An RV to live in, with attached trailer to carry my computing vehicle to where ever I go, I pay 1200 rent, another 200-300 in utilities. In an RV I can get water free from almost anywhere. I can probably pay something like this off in 2 years, own it and live in it. I need something big, it’s only me. In a small van type RV I would go nuts. Have any of you
I don’t want to be renter cuck anymore. I want to buy
Any of you anons taken the RV pill? Plus I can live anywhere I want. Beachfront property sure, Vegas, why not...I live in a 320 sq foot studio apartment already. I know an RV is less than that. But renting is for chumps.
That's a 500k RV asshole.
Just buy a house.
>dont want to be a renter
>I'll just be homeless instead
You fucking bum.
No it’s not, it’s used. It’s selling for 56k, about the price of a low end sports car or Tesla. It only has 11,000 miles on it.
Living in an RV doesn’t make you homeless, the RV would be my home.
This. Those things are fucking expensive. The only way it's a better choice than an actual house or apartment is if you get an old beat up one from the 80s for $20,000 but then you're dealing with constant maintenance, costing more than it would for a normal car because all the parts are YUGE bus/truck parts. And if you go anywhere near the ocean or any place it snows, that shit is gonna rust and become useless even faster.
I posted the link, it’s not 500k, it’s 50k, Also I don’t plan to drive it much, I live in Burbank, the valley, no snow...I will take it to the beach from time to time tho. I don’t want an old RV that looks like pure shit, I can buy one for like 12k. I’d rather spend more on a nice RV like this. People won’t complain if it’s parked somewhere if it’s a higher end RV. I can pay it off in 2 years.
I make about 3600 a month, in my area, too little for a house or condo, but I can afford a cuck studio apartment. Which I’m living in now. I can probably pay it off in 2 years.
This wouldn’t work for a lot of geographical areas - basically anywhere with a real winter. But SoCal seems like the ideal place for it. It’s sad to think what I’ve spent on rent money with nothing to show for it. Probably 80k over the past five years
>Living in a mobile cuck shed because landlords are scum
OP is a nigger
A RV will cuck you because it will eventually break down and costs tons of money to maintain. Best strategy to avoiding d the rent Jew is learn outdoor survival skills and build something in the bush away from the Jews
I got a low miles 80s one for $2,000.
Needed tires and some other minor stuff, but for the price of 3 months rent I'm living free on a bro's property now. Comfy.
Ive spent more with nothing to show for it other than me saying I was never homeless. :( yes it will be SoCal. :)
Not a bad idea if you have a place to park with hookups.
A mobile cuck shed is better, also I will own this mobile cuck shed.
dont get a fucking RV, just buy a truck and get literally any of the camper things you can carry or tow around with it.
A lot more flexibility and a lot less headache with maint
and make a list of places with power / water hookups and compare prices
need comuting vehicle? disconnect the truck, leave camper at rv park campground or w/e shithole youre staying at, ggez
I did it for a few years, saved a pile and was getting paid to use for work. It was rather nice to be able to pay cash for a house at the end of a couple of years. They are not ideal, and can be expensive as fuck to heat and cool, and if you don't have a place to park it that is expensive too. Engine maintenance is expensive if you can't turn a wrench. Tires hugely expensive and will go bad whether they have mileage on them or not. If you live in it my preference would be for a metal or fiberglass roof, but ymmv. Good luck and fuck rent.
The RV life may not be for me, but follow your dream, user. It's better than being a rentcuck at least. If you want to own your home but not the land under it, there is no option better than an RV. No-one can kick you out, and you can take your home wherever you want without having to pay someone to tow it for you.
Buy land and build one of those European made modular homes so you don't look like white trash
I have one, it's about 10 years old. Bought used and paid ~$50k. I use it constantly for work, though. I'm all over the country, a week here, a couple days there. Pays for itself over getting hotels/rental cars since I tow a vehicle as well. Using it as a primary residence is a terrible idea, though.
Tiny homes are for millennial trailer trash in denial.
>"Breaks down...cost tons to fix"
WTF you think a roof or furnace in a house cost dumbass.
Keep my RV running with junkyard parts for pennies.
>Huge truck parts
Same as a F250 truck, and anyone that knows crap about mechanics will tell you they make truck parts way more durable than passenger car junk.
It doesn’t get that cold In SoCal, low 40s tops, which is cold, but a small space heater is fine. I won’t be driving it much. I want to buy a newer one so maybe After 2 or 3 years I can sell it for not much less than what I bought it for. Use that money for a condo or something.
No just live in an E350 like everyone else. Or if you got cash a Mercedes benz sprinter van. RV is too noticeable. The cops will think you’re cooking meth.
I worked in the service dept for a large RV/Boat dealership. Everything on an RV will break within a few months of light use. If you don't have a warranty the cost to maintain your poorly built shit heap will be exorbitant (unless you're a fairly handy guy).
LA (and most of california) has serious restrictions about parking these things, and lots with hookups are more expensive than efficiency apartment rent.
Seriously: in 99% of california you cannot park an RV on the street, retail parking lots, residential driveways, or even at rest stops for longer than 6 hours.
There's something wrong with it if it's only 56k.
Can recommend those new catalytic propane heaters. A lot more efficient than the built in unit with a heat exchange.
their value sinks like a rock and they've had the same look for 20ish years
Yeah I’m thinking about renting one for a week or so and live in it exclusively and see if I can do it and feel comfortable in one to live long term. Maybe rent one for 2 or 3 weeks. Just to test it out.
Probably covered in invisible jizz stains
>firstie doesnt appreciate what his plumbing hookups provide him
enjoy shitwater maintenance
There is ALWAYS something wrong w/ a used rv.
Wait 180 days and see how much cheaper it becomes.
Get solar and a nature head composting toilet.
Clear coat is wearing off in the front as said in the ad.
This is the optimal solution. Have been learning about it for years.
They're only expensive when new, these things have little to no resale value. You can pick up a 30' class C for much less and you don't need a CDL to drive it. You can get free water etc at a campground but you have to pay for the spot.
There are so many YouTube videos to tell you how to fix anything.
>The cops will think you’re cooking meth
why would they think that?
I’ve got family and friends all through out Burbank, you need to get a visitors permit, it goes on the window of the rv. These two girls live in a crapped out old RV and end of the block from my apartment. But they have a paper permit of some sort to be able to park it.
You got a problem with homeless boy?
Look into Skoolies.
>a trailer on wheels, but more expensive
The value of RVs and Campers sinks like a stone after a year or two, it's not surprising that thing is selling in that price range.
Protip: Buy something with a Cummins/Allison powertrain setup. You aren't going to find much for less than $40k with that combo because of the desirability. BUT every shitbox school bus in the country has essentially the same parts. Buy an auction school bus, remove and rebuild the engine and transmission, scrap the rest. Going that route will get you spares on the cheap for when shit eventually breaks, which it will.
If you can live somewhere relatively warm, you can live on a boat (I do). You can get a decent one for a few thousand and if you don't take it out too much, maintenance can be $1000 a year, plu
How much would it cost for Ga$oline ?
I doubt op will be able to fix a broken slideout. Yes, the slideouts will malfunction eventually.
Here you go OP.
I’m pretty handy and mechanical. That’s why I am floating this idea. I had a friend who bought a used RV with an warranty, where they will cover anything major, like the transmission, engine or generator, but that’s it. If a slide malfunctions, or your water heater stops working or stove stops working etc, you’re on your own.
They aren't great, not terrible either. I figure about 8 mpg for highway traveling with mine. Most will have a smaller genset for electricity, I have solar panels on the roof as well. If I'm parked with no hookups for a week I use about 20gal of fuel in addition to the solar power.
Just remember to register and have your driver's license in a state with no income tax.
Whatever it takes, at least you arent giving it to jews, rent is basically burning money with no purpose, and money are hours of your life you won't get back, btw arent you afraid someone enters the vehicle at night and kills you? Or some creep watching through the windows?
Best of lucks op, defeating the rent jew, i'm SO fortunate because so a house for free from my granny, I can't imagine the metal strugle of knowing at ends met you have to give away thousands of dollars to some asshat because a shitty roof is on top of your head.
If the rent is low enough it does make sense. Gives u a roof over your head, sadly rent is insane where I live. That’s why people rented back in the day. Rent to save money, now rent is so high u can’t save money. It’s really jewed out.
>An RV to live in, with attached trailer to carry my computing vehicle to where ever I go, I pay 1200 rent, another 200-300 in utilities. In an RV I can get water free from almost anywhere. I can probably pay something like this off in 2 years, own it and live in it. I need something big, it’s only me. In a small van type RV I would go nuts. Have any of you
I did this for a while. It's not so bad, but I purchased land before I did it. I was eventually kicked off of my land because of government regulations, but it was nice while it lasted. Hiring a lawyer and delaying the process for over months plus the fines that incurred (in my particular) case only added up to about $1500. I managed to hold out for well over a year. There are a lot of things you aren't considering, including , but you also have to park the stupid thing. You need a lot of power to keep electric running.
You can buy an RV for about $1000, but you have to look. Then you have to maintain the fucking thing. Water will sneak in from everywhere and critters like to chew holes in them and make their homes there.
Your biggest problem will be the state. They will fuck you mercilessly. If I were you and you can't purchase land, I would look through county records for land deeded to counties as right-of-ways (roads) that haven't been built. That way you can prove with a certified copy of the deed that where you are parked is a right-of-way and police cannot run you off.
I lived in an RV for five months with my wife and one young daughter. As long as you have the ability to go outside, it's really not a big deal. If I was single I'd live in one permanently.
Right, the warranties on used RVs are pretty useless. If you think you're up to the maintenance then go for it.
I know, I mean if your income is really good just rent, but thats not the case for most americans, I don't love there but I have a lot of internet buddies and the struggle it's real, not nice to have to work your hands to the bone and then lose 1/3 of your income just on rent leaving you with no chance of saving ir getting a better life
It's not bad, you get to meet a lot of laid-back retired people. You don't need to spend a fortune on a trailer either. Our first one was $400, pulled with a $2000 van.
Trailers are a better value, and no drivetrain to maintain. Look after the roof. Also, sellers on craigslist are always hiding something. Most RVs have water leak problems. You can fix it, but it's a pain.
Also, bear in mind that you are living and sleeping in a sealed, toxic formaldehyde box.
Most rv's are garbage only built to last through the warranty my uncle has owned 3 and every 5 years he had to get a newer one