Yea, you.
The west is going to shit, and you’re part of the reason why.
Your ancestors fought tooth and nail, and against all odds just so you could borrow 80 years - for what?
The civilization that our ancestors built and died for is in shambles, and all you do in the meantime is touch your penis, watch degenerate pornography, consoom media/video games, use drugs/alcohol and sit on the couch. If we don’t salvage something, we will leave our children with nothing.
You’re of European blood, but have you even read Plato, Socrates or Aristotle? If not, who even are your role models? When’s the last time you even read a fucking book? You think Asians or Jews don’t know anything about their histories?
We stand by while our countries are invaded by non-whites, and 90% of us are too bent by the media to say anything, or too nihilistic to care. Do you think shitskins would sit by and allow whites to invade their countries? We’ve become weak men because we are the product of living in good times for far too long. That is ending now.
Here it is, user. We are in potentially the greatest happening of our lives. We could be heading towards another depression, and the Chinese could take advantage of that. The things we are experiencing right now are so huge, they will be paramount in world history classes.
This could be the last chance you have to get your shit together. Today, eat something healthy. Do a quick home exercise. It doesn’t have to be much, just start with ANYTHING. Your ancestors are BEGGING you. Talk to the girl you’ve been wanting to talk to. Just send her a text; what’s the worst that could happen? She says no and you move on? Stop being a fucking simp.
Go online and read Socrates’ Apology, Crito and Phaedo - today! Or are you too ADHD to handle it? From now on, we focus on improving everyday.
This is it, user. Stop wasting your life. It’s time to become a man. The future of our civilization depends on it.