das capitalism babey
america, land of the free
45 bucks in europe bro, feel like wining yet ?
When he was up there squeezing the bag, talking about how hard it is I wondered why they don’t just make an automatic bag squeezer. Duh.
That isn't a ventilator.
Anything you sell to the government will have a markup of 10-100x of what it should actually cost, and they'll still pay for it.
t. former Boeing employee
Time for mass politician killing is comming.
>That isn't a ventilator.
it is a manual one.
how hard is it to put a god damn pump on a fucking mask
that should not cost 45k to do
Ventilators are pretty complex, but the prices are marked up. Same thing with cardiac monitors (ones that can defib, pace, synch, etc) those cost around 35-55K a piece. Hospital beds, if i recall are around 75K.
There are differents setting/modes the vent has to have. Pressure controls, Tidal volume controls, rate control, etc.
Same reason government toilet seats cost $20k.
Abolish government. Today.
>electric motor
>timer and switch to reverse polarity
>capitalism caused this!!
you should make 1 and charge $44999 you would be rich,
This isn't government though. This is private business selling them for this price.
brb gonna go make some $44,000 ventilators in my shed
Don't want it? Don't buy it. If it can be made and sold for cheaper then it will be.
That's because the ruling kikes are in collusion with the military contractors. We unironically need to kill these people.
They threw a shitshow when musk btfo their bullshit with spacex. Musk doesn't even do any of that shit and spacex hasn't really been that innovative, they just make everything themselves and offer way lower prices because musk realized how absurdly corrupted and overpriced rockets were after he tried to buy one on a whim.
>45 bucks in europe bro, feel like wining yet ?
So export them for $55 and make a cool million or 2. Easy money.
it's horseshit regulations and government acquisition red tape bullshit that arbitrarily raises these prices.
Like the people in charge of trying to make this shit work are so retarded it would be better if they did literally nothing, that's how fucking stupid democrats and commies are.
Hi can I borrow your vent? Haha I'm still doing this bullshit even though I'm paler than a rain cloud and nobody has touched my cock in three years.
Can I smoke weed out of it?
Guess you still haven't figured out Musk is playing the game too.
He's just another actor pretending with his fake toy rockets.
I want to apply to Boeing in Portland, OR. Do you need DoD clearance to work for them? I was a laborer for 2-3 years, worked in factories and tunnels. Some pretty advanced stuff and picked it up fairly easy. I know they need engineers, but I’m not some retarded general laborer. I was put on to specialized units at those places when I was only 18 years old. I’m 21 now and am very computer-literate. Thanks in advance
that's actually what your pharma corps are doing,
also good luck importing anyhing remotly medical from EU during the pandemic
but does it make coffee?
That's not a manual ventilator. That's a bvm or Bag Valve Mask. I know it seems restarted but they are very different things.
Because the truth is thats their govt subsidized price so they cant make $$ on it like that
They're cronies. They're hiking up the prices because of the demand.
Space Sex has never been in space. Their "rockets" look like they were built for a 1970s Roger Corman Star Wars rip off and the car is space video is undeniably fake, even Musk said it looked fake (so it must be real).
i wonder if i can get a cool $1mil for my 02 concentrator from the govt.
Bruh, I work in aerospace. You'd be surprised what you can make and governments will buy. There are some companies that make specialty screws/bolts for repair/maintenance purposes for planes and are multi-million dollar small businesses. Incredible, really. Also, don't forget the $1,300 coffee cups the Air Force were purchasing.
Seriously, incredibly based.
That feeling when you already have a CPAP ventilator and a P100 respirator long before the shit hit the fan.
>That's not a manual ventilator.
it is what the fuck do you think he was saying while holding it you retarded fuck
this really, sad. fucking hell
The truth is they are fairly simple machines that they put a ridiculous markup on because you'll pay it anyway.
And cGMP manufacturing which is incredibly expensive and exponentially more regulated than conventional manufacturing
T. Have worked for 30 years in both fields
>t. former Boeing employee
what are you, a lawyer now?
im thinking 500k for my cpap machine lets make a deal cuomo
If you get the Shanghai Shivers you can turn your car's exhaust into a ventilator with duct tape and a hose.
>fake rockets
Schizos, get off my board.
I actually have two, kek.
>make a product cheaper
>get sued
Its capitalist monopolies that make prices absurd. Like the 3d printing company that got sued for making $1 ventilators
seeing how many boeing plane crashed recently he's certainly not a landing expert
after 25 million years for the patent to expire and 41 bazillion dollaryjews paid for "licensing"
the problem isnt capitalism, its "intellectual property" laws
jews conned everyone and convinced us that thoughts, ideas and plans are totally 100% equivalent to real things that you can hold in your hand, so now a plastic facemask with a variable pump on it costs $45,000
yes yes im sure that cost so fucking much in r&d, here's your thousand year patent now nobody can compete with you because you own the "rights" to the mere vague idea of a simple mechanical device
They make it cost that much to justify more stimulus. They WANT to spend money. I saw a documentary that showed a US hospital charging $20 for a cough sweet or cough drop whatever you guys call it.
>Trillions of National Debt
>Bank bailouts
>Corporate subsidies
>Social housing
>Stock buybacks
>Fiat currency
>Quantitative Easing
>Central banking
>Too big to fail
>World Bank
>International Monetary Fund
arent "capitalism". If capital can be created at will its not capital. All those things listed affect the purchasing power of ALL the currency in circulation - it affects the collective.
this is communism - global communism.
Human lungs have different capacities and you don't want to pop a persons lung with a rube goldberg level ventilator.
imagine being this retarded
Ah the power of capitalism saves us again
Yes - They WANT to spend money. They WANT to exced their budgets - so they get more budget.
There is no amount they are limited to because they can just print more.
WTF pol you guys are fucking retarded. I see more redpilled people on twitter when it comes to economics jesus fucking christ
>The truth is they are fairly simple machines that they put a ridiculous markup on because the government will pay it anyway.
I mean, this isn't why government toilet seats cost $20k, but it's absolutely true in its own right.
No >> > > > > >
This is Yas Forums man, facts don't apply. Let these retarded kids ghetto rig some shit with vacuum cleaners and leave it to natural selection...
jokes on you the $45k ventilators are also being made by (((Mr. Goldberg)))
This and without intellectual rights and patents there is no incentive to throw millions of dollars into developing the best ventilator money can buy. Anyone who claims otherwise is a brain dead communist.
Is hard...for your jewisnesh
>Human lungs have different capacities
t. mask selling shill
Ventilators are not a not mask with an air pump on it. It has an oxygen tank, which it must carefully add to the air. It has an adjustable pressure system. Too high and you damage the patient's lungs. Too low and the patentient wont get enough oxygen. The computer system monitor's the patients blood oxygen levels and alarms when things go wrong. There are systems to monitor air leakage, power failure, mechanical failure. There are backup batteries in case of power failure. Ventilators are design such that no single point of failure will take down the system. If the entire system fails, release valves open and allow the patient to breathe.
You could attach a motor to a mask, but it wouldnt do a quarter of what a ventilator does.
Damn, I can make one better with only 20k how about it?
Those 100 dollar pills old boomer fucks need are made in china for pennies. Capitalism in action.
This is why he is stockpiling them, he wants to sell them all after this is over and retire.
The niggers in Italy are dying from a cold.
imagine being so retarded you don't even know the entire reason we have inflated to fuck healthcare prices is half bureaucracy and half retarded government regulations dreamt up by idiots who think the answer to everything is to argue with a diametrically opposed ideological party to try and control everything
Retard. It's not the cost of the material, it is the billions of dollars of development, testing and FDA approval that take 20 years on average before any drug sees the market. Jesus you commies are stupid as FUCK.
The volume is limited by the bag.
You "it's complicated, bro" faggots want to pretend that EMS don't routinely use nothing but a bag with valves and some hand pressure to ventilate patients?
Fuck off. It's not complicated.
keep saying it
give me a fucking break user
>t. future ruptured lung patient
Just shove a compressor hose down your neck if you're so retarded.
>Like the 3d printing company that got sued for making $1 ventilators
those 3D printed parts those italimutts made are most likely not made of medical grade plastic, wouldnt meet the safety guidelines etc, and that opens up a ton of potential litigation issues and most probably transfers the legal risk from the manufacturer to the hospital itself.
the FDA is comped.
No, it's jewish nepotism rinsing a captive market.
Yes most government agencies are captured. But that's a different issue.
That's cute but the engineering involved to rotate the fastener in the c clamp at exactly the right angle will make it costly very quickly. Easier to have something angular (think just two flat pieces of metal) that will squeeze the bag from pi/3 to pi/6 radians, one piece can be fixed, your EM motor can drive the second piece back and forth.
I work on the finance side of a healthcare facility. It is ridiculous all the stupid shit they spend money on. Even the price to rent some of the equipment is extremely high. There are jews all the way up the food chain all leeching off the low income patients (your tax dollars) and bankrupting middle class patients.
Ems use hand pumped ventilation without taking woo woo "it's complicated, bro" measurements.
And no, oxygen pressure and flow is not hard to control. I bet you don't even know what a rotameter is? Tip: it's not introduced in a sealed and pressurised system so overpressure is not an issue. There is plenty of oxygen. Industrial operators use enough running one gas axe or heating ring, to supply ten patients.
>inb4 industrial oxygen has poison in it to prevent abuse.
Bullshit. If you are gasping for breath, you will not care if the life saving oxygen isn't "certified" for medical use (free money scam - is the air you breathe on main street fucking certified?)
Sit down.