Brit/pol/ - House Share Lockdown Tips From Slampig Edition

>Lockdown Tips From Slampig

>Coronavirus: Dog shelters struggle as lockdown dries up funds

>UK records largest single-day increase in coronavirus deaths to 1,019

>The US is losing its world superpower status due to its failure to lead on the Covid-19 crisis – and this time, it might not recover

>UK lockdown to cut coronavirus death toll by 254,000, experts say

>Coronavirus: Derbyshire police dye Buxton 'Blue Lagoon' black to deter gatherings

>Not wearing masks to protect against coronavirus is a ‘big mistake,’ top Chinese scientist says

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First for are Mozza

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I'm genuinely upset and terrified over coronavirus. I want it all to be over so normal life can resume.

Does brit/pol/ have more or fewer incels and losers that are very angry at women than outer/pol/?

What the fuck is Pube up to now?

get over to twitter an scream about shit the government "should" be doing.

Order 2 monsters, a bottle of prosecco and some other things

>police and government giving up their new powers

Fewer for sure, because it's a smaller sample size.
Now if you're talking about per capita incel fury, I'd say that we do all right in this category too.
You don't see much woman hate here, just the usual sensible exasperation at their silliness and pettiness.

reminder that china is covering up 21 million+ deaths

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for me, it's global annihilation

Inb4 curry hater starts crying about spices because he can't cook for shit

>buut but muhhhh desert peoples
>buutut but muh rotten meat

huge proportion of spices grow in tropical regions, now fuck off.

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fi you have health probs already its understandable but for mot its nothing to worry about probably. But the economy after all this, well that's fucked, for decades

scottish people sound stupid

>Queuing up for basic necessities being instructed to report on your friends and neighbours for petty shit like Stalinist Russia
>Drones following people around and police abusing their powers like CCP China
>The country being state-mandated to endlessly applaud and praise a state-sanctioned institution like North Korea

Anyone who can't see the woods for the trees at this point is a genuine idiot. We are heading for a pseudo-Communist regime and the country is clapping for it. Everyone who isn't a mong (so not that many) knows this virus is a meme. It's just an excuse for the establishment to assume more influence and control over our lives. Remember this post when it gets announced that the restrictions will continue in 2 weeks' time.

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fortunately all the other countries have fucked themselves too

english people sound paki.

fook corona
simple as

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Slick technique

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pectus excavatum makes it hard enough to breathe without suffering SARS boogaloo

I bet the guy in the vid would have you begging for mercy.

It's Pube after all, the heavyweight champion of the world.

Only one person I want to date rn really
Kind; ok!

>I'm genuinely upset and terrified over coronavirus.
I cant wait the the borders and shops to open again. I need to consume more product.

We just hit 17000 detected cases and we have over 1000 deaths. This is worse than Spain and Italy when they had the same case numbers.

the economy's unfortunately going to be fine, there's always rich cunts looking to make a buck

some big companies may go under but demand will still get serviced by others

good lad...

But just thin of everything thats being paid out, al the people getting 80% for doing fuck all, all the extra people signing on, less taxes coming in, shits fucked foirever. Proabbly gonna be some societal changes too like wartime, like those bitches that shamed objectors. You'll have to volunteer to get beniies, or all sorts of shit. Oh you didnt volunteer to help the NHS? What are you a nazi?

is she called alice?
fuck off schizo

88% CFR in the uk. it's going to get really bad soon. 50 million+ deaths.

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There's tens of thousands more unreported infections m8. Nowt butty.

Just wait until the ACE2 cytokine storm recepting CFRs take us into the trillions. Won't be laughing then.

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>CLAP FOR THE NHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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We've yet to reach the worst laddie

i'd ram him you spacker

Bazza, what was your callsign!

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oh my god a western government is in debt?????????????

anyone save the paki poetry from earlier?

Yes, how did you guess!?

Spain and Italy also had thousands more unreported infections when they had 17, 000 reported cases. What's your point?
/cvg/ on suicide watch

please put a trip on so i can filter you

So lads, I took a bird out before Coronavirus hit.
And we've been texting a little throughout this crisis. She keeps saying she has been unwell and I replied last night when I'd had a few and as well as expressing sympathy I asked her "it's not Corona is it?!"
I thought I'd fucked it up for sure lads, even though I was planning to try to banter my way through it.
Just got her latest reply now.
She thinks she had
>because of course she does
And she doesn't seem at all put out by my shit pissed banter.
Feeling quite surprised/relieved.
I think this bird quite likes me.

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nah i dont think so, we're doing a lot less testing so in actualy fact there are alot of infected so it evens out


The numbers dont mean much unless you have any idea how many are being tested per capita. The advice here is dont even bother if you have symtoms but dont need hospital, you wont even be tested


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why would asking her if it's corona be a problem?
you sound autistic

You either die or live.

>tfw no gchq gf

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If only we had some largely idle population of young men who could do this... at gun point

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we need antibody tests available to every tom, dick and bazza t b h

No. You can believe in foreskin monsters if you want. I don't mind.


We are not testing many people.


Missing Saturday curry night :(

i'm not seeing any farm jobs on indeed in my area

This sounds better than working in retail. I wonder how much they pay and if you need any experience at all.

I'd do it but it's all in Norfolk and shit.

Then do it instead of just talking about it you utter coward.


Just say no bennies unless you pick cabbage, time to produce something. I would pay them a fair wage to do it, I don't believe in making people do work just for their dole money.

Give them a respectable wage and they’ll done it happily.
I don’t understand this boomer take on wanting a good wage.

antibodies don't last long. there is no immunity.

Thing is nigel, These communities have been ravaged by the islamic heroin trade we allowed. They simply aren't fit to "work the fields".

Based Brits referencing Silent Hill

emo gfs

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>that incel loser that is hating on the NHS and thinks that makes him interesting, intelligent, witty, and insightful

love you lad, stay safe

Well at the time it sounded like I was just getting straight to the point without her pussyfooting around the issue.
But after the fact, I thought it might have been a negative vibe to send her, especially given how seriously everyone is taking this meme.