Simp and roastie get redpilled by Yuri Bezmenov

Lmao. Which one of you did this?

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if you're wearing a fucking flannel shirt and you don't work outdoors i hope you get the worst form of every disease ever
it is honestly aggravating. i dont give a shit about anything else but there is something about this that just enrages me
you look like an absolutely murderable fag doing this shit fuck

It's just a shirt faggot. Calm down.

>and you don't work outdoors
And why would an outdoorsman need one?

Fuck you mutt, I love flannel shirts. Everyone who is white wears flannel shirts here. I am going to order a few more of them right now just because you're a flannel hating nigger.

Link to video, I saw this faggots once watching anime

These two react to a bunch of history videos and the youtube history videos community got mad at them for it.

>working outdoors
>during quarantine
Stop being a bad goy.

they are generally nice and thick
i hate canadians so much
in the open air it is fine
plus my work is considered essential

Start worrying about more important things you stupid faggot.

not a real canadian obviously

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i see i struck a nerve here
do you feel like a lumberjack when you wear it to starbucks hahaha you fucking queer

The roastie doesn't understand a word. The basedboy seems to get it. Skip to the end to see their comments.

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>if you're wearing a fucking flannel shirt and you don't work outdoors i hope you get the worst form of every disease ever
it is honestly aggravating. i dont give a shit about anything else but there is something about this that just enrages me
>you look like an absolutely murderable fag doing this shit fuck

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I agree, user, if you're not naked in your own home are you really even free?

this girl

I am so much of a coomer that I know this guy and girl made a sex tape that can be found online by searching for it by their YouTube name. she thicc

i would say no
i walk around naked. my chick walks around naked. every man in my family walks around naked in their yards and in their houses
you might think i am joking, but i am not

>Simp and roastie get redpilled
They didn't retain a single word said in that video.

That cat is fucking awesome

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You can practically see this information going in one ear and going out undigested from her other ear.

Dude what the fuck is wrong with you? How can you know every single fucking roastie with a sextape?

For real. Their solution was to get a boat and live on the seas eating crab legs. These faggots will definitely be facing the wall.

Based and garden of Eden pilled, just watch those gators don't snap your johnson, brother.


gavin newsom?

Cats are for faggots and women

>t. urban retard
Cats are fucking genocidal little bastards to anything threatening your grainz.

Lol based autistic lumber jack larper

sniveling chaim spotted.
roasties love flannel shirts on dudes that's why it triggers you

even your women that you tell to hate us still want to fuck the goyim to get our eye colors.
If you roll up the sleeves you are pretty much in it to win it.

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god damn she is fine asf, all I want is a fellow blue eyed brunette qt. fuck this faggot

lmao he looks so uncomfortable, like he is realize how true it is. The girl tuned out as soon as Yuri started

>race car gaming chair
Sure sign on low test.

Fuck you and you fb and leldit terms

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we only have snapping turtles around here and my brother called me the other day saying he saw a mountain lion
believe it or not, i am in new england. in the woods, but new england nonetheless


That's weird to people that haven't been molested.

>This is what autistic lumberjack rage looks like, and it's stunning.
Flannel shirts are everywhere, sweetie. Muh outdoors work. Imagine being this triggered over an ordinary shirt. Yikes.

ashtyn looks like she could take a thousand cocks at once

>They didn't retain a single word said in that video.
Look at that thots soulless dim watt bulb eyes

no, it's just weird when you see a fag wearing it
because you know they are doing it for the image and they work in a call center or IT or something
some gay shit




The pain on the dude's face gives me hope.
Maybe he understand the abyss in front of us.

i read threatening your gainz and was about to get one, who cares about empty non-fibrous carbs eww

Gee that’s great user. I think I’m gonna go get cozy in my flannel shirt, sit in my neet cave, and wrap up in a nice flannel blanket.

>The guy with a nice gf is a simp and she's a roastie
>says the butthurt incel that has never kissed a girl and uses a meme flag.

kek how is it possible that every """"historian"""""is both elitist and a cuck

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relax you flaming faggot, its just a shirt

Well, they are threatening your gainz, too. Grass goes in cow, gainz come out. God is very mysterious man.

these 2 bastards are so fucking retarded.
I don't get why anyone would give them a single shekel.

reaction channels shouldn't be a thing anyways.

>god wants me to have a cat
that convinced me, im getting one tommorow

>let me tell you about your country
t. Amerimutt
Flannel shirts are ubiquitous here, they have nothing to do with working outside. Difference is we wear the thick, padded, functional Dickies-type and not that fake thin faggot shit you mutts get from H&M or whatever. The only reason anyone would get mad about people wearing flannel is if you larp as le tough outdoorsman and feel that people are devaluing your unofficial uniform. Basically, you're a faggot.

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cats are depending on your character either the worst animal to ever exist, a simple beast/pet or your child/friend

They exploit your emotional vulnerability to get close to you(but the positive about it is you can deduce your emotional state e,g are you fag/woman to allow yourself to be exploited like this). This also extends to other cats you meet e.g you have a pet cat and you like him/her so naturally you start liking other flea bitten disgusting shits that rape and claw each other for sport simply because it's an evolutionary advantage that helps preserve them.

There's really nothing special about them yet I don't think they should be tortured or abused like any other animal.

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Whats wrong with her face?

I sure do love my flannel robes. I even wear them outdoors sometimes.

>more forced simp crap
Fuck off back to r*ddit and kill yourself, you jew bitch.

We should do this more often.
Time to spam my normie friends.