The German police and Bundeswehr are arming neo nazis for a coup d'etat

German police and army as well as their SEK and the KSK forces are preparing for nationwide attacks on immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees and will be attempting to overthrow the current FRG government. Among them are army generals and high ranked police officers.

>Prominent figure Axel M. named the Austrian Walter K. Eichelburg, a far-right author, as the source of ideas. He claims that Muslims are preparing for an early uprising ("Muselrevolt") and will then conquer the cities. Civic forces would have to begin the "reconquest" from the land. In doing so, "blood will flow without end." Muslims must be crucified or staked,as must some "left-wing" politicians and bureaucrats, so that everyone can see who the enemies are and "what happens to them if they do not surrender voluntarily."

>Over 60.000 rounds of powerful ammunition, which had been manufactured especially for the SEKs in North Rhine-Westphalia, reported to have been received by police officer Marko G. From where and how it came into his possession is still unclear. It is believed that he received the ammunition at the private shooting range "Großer Bockhorst" in Güstrow, directly from SEK policemen.

>A death list that includes about 30.000 names and addresses of left-wing activists, anti fascists ,politicians and well-known figures from all over Germany.

>20 elite KSK (Kommando Spezialkräfte) soldiers are already under investigation for doing the Hitler salute and listening 'neo nazi rock music'.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This would be a happening for the ages, Corona-Chan has already been crushed under the Prussian boot

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How are they preparing if they have been busted already?


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Jupheidi und Bumsfallera

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I post it here again because our shitposting general is no help.
>How common is it to see a column of aircraft in the sky? I just saw about 7-8 plans flying close to each other in a line. 2 planes left the column for a short time. Two different planes followed a minute apart from each other. All did fly the same route and in the same direction. Looks like they did fly to Berlin or somewhere else in that direction. Couldn't make a video because street lights were ruining the shot.

They did fly south-west to north-east btw.

Big if true, have a bump

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Same shit is happening over here.

That many aircraft? My guess is they are transports. No plane did fly over that area on the flight tracker, so I guess they are official business. I don't think it could be anything non-military.

Wait so are the army generals and high ranked police officers working with the mudslimes?

Examples ? I realy need those whitepills these days


Dear God I just wish this was true.


Cool. that should happen any century now.

Please don't give me hope like that.
It's cruel.

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I want to beleive, but didn't Ostenhund bust loads of them a few years back ?

Where do I sign up? I want a nice house in the mountains.

I call bullshit and wishful thinking.

are those some antivaccine tier webpages?

I wish this were true desu

everyone who believes this fantasy roleplay is stupider than the niggerest, blackest gorilla nigger.

While sad and depressing, Germans are globohomo slaves and the only thing they would ever overthrow would be a government that prohibits sucking nigger cock.

God I fucking hope so I will learn German immediately.

>under investigation for doing the Hitler salute and listening 'neo nazi rock music
My sides

Based if true.

Men take back nation , plz

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It will not be allowed to happen.
Maybe after the depression really sets in and/or we enter into hyperinflation.


Take your meds conspiracy schizo

Well just sit this one out.

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I heard they have hitlers frozen head and are just days from thawing him out

Based SEK

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God damn it user, tell me more if you are not shitposting. Did you see aircraft columns at day lately? Could you identify them? I only saw lights in a straight line with two accompanying aircraft which should have jets. That is why it was weird to me. It's not a simple transport of good for the crisis.

Holy fuck I saw the same thing last night! Wtf?

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being this much of a retarded boomer that you believe this kraut version of Qanon

>should've been*

Stop shitposting this is serious.

>The German police and Bundeswehr are arming neo nazis for a coup d'etat

I wish it was true but it's just leftist scary stories to make the Michel believe a political cleanup in the force is necessary.

Merkur = neoliberal yellow press
Deutschlandfunk = state sponsored commies

Attached: SEK Berlin.jpg (938x470, 112.8K)

>Von 99 Luftballons
>Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
>Denkst du vielleicht grad an mich?
>Dann singe ich ein Lied für dich
>Von 99 Luftballons

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>everyone who believes this fantasy roleplay is stupider than the niggerest, blackest gorilla nigger.
>While sad and depressing, Germans are globohomo slaves and the only thing they would ever overthrow would be a government that prohibits sucking nigger cock.

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he looks like he's stuck, someone get him off the couch, he's struggling.

anyway what you said in OP was already known years ago, tag x thing

Shut up idiot

>happening announced on 4channel

aaaaaaand it's gone


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God speed brothers

Fake if gay.

>AUGs and MP5s


plague and war
i've read about that somewhere

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I seen a vid with 3 flying together at low altitude. There was a few others flying around all night.
There was nothing about it on the net either. You're probably right, I was thinking the same.

You won’t do it pussy. You will however accept about 2 million more brown low IQ refugees to rape your women and replace you, you can count on that!

>Over 60.000 rounds of powerful ammunition
okay, that's good, we wouldn't want them armed with the unpowerful kind

This CIA FBI and JIDF know now

Please God let it be so

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It was at a pretty high attitude I guess. I first mistook them for stars before i realized they were moving. Pretty close to each other in one line. I was baffled how many i've seen and thought shit is going down. I'm a little scared fren, but i hope it's just normal stuff at such a time.

Not lying. I was asleep, they were flying around last night for hours.
My family took vids and shared them in private group. It was the gossip of the day with the neighbours.


its 2020. Everyone knows the jews are the shcizo, they feear the goyim so much.. why? take your meds

Great if true.

More like if you're white and red pulled you're going to get project Zephr'd'

Same thing here last night. Flying roughly southwest to northeast. Quite a lot of them. Mostly one after another in a line. There were a few that were flying in a side by side formation.

Guys is this true? Can any Germans give me info? Is this public knowledge? Will the 4th reich be established? Would the general populace oppose it? I read that it's against the German constitution to change the demographics of Germany.

They looked and acted like normal aircraft. Same route some planes usually take. At least no ufo stuff

No Tesco express key worker.