From pussygate to impeachment to the coordinated overreaction to Corona-chan, it's all about stopping Trump, and we will continue winning. It's not 2020 I'm worried about, it's 2024. Trump will either need a third term or a handpicked successor to keep the momentum going. After Trump and another eight years of progress, we'll be set for a century.

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Mariner anons, is there any practical or procedural reason/circumstance why a ship captain would do this?

That looks pretty blatant to me. Like AF1 adjusting course unnecessarily to fly directly over the spot where JFK Jr's plane went in the water a while back.

i'm still confused as to how this temporary debt leverage ends up bringing the US back to the gold standard.

so far all i see is caps locks anons screaming about it, but i just don't get it.