/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2665

► Detected: 651,656 (+55,343) ► Died: 30,303 (+2,961)

— 3.7 billion people put under lockdown —
— 202 countries and territories infected —
— 64% more confirmed deaths than swine flu in all of 2009-10 —
— 2,084 different strains have been sequenced —

Coronavirus spike already visible in mortality rates from Italy

Spain health ministry says up to 66% of deaths not detected

Spain mortality rate goes up 17% due to coronavirus

South Korea leading expert recommends wearing masks

China closes movie theaters again

Neuroinvasive potential of nCoV

N95 masks can be reused if dry heated at 70 °C for 30 minutes

Survivors will need rehabilitation due to neuromuscular damage

Coronavirus (SARS), not influenza (flu), not rhinovirus (cold)

HIV-like mutation made it 1000 times more infectious than SARS

MRC: 10% or less cases detected in China, 25% outside China

China regularly changes reporting to hide numbers

H1N1 only had 18,500 DNA-confirmed deaths, rest is estimated

According to CCP, the flu only kills 144 people a year in China

Pandemic to last 18 months and include multiple waves


19:26: 92 new cases and 1 new death in British Columbia, Canada.
19:20: 477 new cases and 4 new deaths in Quebec, Canada.
19:16: 151 new cases in Ontario, Canada.
19:04: 993 new cases and 18 new deaths in Michigan, United States.
19:00: 1,226 new cases and 18 new deaths in Germany.
18:54: 304 new cases and 2 new deaths in Texas, United States.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Actually most of those Italians who are dyeing are either southern Italians or southern diaspora in the North. Ask yourself why people are dying at rate similars to iran istead to those of civilized white western countries like France or Germany, the reason is there are millions of southern descendents in Lombardy with large genetic overlap with middle easterns like iran also badly hit by Coronavirus.

There are huge differences between North and south, especially the south is genetically a mix of Arabian-Turkish-Black genes, speaking of Italian nation is just a joke.

I live in North Italy ( Lombardy named after the Swedish tribe Longobards) and here the phenotype is mostly Nordid among actual natives ( tall, quiet, fair, intelligent). Lombardy is full of 3rd gen southern diaspora who flooded after the war, ethnic Lombards are actually a minority and we're the ones working for pratically the rest of the country sending rome more than 110 billions a year in surplus taxes. We could be like Austria or Switzerland if we were indipendent.

Lombardy is much more like Germany/France than rome/naples that you know from TV series. It is wealthy (finance, industry, and fashion) and Teutonic culturally.

A lot of Northern Italians have white skin and green eyes. The dialects even sound more German.

Remember to check your dental health, this really isnt the time for having issues with your teeth.

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Peacocks taking over Madrid? I fear things will become more surreal before this is over.

Godspeed Corona chan!

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>USA +14,325 (+282)


Literally just brush yo teeef my nigguh

Americuhhh fuck yeah

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you think it's a conspiracy because you understand fuckall about epidemiology or even basic math.
R0 of 2-3 vs R0 of 1.1 makes a MASSIVE difference in the number of infections and deaths.

i'm looking for that bar graph of deaths/per day with recent figures. does anyone have it saved, or know where i can find it?

This is extremely unintelligent.

Commence the raids and food rationing

USA is over

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>The Ministry of Health regrets to report the sensitive death of five people due to infection with COVID-19.
>A 50-year-old man who was admitted to the Almanzor Aguinaga National Hospital in the province of Chiclayo, Lambayeque region due to acute respiratory failure and COVID-19 pneumonia. His death occurred at 05:00 a.m. on March 26, 2020.
>66-year-old man who was admitted to the Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen National Hospital in the province of Lima, due to respiratory failure, sepsis and COVID-19 pneumonia. His death occurred at 9:30 p.m. on March 26, 2020.
>43-year-old man who was admitted to the Hipólito Unanue National Hospital in the province of Lima, due to respiratory failure, sepsis at respiratory focus, obesity and pneumonia with COVID-19. His death occurred at 02:16 p.m. on March 27, 2020.
>64-year-old man, from Hong Kong, who presented a picture of COVID-19 infection. His death occurred at his home located in the Cusco region at 03:20 p.m. on March 27, 2020.
>60-year-old woman who was admitted to the Alberto Sabogal Sologuren Hospital in Bellavista, Callao, for septic shock, respiratory failure, and COVID-19 pneumonia. His death occurred at 5:45 p.m. on March 27, 2020.


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i got the phlegm feeling in my lungs and its been a few minutes since i tried coughing it out and now its getting a bit tougher to breathe and now my body wants to cough.

how fucked am i........?

here you go fellow coomers


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>only 50k more cases

It’s slowing down isn’t it?

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Where are the fucking riot?

Thread theme

uh-oh spaghettios

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>curve already flattening in my state despite testing a completely unnecessary amount of people

just nuke NY and be done with it so we can go back to normal please

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April will be the month of Chaos, soon the world will be filled with people trying to live while others panic. Panic will be law and death will be seen as daily occurrence again, mass graves will begin worldwide once more.

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you have good days and bad days memeflaggot

Thaaat is where aligatre from :DD

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honky tiems

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>choke to death and die goyim, but don't stop working

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Reminder to all Bucharest anons: refuse to get tested when the mass testings begin tomorrow. Chances are that you'll end up infected after getting tested since the people that are doing can't even follow proper PPE procedures in their own fucking hospitals. Expect them to not even change their gloves.

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Really, because this is what I'm dealing with

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They're starting to chimp out in the south in Italy

Disgusting and gross and also nasty

Alpha Gen BTFO how could zoomers allow this?

Interesting. I wasn't aware of that.

>he fell for the Chinese labor meme

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Police are beating the shit out of people in India
>Police are beating the shit out of people in India
Police are beating the shit out of people in India
>Police are beating the shit out of people in India
Police are beating the shit out of people in India
>Police are beating the shit out of people in India


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>people are dying
>chimp out
>get infected

United States 116,910 (1,945) Italy 92,472 (10,023) China 81,394 (3,295) Spain 72,248 (5,812) Germany 56,202 (403) France 37,575 (2,314) Iran 35,408 (2,517) United Kingdom 17,089 (1,019) Switzerland 13,377 (242) Netherlands 9,762 (639) South Korea 9,478 (144) Belgium 9,134 (353) Austria 8,188 (68) Turkey 7,402 (108) Canada 5,434 (55) Portugal 5,170 (100) Norway 3,981 (22) Australia 3,635 (14) Israel 3,619 (12) Brazil 3,477 (93) Sweden 3,447 (105) Czech Republic 2,541 (11) Ireland 2,415 (36) Malaysia 2,320 (27) Denmark 2,201 (65) Chile 1,909 (6) Luxembourg 1,831 (18) Ecuador 1,823 (48) Poland 1,638 (18) Japan 1,499 (49) Pakistan 1,495 (12) Romania 1,452 (30) Russia 1,264 (4) Thailand 1,245 (6) Saudi Arabia 1,203 (4) South Africa 1,187 (2) Finland 1,167 (9) Indonesia 1,155 (102) Philippines 1,075 (68) Greece 1,061 (32) Iceland 963 (2) India 933 (20) Singapore 802 (2) Panama 786 (14) Dominican Republic 719 (28)…

United States +12,784 (+249) Italy +5,974 (+889) China +54 (+3) Spain +6,529 (+674) Germany +5,331 (+52) France +4,611 (+319) Iran +3,076 (+139) United Kingdom +2,546 (+260) Switzerland +449 (+11) Netherlands +1,159 (+93) South Korea +146 (+5) Belgium +1,850 (+64) Austria +491 (+10) Turkey +1,704 (+16) Portugal +902 (+24) Norway +210 (+3) Australia +257 (+1) Brazil +60 (+1) Czech Republic +262 (+2) Ireland +294 (+14) Malaysia +159 (+1) Denmark +155 (+13) Chile +299 (+1) Luxembourg +226 (+3) Ecuador +196 (+7) Poland +249 (+2) Pakistan +122 (+1) Romania +160 (+4) Thailand +109 (+1) Saudi Arabia +99 (+1) Finland +126 (+2) Indonesia +109 (+15) Philippines +272 (+14) Greece +95 (+4) Dominican Republic +138 (+8) Mexico +132 (+4) Argentina +101 (+4) Peru +36 (+5) Serbia +131 (+2) Croatia +71 (+2) Qatar +28 (+1) Egypt +40 (+6) Iraq +48 (+2) Algeria +45 (+3) Morocco +14 (+1)…


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Also theme

In two years time we are going to be living inside Psycho Pass.

Fuck the mods

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any chicago fags in this thread?

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All dentists are shut.
>tfw I need 4 extractions that are all awkward and need specialist treatment and was supposed to be sent a referral letter for dental hospital from my dentist and then the pandemic got declared

Fuck my luck.

We still have electricity, food, water and internet. My state isnt shutdown so I've been going out to eat and to the gym regularly. I was hoping for a happening too but it's been so damn boring.

So freedom of movement is gone for good, both locally and globally?

I missed the thread when we hit 30k. Any cool new Coronas from that?

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Ah fuck, not tomorrow, Monday.

>No idea, but it’s certainly affecting a certain New Orleans demographic more strongly at the moment given various socioeconomic factors
Can you be more clear? I have no idea what the demographics of New Orleans are.

Who the fuck makes these pepe memes?

Did you dip that in chocolate sauce?

>be powerful nation
>know how virulent and infectious COVID-19 is
>do nothing about it
>treat as less infectious than season flu
>but its more so
>get fucked by global pandemic
>because of ignorance
>no scientists in politics, just businessmen
I want to get of this ride

57,835 and the day is't over yet

gotta pump those numbers, those are rookie numbers

to beat yesterday's record they need to go at least 19.000 or 20.000 today

Disgusting birds

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A pasta pasta, wow.
You make us look bad, stop it.
Most intelligent Lombards agree this was their region's screwup and it's unfair that the whole country has to pay for it.

someone post the one of her dancing but the backside

stop posting this shit faggot
we already have this website

>Recall: hundreds of thousands of mouth masks in hospitals appear to be unsafe


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Where can I find out more details about Texas cases?

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Nigga, just buy the dips.

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No nigga im from tha 313 DETROIT FOR LIFE BITCH

Ion kno why my flag says canada niccuh i be in the 313 real sheeeeit

>Twenty five k and my life is still
>Trying to get up that great big hill of skulls
>For a vaccination

>I realized quickly when I knew I should
>That the world ain't made up of this brotherhood of man
>For whatever that means

>And so I coof sometimes
>When I'm lying undone tryin to get it all out
>Whats in my lungs
>And I, I am feeling a little peculiar

>And so I wake in the morning
>Can't step outside
>Try to take a deep breath and I begin to cry
>And I coof from the top of my lungs
>What's going on?

>And I coof, hey yeah yeah hey, hey yeah yeah
>I coofed hey, what's going on?

>And I coof, hey yeah yeah hey, hey yeah yeah
>I coofed hey, what's going on?

>Oh, *cough, oh, *cough*, oh
>Oh, *cough, oh, *cough*, oh

>And I try, oh my god do I try
>I try all the time, for self isolation

>And I pray, oh my God do I pray
>I pray every single day
>For a vaccination

>And so I coof sometimes
>When I'm lying undone tryin to get it all out
>Whats in my lungs
>And I, I am feeling a little peculiar

>And so I wake in the morning
>Can't step outside
>Try to take a deep breath and I begin to cry
>And I coof from the top of my lungs
>What's going on?

>And I coof, hey yeah yeah hey, hey yeah yeah
>I coofed hey, what's going on?

>And I coof, hey yeah yeah hey, hey yeah yeah
>I coofed hey, what's going on?

>And I coof, hey yeah yeah hey, hey yeah yeah
>I coofed hey, what's going on?

>And I coof, hey yeah yeah hey, hey yeah yeah
>I coofed hey, what's going on?

>Oh, *cough, oh, *cough*, oh

>Twenty five k and my life is still
>Trying to get up that great big hill of skulls
>for a vaccination

Attached: hey.gif (500x375, 1.03M)

>black hair
God they work so fast, my balls can't keep up

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The ride never ends

The marxist puppet promised pneumonia vaccines, how many health workers are infected?


He bought?

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United States (-4.22%) Germany (-5.29%) France (-4.84%) United Kingdom (-5.76%) Italy (-4.53%) Switzerland (-3.51%) Spain (-3.92%) Austria (-1.99%) Poland (-0.94%) Netherlands (-4.35%) Hungary (-1.99%) Russia (-5.73%) Greece (-4.52%) Brazil (-5.68%) Japan (+0.93%) Hong Kong (-0.48%) China (-0.29%) Australia (-8.82%) Singapore (-0.43%) India (-1.87%) South Korea (+1.78%) Taiwan (-3.70%) South Africa (-4.87%)

Sydney (0%) Tokyo (-3%) Beijing (-2%) Wuhan (0%) New Delhi (-42%) Dubai (-15%) Moscow (-25%) Rome (-26%) Milan (-15%) Berlin (-7%) Munich (-6%) Brussels (-10%) Paris (-33%) Madrid (-11%) Barcelona (-21%) London (-26%) Johannesburg (-3%) Sao Paulo (-31%) Buenos Aires (-23%) New York (-34%) Washington (-24%) Miami (-18%) Toronto (-30%) Chicago (-14%) Houston (-14%) Mexico City (-39%) Los Angeles (-25%) Seattle (-2%)

India (1.3b) China (760m) Pakistan (211m) United States (196m) Mexico (129m) Egypt (97m) Germany (82m) Philippines (70m) Brazil (66m) France (66m) United Kingdom (66m) Italy (60m) South Africa (56m) Colombia (49m) Spain (46m) Argentina (44m) Ukraine (42m) Poland (37m) Morocco (35m) Peru (32m) Venezuela (32m) Malaysia (31m) Nepal (29m) Australia (24m) Romania (19m) Netherlands (17m) Ecuador (16m) Belgium (11m) Tunisia (11m) Czech Republic (10m) Dominican Republic (10m) Greece (10m) Portugal (10m)…


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daily reminder that /cvg/ is for tripchads ONLY

Found the biological terrorist.

how is it the regions screwup?

I love peacocks. Funny birds.

Wonder how tight their cloacas are

Inshallah, bro.

Let me guess. Made in China.

>3.7 billion people put under lockdown

I work in a nursing home, my roomie is a public servant and both of us work with high-risk or people confirmed with COVID-19. Not feelign good today


no take backs bro

its just a flu bro

if you get rona you get rona

america #1

manifest destiny y'all


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That's not how you check your temperature, user.

I just realized, I am the only doomer Egyptian who post in /cvg/. Moving on, All that panic inducing crap going on aside, I used to feed some cats and dogs (lurking around in the park) leftovers/chicken bones/whatever across several years during my weekly jog. Their share continues to pile up ever since i cooped up inside my home.

Should I just go out there and feed them for their sake or should i just throw that shit in the trash? Seeing them gives me some peace of mind and lord knows i need some right fucking now.

yes. made in china, sold to dutch hospitals

The death of leftism is all I pray for.

Kill those rats, the parasites will leave the dead bodies


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It's too late for that

Nope. NEET that hasn't left the house since the beginning of January. I'm not infected and I won't allow those cunts to put their dirty gloves on me and infect me because they couldn't decontaminate their equipment.

NJ, NY, CT anons are you gonna be ok? Please stay safe.

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It’s already slowing down lmao, happening fags in shambles

I've got the virus. Feel free to ask me anything.

Is that shadman?

I'm the opposite. I want the ride to get worse. I have cases of MRE's and supplies. The only problem is that no one is taking it seriously. My state isn't locked down and people are just living their every day lives. I'm so fucking bored with nothing going on.

>it only kills people over 90
>it only kills people over 80
>it only kills people over 70
>it only kills people over 60
>it only kills people over 50
>it only kills people over 40
>it only kills people over 30
>it only kills people over 20
>it only kills people over 10

It only kills people


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this whole thing has guaranteed trump will be a 1 term president

Be my fren

Dömp eet

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slept @ 6am did new 600k corona get made

>Dump it

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>only 30 000 dead

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Spoopy image