Coronavirus rising rapidly in Romania

>Confirmed cases: 1,452
>Deaths: 30
>Recovered: 139
>Active: 1,283
>Mini: status unknown

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Other urls found in this thread:

Damn I need to fap

Built for the BBC

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Fuck I want to cum in a romanian bitch

stay safe virgin Mini !

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oh Mini, be mine.


wash ur hands Mini

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why did Yas Forums autists have to show their true power level and sperg out on the little hoe, now I cant discord friend her

Good goy

Big Bucharest Cock

I wan, pls

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In Quebec we have 2498 cases with 22 deaths, 164 hospitalised and 57 in ICU

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-03-28 13-12-19.png (592x848, 491.22K)


>I'm going to mess my hair up so I seem approachable to these autists and get lots of attention

Say the thing say the thing

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Glad I join her little discord server before it went to shit hahhaa got her nudes and sets I’ll be dumping soon lads

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Drop everything you have

haha again? this isn't her mate

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Someone please post Mini nudes

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What's her insta?

OMG tard waifu!

I don't even know if this is really her now in 2020, a Romaniabro implied it was

Attached: FB_IMG_1585332731247.jpg (1080x1350, 56.95K)

Stealing even virtually, huh...

searched with the same terms but nothing shows up

Coaie da-i pe images, esti prost?

What does Mini taste like?

arata 0 rezultate la fiecare categorie

Is Chanwhore Mini American?I've got the same eye color.

death rates skyrocketing among all groups EXCEPT FOR TEAM PEEP
nice knowing you fags
see you in the postapocalyptic paradise team peep masterrace


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>Deaths: 30
worst mass extinction ever

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its mostly boomers too, who cares really

shes from here

would pay to find out

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The Corona Virus (Jews) have Cucked me out of a wife. I am 25, I am a KHHV but I managed to find a girl (19) I am quite confident is a virgin and shares my values. She is my fiance and surprisingly her parents support our relationship. The problem is she lives super far away, we have met twice, we are both white.

We were going to move in together and get Married she even got her passport in order, but suddenly lockdown happens all the airports have been shut down and travel between where we live is currently impossible.

I feel like it's over for me bros, it's only gonna get worse isn't it? I'm going to die a virgin, i'm never going to have a wife. I can't stand being alone for much longer. I think i'm done. If we're not together i'm done, I don't know if I can recover.

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SHES getting fucked while you wait.


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Going to rescue Mini from this. Someone tell her to contact me

easy Vlad

Virgins don’t have puckered assholes

Who's this cute little slut?

not the cam whores!

So fucking what, after this shit is over these fucking boomers wont occupy all the seats in the bus

why can't the romanian whores on adultwork look like this

Mutt's law

Attached: mutt_law.png (680x681, 146.24K)

Of course you would have the same eye color! We blue-eyed, blonde people are less than 8% of the global human population!

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Are the police playing the anthem through the loudspeakers yet?

There it is!

Oh ffs, can we get a "the BBC" wordfilter?

I GOT IT! Wordfilter "BBC" to British Broadcasting Corporation

I just saw her anus.

Share with the class m8. We want to see her whorish romanian shithole

wouldn't it be funny if this happened again?

Attached: romania.png (1202x757, 1.21M)

she doesn't look romanian at all. someone said she was actually brazilian.

just think, this is what the shills have been reduced to. it's like watching a water droplet evaporate.

I don't want a ban.

I dont care what she is. Romanian, greece, brazillian, italian. I want to see her hole that she shits out of

doamne ce retardati incompetenti, mi se rupe inima de saraca fata

What happened here?

Dont be scared cunt. It will only be temporary. You dont need to post for 1-3 days. Theres plenty to consoom as is

Go into b now. I will post a thread called Romanian anus.


fug my Romania whores. Who am I gonna fuck now?? Hope they make it

buna gluma
hipsters started a fire at a hipster club.
the fire pulled a prank on them.

BASED I SEE IT. Its beautiful. Looks a ton of fun to eat and fuck. Thanks for doing that king

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Do what I said, cunt.


kill yourself nigger

dont cut yourself on that edge, gypsy

I would gladly lick every square inch of her body

I'd skip some parts.