
Why isn't there a pan-scandinavian community on Yas Forums? On Yas Forums we're thriving more than the regional skandi countries individual threads.

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We would just kill each other with axes

Floki fr Vikings discovered Iceland lol

Is this Pewdiepie?

Has to be a different flag though.


Attached: 2020-03-28_210251.jpg (1153x693, 113.08K)

Koronavirusball heima hjá mær í kvøld!

Makes no sense, the "cross x thing" shit is based upon the scotland flag.

Let's use this then

Attached: 2020-03-28_210621.jpg (991x736, 164.89K)

Or, and hear me out on this, maybe just maybe we use an updated Kalmar flag. You know, the flag based on pan-scandinavianism

kann eg koma?

what about pic related?

Attached: nordchan.jpg (608x547, 58.14K)


It's called St Andrews cross

Holy shit rare and based
If you're not just a VPN poster I really admire your country

Hello former west-norwegian now ruled by the dane-kikes

Because there are glorious Finns who ascend above off of the rest nordniggers


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Er du smitta av korona no, eller er du endå frisk?

Eg eri ikki sjálvur smittaður, men eini 150 fólk her eru.

Ja, eg såg dykk hadde 150 smitta der. Heilt sjukt at så mange av dykk er sjuke. Held deg frisk! Berre å helda seg heime, da er da beste ein kan gjera.

Well finns aren't scandinavians now are they?

No, but they are mixed in to populace, you know the term skogfinnar? Same with kvener in northern norway myself. I am 3 percent finnish, 53 percent west norwegian, and the rest is east-norwegian/west-swedish.

dead site, the Yas Forums generals are better

Thanks, we're quite proud of it too

hur kom corona till färöarna?

Med danskane trur eg. Kven elles skulle det ha vore?

Det første sygdomstilfælde kom fra en mand som havde været på konference i Paris. Der var også en skoleklasse som havde været på studierejse i Portugal, hvor nogle blev smittede.

tänker att det vore enkelt att spåra. bara nyfiken

because fuck swedes, fuck danes and fuck norwegians

Så det var ikkje danskane si skuld? Faen. Er der karantenetiltak og folk hev fått melding om å helda seg heime? Etestader, barer, skuler og liknande er vel stengd no?

jú, alt er stongd.

Dds, (((Ervin)))

Hallå och Shalom


shalom på dig då

Fuck off, you’re all cucks and would just form a megacucked nation together This is an English board you kikes


Shut up mutt

This, they’re all cucks and would just form the most giga cucked country that the world has ever seen

What’s that? Can’t hear you, all I hear is your gf moaning from taking the BBC

Pic related

Attached: muttslaw.jpg (249x250, 7.61K)

show flag

Yas Forums generals är på reddit-nivå.
Jag hoppas Yas Forums håller högre klass.

How does it feel like to live in the most matriarchal country in the world you pathetic cucks?

Yas Forums is an English board, learn the language or GTFO

Vi kan språket, vi väljer bara att inte tala det.

Halts Maul du dreckiger Mischling.

Learn English kike

We already speak english well, how many languages do you master, lad? I understand most icelandic, I speak and write swedish, norwegian and understand german and spanish.

Kek, and there’s the salty kraut who can’t get over the fact that he lost two world wars, his country is run he femoids and his gf is getting blacked

Based kraut

I only need 1 language you cuck

How narrowminded. Why don't you go home and redeem your goodboy points and get some tendies while suckling your mothers teats?

You should take this flag, rotate the stripes by 45 degrees so that they are diagonals, then put some stars along the inside of the stripes and I think you guys would be set.

Cant hear you, your gf is moaning from getting pounded by Tyrone

Because this board is full of discussions about wanting to be cucked by blacks and shit about homosexuality faggots. Make something Europe related and either moved to /bant or no one is interested because it has nothing to do with black dicks or trannys. Based Scandinavian bros tho

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ok cooper

Attached: 2452435.jpg (822x785, 128.6K)

How does it feel to live in the most matriarchal and cucked nation in the world, Sven?

You are literally talking about four countries which are top10 in everything basically

Top 10 in getting cucked maybe

show flag bbc lover

You cucks are making me ashamed that I’m 25% Swedish

What, you ashamed that you are a mutt?

Nej but the quality of life, happiness, higher education rates etc

Lmao I knew it was a mutt

You should be ashamed that you are a Swede
Seething lmao
Whiter than you Muhammad

Kan ni hjälpa oss om Putin vill ha kriget?

what? you ashamed you are a mutt and im not?

I am 97 percent scandi, 3 percent finnish by dna testing. I doubt you are "whiter" than me, whatever you mean by "white".

Aren’t you ashamed of living in the most cucked nation on earth?
Keep seething Mohammed

Säkert, vi kommer att kämpa tills den siste finnen :)

How does it feel to be a mutt and scared of showing flag?

såklart ett nordiskt brödraskap är ett av viktigaste vi har.

How does it feel that your wife will have had 10+ black dicks in her while I’ll marry a virgin qt?

Lol, this.

Mutts law. Really is that the only thing you Amerimutts can resort to?