The holocaust didn't happen as we know it, convince me otherwise

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It happened, but the numbers were massively exaggerated.

I'm Helping!

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>Electric floor
>Disintegrated by intense electricity
My sides

They didn't burn bodies the same way

>go to reddit
>contrive a stupid conversation full of regurgitated talking points
>bring it back here like a macaroni painting made of feces
yeah you're great, op

>convince me otherwise
Why would anyone want to convince you otherwise when your mind is already made up you stupid nigger

Exterminationists have no answer

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That's too vague of a sentiment to disprove. If you told us what you think the Holocaust really was then I could disprove it.

But about the gas chamber thing, not all jews were killed in gas chambers, fuck not even most of them. And those who were gassed weren't turned completely into dust, they were gassed enough to be killed then thrown into a mass grave. Combine that with the fact that the gas chambers the Germans made obviously wouldn't be made to regular safety standards of modern day crematoriums. the gas chambers could have easily gassed all they did

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Merkel won't like hearing this Sweden
Pictured is her reaction to your post.


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>Sure thousands upon thousands of people have studied and looked over the situation who all agree with the conventional idea of the Holocaust, plus all of the survivors and guards who admit it, but look at what 4 randos had to say
>holohoax disproved

I believe some people died of typhus or starved to death, but I don't believe mass killing in gas chambers ever happened. Anne Frank died of typhus, which was a disease transmitted by body lice.

Zyclon B was for killing lice as there was an ongoing typhus epidemic and would not be an effective way to kill human beings. Both typhus and body lice have been mostly eradicated in the developed world since WW2.

Anyone that questions the Pence Cremation method will be charged with Holocaust denial

>it even got upvoted 5 times
god damn

Found the kikel. Give me a plus sign, jew.

Yeh I agree. I'm sceptical about the use of gas to kill Jews. I do believe a fair amount were killed by firing squads though.

>Both typhus and body lice have been mostly eradicated in the developed world since WW2.
You sure about that mane?

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There is a minimum amount of energy required to cremate a body into bone or ash. The process still requires a large energy input and can't be made more efficient. You can calculate the amount of fuel required to vaporize that much biomatter, compare it to the amount of fuel they actually had on hand during the shortages of WW2, and realize that something doesn't add up, Germans would be prioritizing body burning over fueling their tanks.

If you've ever met someone who has had either of those, you're probably pretty low-class

There are many more than "4 randos" as you put it, and ALL of the nazis tried at Nuremberg were tortured, all but 3 of them had permanent testicular damage.
So you're perfectly fine with a thousand lying Jews the world over telling their made up stories about electric floors, rollercoasters of death and human skin lampshades, and the admittance of guilt by soldiers who were tortured so badly they had permanent damage is totally legitimate to you? Or are you just another filthy lying kike pushing the holohoax?

Ok where are the bodies. Modern machinery was used to search for mass graves of kikes but was not able to locate any.

This is weird!

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The OP didn't post that, I did

I'd be interested to see any sources anybody has about torture at the Nuremberg trials, I have only seen memes about it, would love to pull that card IRL

yes but that has nothing to do with the pic which arguments from a time perspective, the Italians could easily cremate the bodies, they do not want to because EU Norms and respect for the dead the animal waste plant i work at could easily burn a 1000+ bodies a day on top ov our daily load, and so could italian ones

David Irving, (the famous WW2 historian) agrees with us.

That's still only 365,000 a year and I bet your facility uses an extreme amount of energy.

there hundreds of documented mass graves in the east
for example

Some jews died in WW2, likely around 300,000. Jews were held in camps in WW2. Jews starved in camps in WW2. Jews were not gassed by the millions. There were no 'death camps'. There were no masturbation death machines. There were no railway cars that went directly into ovens. There was no systematic effort to exterminate all jews by the Germans. There was no 6 gorillion. Jews in camps had typhus and camps were de-loused with Zyklon B just like people, ships, and warehouses were all over the world.

The Germans were blockaded and starving. Therefore there prisoners starved as well. The combination of typhus and starvation due to the blockade and 24/7 nationwide bombings cutting supply lines and crippling the nation resulted in a lot of prisoners dying. In order to decrease the rate of typhus infection the bodies of the dead were burned, just as the allies did when they captured the camps. The concentration camps and deaths of some jews (likely around 300,000) was real. The 'holocaust' is an event GREATLY exaggerated in order to increase jew political power and their ability to manipulate others to their benefit post-WW2. Thus, it should be labeled the 'holohoax'.

The full truth about jews and WW2:

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>convince me otherwise
nigger the fuck you thing you at?

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wow 1000 victims?

you only need 59,000 other sites like that to make the story true

This. Probably most politicized event in modern history, pretty much foundational myth of liberal world order after WW2

>walks out alive watching every one else die
>Nazis just let her go her own way

>That's still only 365,000 a year and I bet your facility uses an extreme amount of energy.
Yes it uses during the height of the BSE crisis we burn more than 150 000 tonnes a year which would be around 2,4 million (a lot more if you just burn to the bones) people just in our facillity, im arguing that from time perspective the italians could easily burn their dead its a shitty argument comparing modern cremation to anything because its regulated to death

Yep. I have yet to see anyone ever disprove this red cross document. And no, a damage control statement from them 40 years later does not count.

There were no gas chambers. There was no systematic plan to kill Jews from Nazi Germany. They were labor camps. And the Germans actually treated the kikes better at these camps than other countries did. Any death of Jews at these camps was from Typhus and allied bombing of the supply lines. So some Jews starved at the end of the war. Thus the photos of sickly looking Jews in those famous photos you have seen.

The only reason many Jews were put into camps is because they were often working for the Soviet Union or allied powers as spies and soldiers for hire. Not too different than the USA interning Japanese during WW2 because of similar fears.

Ultimately, yes the Germans wanted to mass deport Jews from their lands. That is the only "crime" they committed. And that is a good thing.

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>i work at could easily burn a 1000+ bodies a day
Impressive. Any source on that?

Thanks for the sanity check on the numbers.

Remember they are claiming that this was done with 20 pizza-sized brick ovens, with each camp only having 3. That claim doesn't really add up.

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Lol u guys are retard

Is anyone at the stage where If you’re called anti-semitic, you just laugh your ass off and can only think an insult like that comes from a child-like whiny bitch?

its probably the same like when muslims stone someone to death. if the person can escape it, it means they are free to go.

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Look up what a modern horse or cow incinerator can do, or call your nearast animal waste management facillity

relevant, all the death camps were found by the USSR. A communist state run by jews, surely they wouldn't lie

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Found it

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>He thinks the mass graves are jews
>not german soldiers the russians put to the sword after their brutal war.

I remember when I was browsing the internet underage too

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Oh the same mass graves that Russians discovered

Find a funnier Holohoax "survivor" story. I fucking dare you.

PROTIP: You can't.

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You’ll never accept any evidence and demand we bulldoze mads murder sites to prove it. Fuck off.

>posting a reddit meme
End yourself faggot

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the holocaust technically couldn't have happened

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Fuck lol

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Jew admits he made it all up

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British helped in the spreading of this propaganda.

Otherwise the world wouldn't have been able to justify the wholesale slaughter and invasion of Germany.

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>Look up
As expected

Imagine believing jews.

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are you retarded?

Are you?

Imagine acting all indignant that people want to investigate the scene of the crime.

“Oy vey, this gentile murdered 100 people but please don’t forensically investigate the place where I allege they buried the bodies. That would be disrespectful to their memory. Just believe me when I say 100 bodies are buried there.”

Your mind has been Jewed

There's always an excuse. They'll screech "JEWS IN POLAND AND OTHER COUNTRIES!!!! REEEEEE!!!!!"

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What's so funny about that? Didn't you master electric magic in Skyrim? When you have enough juice running through a human body it just burns them to ash like in games.
See also: The bouncing energy grenade pulse rifle alt. fire in Half Life 2.

Dig dug mother fuckers

The nazis were evil people and wanted to torture the jewish people while they were still concious. If she passed out then they wouldn't be able to fulill their sadistic desires.

How could they do this to the poor chosen people??

(btw this is what Freud would call projection. Where you project your fantasies onto other people. Apparently, jews like pic related.)

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Nah but im also not the one claiming that germany only stayed inside their border during ww2