who else has been craving booze way more since quarantine?
Who else has been craving booze way more since quarantine?
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yes because alcohol makes time pass quicker. just like smoking weed or playing video games, it's escapism.
Are you native?
I haven't had a drop to drink in months.
Good for you recovering AA faggot.
Nice. Drinking more than once or twice a month is for drunks
I appreciate the kind words but I'm not a drunk. I hope anyone that might be is able to get the help they need though. Surprising what we can do when we don't escape into booze.
You're just bored as hell
I've been getting blasted most nights.
Fucking drunk losers. Quit drinking and control yourself like a respectable man.
it made me stop drinking. 2nd day without smoking as well
I’m an alcoholic so that’s business as usual.
I’ve been having some weird dreams though
It's not so much I crave booze, I crave going to the bar or house parties. It's the social interaction I miss.
Lol no.
Use it as an opportunity to not drink for a few months.
As an alcoholic I've just opening my last goon box (3 bottles worth). Going to lay off the sauce most of next week and do a supermarket run on Friday.
Drinking a lot of beer. Also really want to fuck a woman.
>famous last words
Honor your ancestors and drink a beer, faggot
No, been the same. It's already Muh Culture to have one alcoholic beverage with a meal daily.
The very fact you just said this tells me you are a struggling alcoholic.
God I haven't had a stiff drink in 3 month.
Pathetic. Yas Forums is invested with normies.
I drank 3/4 of a bottle of rum already.
How about boredom?
Fuck you. I'll fight ya any day
>I drank 3/4 of a bottle of rum already.
But why is the rum gone?!
Literally gettin drunk every day since the lockdown, i only go out for alchool and cigs
I like a good beer, and a good bourbon once in awhile, but if you are in a high infection area and are at all concerned about getting sick/have any health issues...this is a really bad time to be getting wasted. It lowers your immune system a lot. I’m not saying 1 or 2 beers, I am talking about getting shithouse drunk for nights on end and dehydrating yourself.
I haven't had a drink in two years, eyeballed a case of Bud Heavy the other day at the Shart Mart. Decided against it, but the temptation was real.
look at this guy. hes a goddamn Frazier crane. everyone gather round so doctor crane can drop his knowledge.
fuck you, crane
I wouldn't call it "craving", usually I'm just so busy I don't have time to be drinking, but I have some extra time here and there and don't mind a beer or two, or three when my clients are all hiding in their houses.
I'm an AA faggot. Almost 2 years sober. It's really not that bad once you get over the first hump. I have a lot more money now.
honestly a little bit. I'm usually self quarantined but now its rough cause I dont have a choice. human nature is a bit retarded
This. I'm happy I quit last year. If I still drank I would visit the supermarkets much more often and get infected.
Although it probably wouldn't make much difference since it already destroyed my health.
Booze weakens your immune system
Sad to admit and I think it kind of makes me a degenerate alcohol-dependent fag, but I fucking crave some rum.
That’s very perceptive of you. Impressive. I wasn’t an alcoholic but I did use to binge drink and it was almost becoming a problem
I agree with him. This isn't a space space for incels anymore loser
I knew this was gonna happen so I snagged a couple 30 racks before the quarantine.
>tfw down to my last 1.5L bottle
should've bought a few more before the crackdown on "non essential" travel
Got hammered last night, fuck that. It will be a loongg while before I do that again.
alcohol is a sin though
Im back on the sauce, drinking pic related which I bought for antiseptic purposes but has become the nip of choice
so a whole 12 hours?
And apparently you can pout that shit in your gas tank
Stil is the way
How about you read a book Mr. Ameritard?
Just a glass of wine daily
I drank 14 beer last night.
next time buy pic related, then you wont be tempted
I've been drunk every day. I'm sure a prohibition is coming soon.
that's what i meant. when you're bored you drink alcohol, smoke weed, play videos games as a form of escapism which makes time pass quicker.
user, please don’t drink Everclear. You are poisoning yourself. If you want to drink clear high proof booze, at least drink middle of the road vodka.
Just a question lads. Im on the beer. What are all of ye drinling?
fuck you pay me
Drinking saps testosterone. No thanks!
Nah, drinking during the week is.
Alcohol boosts testosterone, beer is full of estrogen and will make you a hipster faggot
Yes, lots of vodka and whiskey
What about once or twice a day?
>alcohol boosts testosterone
>[citation needed]
It doesn't though it lowers testosterone
Poltards think everything zaps your testosterone. You're like middle aged women who think everything gives you cancer.
Alcohol increases your risk of cancer
Drinking releases cortisol in the body, which inhibits testosterone production and can even help convert test to estrogen.
Booze has been with us for over 10,000 years, it can't be that bad.
>tfw mate brews some really good moonshine
so does breathing air, you should stop immediately.
>1post by ID
Obviously psy-ops tryna get anons to start getting depressed. Srs
It’s not bad in itself, abusing it is.
god milwaukees is awful
i'd rather down natty ice
I have some Glenmorangie I kinda want to open.
cant you just water it down? They dont sell that here so i have no idea.
This is the most fucking retarded post, and there are 70 IQ people shilling for Trump on this website right now
>10,000 years is a long time
Fuck off
a glass lasts about 3 hours
a bottle lasts a week
i'll buy more with my trumpbux
It’s unrefined garbage, it’s almost gasoline. Also it’s 3x higher in calories than other clear stuff (190 calories a shot)..it’s just gross shit.
I'm sure your mom will be proud of your straight-edge pledge m8, go tell her if she's not dead yet.
I'm working front line at the local hospital and thee looming fear in the air despite only having like 30 COVID cases makes me want to get fucking trashed every night.