14 of my 22 tenants are refusing to pay rent. I still have to make mortgage payments. This isn’t right...

14 of my 22 tenants are refusing to pay rent. I still have to make mortgage payments. This isn’t right. I am a human being that worked hard and bought rental properties so I could comfortably retire and tend to my passions. Now I could potentially lose my life’s work because of slackers who live hand to mouth and refuse to have emergency funds like responsible members of society. I have a family to feed to, why shouldn’t I get paid? Why should I subsidise other people’s shelter from my own pocket? When are property owners getting OUR bailout? It's NOT fair.

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Just buy your mortgage from your local bank

Can you at least put in enough effort to offer fresh bait?

That's the risk of being a landlord. Landlord's should be treated better. We literally provide housing the sub humans.

when the crisis is over call the police to kick them all out and sue the crap out of them

Pull out from your rainy day fund. You should have enough savings to last you a month or two, don't you? You've been responsible with your finances, haven't you?

burn down the complex, kill off the leeching tenants, get insurance money

Better call the bank up. I’ve got no sympathy for landlords who fail to do any basic planning.

Show those peasant's what the lord in landlord really means.

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>We literally provide housing the sub humans
This is why you're part of the problem and can suffer for all I care

>still have to make mortgage payments.
>and bought rental properties

Your bank bought the property moron.
Play kike games, win kike prizes.

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>refuse to have emergency funds like responsible members of society

If you had saved emergency funds you wouldn't be losing your life's work or your family.

You shouldn't have taken out such an expensive mortgage, user. That was an incredibly risky thing you did and now you need to face the consequences like a man.

Again I ask who the fuck is making these threads? For what purpose? Also if you were dumb enough to make you lifes work fall apart due to 1-2 bad months you are nigger level of smart.

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get a real job

Based and kek'd

Cold pasta, kill yourself.

Commies hate landlords. Not entirely sure why.

I mean, my God man. What did you think was going to happen? You leveraged your savings on what? Several million dollars of debt through a mortgage. Then you expect the lowest members of society to just give you money consistently every month without consequences? That's an insane idea you had, and the worse thing is that you are also damaging our society with your poor decisions. Shame on you user.

This is what I hate most about tenants. They think that the money is all into the bank account and paid off. Most landlords don't have the property paid off, they are taking a risk and investment and still have alot to pay. I have 2 properties neither paid off and roach tenants always cause problems.

Thanks for the heads up OP. Luckily the tenants I have are mostly good and reliable and have continued to pay rent. One is currently laid off and has not gotten unemployment yet, so we are going to work out a payment plan for April, but I also have a vacant house right now and I took it off the market 2 weeks ago due to all this. I'm fortunate enough to own my properties free and clear, so I will get by assuming this doesn't go on for years, but this government overreach into the private transaction between tenant and landlord is disturbing. I'm wondering if it will only be a matter of time until they find un-rented properties and force us to give them over to homeless people who need to self-isolate as our 'civic duty' as Americans. This is all so upside down.

You chose to be a landlord. There are no guarantees. Owning a rental property is not a guarantee of financial security.

Evict the fuck out of them and find someone who will pay.

Funny thinking that's enough to pay off mortgages

Because commies are nothing but leechers

Plant drugs and call the cops

You know user, you should have several months of expenses saved up for just such an emergency. It was very irresponsible of you to take on financial responsibilities you couldn’t handle.

Conservatives approaching the point

From one landlord to another. This entire situation is fucked. My one and only tenant has been behind in payments for 3 months. But now that this wuhan virus is here, I can't even legally kick them out until the situation blows over. There's a 6-month period where you can't do nothing to them. Fucking mayor sucks

>Owning a rental property is not a guarantee of financial security.
It absolutely was until the gov't decided otherwise.
Up until now you lost maybe a month of rent, two tops during the normal 'eviction for non-payment of rent' process in the local courts.

Who gives a fuck. Set the houses on fire it shut the fuck up. Go to the ghetto and get Tyrone and the nigs to go collect rent. Pay them 20 bucks a piece and they will do it. But you'll need a gun to collect it from them after you get it because they will probably try to keep it. Just go blow your fucking head off in front of the tennants. Thatll show em. Call a meeting for all tennants then pull out a shotgun and turn around so your brains fly all over them all scaring them for life

If all the landlords refused to pay their mortgage the banks couldn't do shit. Think about it.

literally nobody feels sorry for you

nice larp

>I bought these properties
>I still have to make mortgage payments
Hahahahahahahahahaha get fucked gambler, maybe get a real job if you have to pay mortgage.

I know this is fake but what do landlords expect when they make a living off of the poor? Poors are not reliable. Do something else to make money.

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>I still have to make mortgage payments.
They not paying their rent with their Trump bux?
Just evict them.
How are they justifying not paying rent?
This is perplexing to me.

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>It's absolutely was
Waaaaaah waaaaaah I'm special I should make money no matter what I shouldn't have any risks in life waaaaah
Get fucked you gambled and lost

No, it wasn't. The government always had to ability to say otherwise. You are absolutely misinformed and a huge dipshit.

One post by this id

now you understand.

>I still have to make mortgage payments.
>slackers who live hand to mouth and refuse to have emergency funds like responsible members of society
Interesting self discovery you've just made! Good luck at the hanging!

>I should make money no matter what
I never said that. What I implied was that I should make money if I make a contractual agreement with someone that says they will pay me money unless X happens. Well X didn't happen, but the Trump government took it upon themselves to declare my contract null and void. This arbitrary change in rules is how society (and more importantly faith / trust in society) fails.

It's only fair.
You took a risk, you face the consequences.
Mark my words: You could get ruined. And it would be fair.

State and local governments are suspending evictions during the pandemic. Landlords now have to be chad enough to perform an off the books, informal eviction. Pussies aren't evicting shit.

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he took a risk under a certain set of rules, and now the rules changed. Government going around changing the rules on people will cause society to collapse.

Fuck you bougie scum. Get your mortgage deferred (interest will still accrue)for 6months.

Cut water and power suply?

You could switch the labels there and it would be the exact same thing, Fags cant meme

>I still have to make mortgage payment

>bought rental properties


"Financed" is the word you're looking for..?

kek, landlords FTW!

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>ever paying more than 800$ PMI on a 30 year mortgage.

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So did Adam Smith.

Posting in a LARP thread

I have 10 units myself but unlike the US, France isn't a shithole so i'm not worried about people being able to afford rent or not

My job lost business due to the Coronavirus and is no longer employing me. This isn’t right. I am a human being that worked hard and got a good job so I could comfortably retire and tend to my passions. Now I could potentially lose my life’s work because of slackers who live hand to mouth and refuse to have emergency funds like responsible members of society. I have a family to feed too, why shouldn’t I get paid? Why should I learn a needed skill? It's NOT fair.

Yeah dude, we're all fucked. The majority of us aren't getting out of this without debt.

If you get foreclosed on you get your money back after fees, retard. I'm not going to cry over you being made to cash out on an investment that made you rich up to this point.

Sue them afterwards, use your rainy day fund in the interim. I hope you have 2 months saved up user, it’s your fault if you lose your properties because you were living hand to mouth.

Yep, that’s what everybody is dealing with now. Hope he saved enough before hand to weather this storm lol

>I am a human being that worked hard and bought rental properties
You used your money to buy other people's homes.

>Why should I subsidise other people’s shelter from my own pocket?
Your pocket is why they can't afford homes of their own. You've bought up the supply. You complain about shitty parts of town and an ugly cityscape when you make it with your own hands. Some countries have already legislated against this, but until then, you get what you deserve. Enjoy your niggers.

>have 22 properties to rent
>14 aren't paying
You should still have enough money to feed your family and pay your mortgages. Responsible members of society don't have more than one mortgage at the same time.

>When are property owners getting OUR bailout? It's NOT fair.
Society doesn't have to subsidise you making society worse.

I would kind of feel sorry for US landlords if I didn't remember that they borrowed money to buy the property. What did you expect? If you're not able to have this thing under control when people can't pay the rent, then it was just a gamble and you lost. Yeah, under ideal social circumstances, this investment could've worked out. Coming from Europoor, buying property from borrowed money is just stupid. You save up first and then buy it with cash. You wouldn't have that problem then.

C.i.a bastard. You keep posting this pasta over and over

>mfw I own my own house and the 5 apartments I rent

feels fucking good niggers

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>Buy rental property
>Use rental income to build equity
>Decide levereging equity to buy another property is more important than building a fund for repairs or acts of god
>Repeat for years building income based on a house of cards
>Economy dumps and you lose payments/tenants and your credit induced lifestyle crumbles around you

Huh, almost like this happened around a decade ago too.

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Kek, I know that's pasta or based on pasta but landlords are leeches. Buying property and renting it out is not a job or a career, it's a scheme. Who else in this world schemes? Hmmmm? Landlords are lazy fucks who got tired of doing actual work and were too stupid to create real businesses or invest wisely, so instead they just leech other peoples' cash reserves for their own retirement. When will you morons on here understand this, people do not need to own more than 1 or 2 properties. More than that is just Jewry, but obviously less than that is communism.

Day of the demolition when?

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Get fucked usurer!

Stop using words you don't understand

Hahaha...usury is evil. Enjoy your just deserts.

Learn to code!

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replace mortgages with rent

>they are taking a risk

And risks don't always pay off. Better luck next time, champ.

>I still have to make mortgage payments.

> Now I could potentially lose my life’s work because of slackers who live hand to mouth and refuse to have emergency funds like responsible members of society.

>I still have to make mortgage payments

>refuse to have emergency funds like responsible members of society.

I agree with the premise of your statement, however you have some cognitive dissonance and a touch of hypocrisy at play here.

tap into your rainy day fund

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Lmao didn't you have a 6-month rainy day fund?

Irresponsible entitled millenial landlords lmao.

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Not all high risk investments show high reward. Should have known that going into buying property.

>shouldnt i get paid?
No, you should emergency funds just for this

Get fucked

Yikes, spotted the illegal.

Definitely. 44 mortgage payments is a trivial amount of money to store in case the subhumans you shelter shirk their responsibilities.
Definitely comparable to just saving enough money for a couple of months of just food.

Kys cunt

Kick them out stupid. There isn't anything sad about this, if a tenant doesn't pay rent you can ignore it or kick them out. Those were always your options and still are.

Enjoy bankruptcy jew.

Turn off the power, don't maintain the property until they pay

> (OP)
>tap into your rainy day fund

Like one of those responsible members of society OP claims to be. If you don't have a minimum of 6 months mortgage payments available for *every single one* of your mortgages, you are not a responsible member of society. OP didn't read all of Carlton Sheets' instructions. I did.

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Talk to the bank. Tenants ought to pay up once this shit is over and the eviction protection is over. They are still under contract.

Invest your money in the stock market where at least it's doing something good.
Running up real estate so young people can't afford to buy houses is fucked.
Hope everyone learns a lesson out of this. Let the market make the corrections.

it is fair because that's capitalism babey