Do you actually know anyone who died from Coronavirus/Covid-19?

It's a massive fraud. Nobody has died from it.

Attached: 4564356.png (928x770, 908.34K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Prove that someone actually died

Attached: 345634.png (1369x1235, 292.15K)

stfu, ur a libtard flat earther than hasnt gotten any old man dick in month

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My aunt is dying of it right now you asshole. She's had it for a week but her condition crashed this morning. My uncle had it too but it was mild and he wasn't hospitalized.

Proof or shut the fuck up.

I don't know anyone who has died from HIV.
It's a massive fraud. Nobody has died from it.

I actually had a relative whom'stv'"e died from it, so I buy it.

Someone at work who had stage 4 cancer

This is a thread where proof is required

Reminder : those attention seeking brain damaged mutt will stop doing those shitty threads if you stop replying in it.


>still no proof anyone died
Thought so

Reminder this is a fraud virus

Attached: 74674.png (872x526, 592.32K)

Yes, a friend's girlfriend's family friends. Both the parents died


you people could catch it and die from it and you still wouldn't believe it's real

Still no proof, I see. Would you even know Coronavirus existed if you didn't have internet/TV/radio?

I need proof you arent a gay faggot who sucks cock every morning! If you can't give me proof shut the fuck up and get your gay faggot self off Yas Forums

that's such a false dichotomy lol

>what about this other thing

I notice you failed to provide proof anybody has died from Coronavirus





>t's a massive fraud. Nobody has died from it.

That's not the correct way to use "false dichotomy," but putting that aside, I see that in this post, you once again failed to provide any proof that anyone has died from coronavirus

Just as I thought, a gay mentally ill faggot.

Fuck you dick sucking nigger, you should unironically kill yourself, what a failure of a human being you are.

My work partner’s grandfather is in ICU right now. He developed a fever and cough late last week, got tested, came back positive and was told to self isolate unless symptoms worsened. 2 days ago he fell getting out of bed, his fingers and lips were turning blue. They admitted him and he’s on a vent. Grandma told to quarantine at home, no symptoms so far. I know it’s legit because I was sitting in the car with my partner when his mom called him to tell him.
>source: dude just trust me

i meant that not knowing that something exists doesn't mean that it doesnt
anyway, what kind of proof would satisfy you? probably nothing

>continues with whataboutism

Why can't you admit that I'm right? You don't know a single person who died from coronavirus. If you didn't have the internet/TV/etc., you wouldn't even know there was such a thing as coronavirus. The most you would see is a sign on the road, maybe, talking about quarantine, or maybe you'd talk to somebody, and they'd mention something they'd seen on the internet or TV. But otherwise, you'd have no idea it exists.

Well, that story convinced me. I guess I believe it now.

Admit that I'm right. You only know coronavirus exists because you consoom internet and TV etc.

Attached: 1582574370989.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

Any evidence those chinks have corona?

Attached: 1582537978022.webm (368x640, 969.71K)

Stop replying to these pricks

7,027, 20,259, 15,801 and 24,981 Italian deaths attributable to influenza epidemics in the 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17, respectively.

Coronavirus isn't worse than the flu, even in pastaland

Attached: alec_baldwin_fag.jpg (500x262, 14.76K)

>still no proof


My wife's son died from it. Very very sad.

Checked and truth

>Trump is just a liar
Oh okay. Thanks for clearing that up

Pour one out for Ladarius!

To be fair, he lied about building a wall, cutting off H1Bs, arresting the swamp, etc.

Answer his question. What type of proof would you take that you wouldn't just chalk up to forgery?

>be Republican
>call it a nothingburger
>expose yourself
>get infected
>Democrats win the election

Believe it or not, I couldn’t care less.

Posters right here in this thread are claiming relatives/colleagues died. Why can't they upload proof with personal info blacked out showing coronavirus was cause of death?

>cares enough to post to tell me he doesn't care

>Why can't they upload proof with personal info blacked out showing coronavirus was cause of death?
I'll ask you one more time.
What EXACTLY would pass as proof to you. Be specific or I'm going to assume you're off your meds and beyond reading comprehension.

haha hope she dies horribly faggot

Attached: virus.jpg (988x881, 102.55K)

Are you retarded or illiterate? Post an official document showing the cause of death. Do I need to write the same thing fifty different ways so your sub-standard neurons finally fire correctly?

>he does it for free

Attached: E628F160-2416-49EE-B8E7-8C180149FC81.jpg (828x132, 49.71K)


>posting again when he doesn't care

See the difference is I *do* care about this topic. I want to see proof that this is not a massive fraud. You stated you don't care. So leave and never come back. It is very simple. Click the x on the tab.

>I never left my basement so it must not be real
Get coughed on you fat schizo faggot

Slide thread.
Kys, OP

Go lick a bus station toilet seat you fucking MIGAtard

>Post an official document showing the cause of death. Do I need to write the same thing fifty different ways
This is the first time you're saying this fuckface. Besides, you'll just pass it off as forged. Find a way to get a refill on your meds.

Why is it so hard to provide basic proof

You must be very important, we will get right on it chief.

>still no proof
Why are you even in this thread? If you personally do not know someone who died from this, then fuck off. If you do, then post proof. There's nothing to this.

Ok, so can't prove it. I already knew that.

It hasn't run a god damn year yet, dork. :D