i mean seriously how much of a cuck you need to be to support this guy? he is literally killing his people for his economy that will only serve their elite masters, why aren't you people mad or protesting or starting a revo? your country is being ruled by a fatass selfish piece of shit that gives 0 (zero) shits about his people, are mutts the purest representation of the NPC meme?
I mean seriously how much of a cuck you need to be to support this guy...
Other urls found in this thread:
And your country doesnt kill its own people?
Nobody wants to start martial law so the Anunnaki can return and unite with the lizard people.
A based cuck
Fuck off assad did nothing wrong
I always wondered how the leaders in North Korea kept their support. Now I understand.
>are mutts the purest representation of the NPC meme?
no but you might be
and here i thought the leaf was the biggest fag.
He is also currently importing 5
85,000 shitskin tech workers to take as many well paying jobs from Americans at behest of Silicon Valley
Personnality cult.
There were some excuses at the start as to why support Trump outside of his personnality, but now it has almost completely disapeared.
Not that it was any revelant to begin with.
no? we are killing mutts and pro mutt puppets, like isis, al qaeda etc
>for his economy
Donald Trump isn't the only person who would have a bad time if half the population's kept out of work for months on end you retard. Some of us like having an income.
the Annunaki blood is flooding my body and you or anyone in the world can stop what's coming from Mesopotamia
Listening to these histrionic dipshits screech for the last 3 years has been a source for endless entertainment.
Almost 5 to go.
Screech and seethe about orange man bad, it's fucking hilarious.
trumps lucky if he isn't lynched before all this is over
so you are proving my point, these people you call shitskins from the middle east were trying to save you and the whole world from what's coming, but you had to obey your kike masters.
personality? he is just the average rich selfish mutt claiming to be a rightwing and still supports LGBTQ rights, hypocrisy isn't a personality.
so you think having your daily and/or monthly payment is more important than the life of your family and beloved ones? the GDP of america is high enough to provide every american with what they need during these times but you keep being a little babyboomer faggot that thinks the absolute form of capitalism is the only way to keep things natural, NOW YOU SEE THE RESULTS
yeah good luck with that mutt, the nature of your people won't do such actions against their masters.
Honest question. How did you feel about Saddam? What would you say his biggest triumphs were?
He is entertaining, that's literrally why so many people love him.
I don't really consider him as very intelligent but if you can't see how he has charisma I can't do much.
Are you religious? If so, what religion?
Saddam was a cia puppet and his furst mistake was basically reaching power to overthrow the Iraqi nationalist leader Qassim with the help of the CIA, pic speaks for itself.
i'm not religious and if i was i would be considered a shia.
So who would you have considered to have been the last great leader of your countrymen?
i can see that he is a hypocrite, modern day boomers love it and if you can't see why i can't do much.
>he is literally killing his people
I'm pretty sure #NotMyPresident retards don't count
they are your people, right wingers and left wingers, capitalists and communists, you do know that he isn't aiming for a specific group right?
>he is literally killing his people
>protesting or starting a revo
u miss this guy sandnigger don't u?
i don't miss sunnis,
go defend your borders from roaches instead of using the net, cuck.
Look at Barry with that thousand cock stare.
HOLY fucking BASTE
amerijewmongrelmcmurkyMUTTS irrevocably BLOWN the absolute fuck OUT
Actually none of this matters anymore. Donald Trump represents the old world. There are many who cling to the world of the 20th century because they want form, they want order, and they can not bear the unknown which is surfacing through 21st century chaos.
The rebellion against the Deep State storyline is a boomer LARP, but many zoomies and millennials bought into it because they are cringe roleplayers. All of that will soon fall apart too.
Lol Get Bushed faggot and we're giving Trump another 4 years
Shills on suicide watch. Trump approval rating has just hit unprecedented territory. 47.3 on RCP avg of polls.
so as i said, the problem comes from the nature of the american people.
you wouldn't even have internet without us. say thank you.
Iraq and iran are the only countries in the world that are openly anti kikery, as for Iraq it's been like that since the first establishment of the Mesopotamian empires.
>another 4 years
good, i want to see mutts suffer more, i want the collapse to happen after i graduate so i can fully enjoy it.
internet ruined my life dumbass, so did you to this country.
no, you ruined your life, but all you say is very close to truth imo. first based Yas Forums thread in weeks
individuality among a backward society isn't a choice, don't blame me for not accepting the way my people are and escaping to the net to cope.
it was rigged
we gave you internets and stopped uday from buttfucking your sister
Hey what's life like over there in Iraq? Did we fuck it up?
you gave saddam the power he didn't deserve, you have no right to claim saving us from something you created.
>this whole thread
Iraqanon is so fucking based holy shit.
coming from the country who gassed their own people. lmao
Well here is the wake up call faggot, most of the deaths aren't in Trump country. Even if you win the popular vote, you can't afford the loses and their is not enough faggy liberals in the suburbs and fly over country to make a difference. You are losing blue state voters by the second.
I can feel the seethe of this illiterate magat through the screen.
let's claim you are right, so you are admitting that he is killing people that basically reject him? despite liberals and lefties that you hate, how about white people that basically don't want an ogre to rule the country? someone that doesn't force sanctions on third worlds which causes for more immigration?
You started running your mouth about the election seething first. China developed this virus to destabilize the world economy and take out Trump. Enjoying you 50 cent per post paycheck from the PRC? Go neck yourself faggot.
it's comfy and safe after the defeat of isis, just stay the fuck out.
was done by saddam, saddam is dead.
Are you sitting in the same PRC disinformation cubicle with him? Your little propaganda campaign won't work, the virus back fired and Trump will be reelected. Try nukes next time.
>China developed this virus to destabilize the world economy and take out Trump
Lmao, take your boomerposting back to facebook where it belongs.
Perhaps we will find out soon.
Now the faggot liberal shitholes are screaming for daddy Trump to save them. Fuck em. Karmas a bitch.
Sorry for what Israel and Bush did to y'all.
Trump liked Sadam fyi
>saddam is dead
oh gee whiz i wonder who could've done that
>why aren't you people mad or protesting or starting a revo?
Give it a few months before shit gets ugly.
Q is gonna BTFO you JIDF shilsss
get paid pupper
i'm a hikki that browses this shithole of a site talking with miserable autists, this isn't the best place to spread real propaganda.
the virus ruined the general view on your president, more than before.
Also isn't ironic that all the liberal sanctuary cities are getting hammered hard and the New York Times didn't even label the big circles of death with city names. Funny huh???
Take your ass back to the bus stop and give out free blow jobs to support immigrant rights.
lol...yeah, you fucking guys are scary as fuck.
Imagine being an Iraqi retard and posting this. The absolute hilarity of you incel freaks.
you overthrew him, we killed him.
>the GDP of america is high enough to provide every american with what they need during these times
So you think it'd work great to make half the population stay at home and do nothing for a few months because other people working can pay for that? What the fuck do you think will happen months later when you let everyone resume business? Employers aren't just holding onto everyone's jobs for them while business is dead. They all get laid off and then you have half the population trying to compete for the same few job openings the moment you lift lockdown restrictions.
PRC network through Iraq? Wow didn't take long for you to get a new colonial master did it? Hope your Chinese masters pay you well for your shit posting.
I prefer Hezbollah shill thanks.
Which of these lovely ladies is you, OP?
Get paid pupper
your anger is rational. however ur reasoning isn't.
if you can't see there are a lot of Americans/patriots that are trying to currently oust the globalist scheme that hangs over the world, then idk. lumping everyone into that bucket is just unintelligent.