I'm unsure what he was truly experiencing during the guilty plea. I've watched the vid a few times and tried to analyse his reactions, especially gif related. From what I understand, it seemed as though he was hesitating here and when his lips relaxed, I honestly thought he was going to start arguing.
Regardless of what you think of his actions, how would you interpret his reactions throughout the vid? Any prison anons here to explain conditions in solitary confinement?
Here's the thing:
Other urls found in this thread:
whose that tom brady or something
Is that your friend?
nobody cares about that manlet loser anymore; he killed a white woman
This is just about typical for anyone who has had their life completely destroyed but can't acknowledge it yet mentally. There is still hope that it will work out somehow and everything will be ok. He is in an adjustment period.
>he killed a white woman
She converted to Islam, though. And he clearly stated that the only muslims he truly hates are the converts
Look at this gullible idiot and laugh
So is he going to prison in New Zealand or did he get sent back to Australia?
nigga looks like a tim burton claymation movie
He just realized he wasted his life because of some internet memes, no reason to fight back, a guilty plea just made prison life easier for him.
fuck sandniggers
fuck newzeland joos
fuck sjw media
Womp yourself off
Adjustment period? After one year? Well, I've never been to jail obviously so I can't speak on that. There have also been discussions about him getting starved, experiencing deliberate sleep deprivation and physical abuse. Is this common in prison and how far can it go?
lmao he killed a traitor, she deserved worse.
why is Corey Wayne in jail?
AFAIK he's not going to be sent to Australia and faces life in solitary confinement for his own protection as prison inmates in general population might see him as a foreigner who came here to murder kiwis
Mudshit detected
He looks defeated. What a fucking mental midget.
Yes, but can you tell me why you assume that? From what I've read, he just didn't care and was sleep deprived, yet his voice didn't break nor did he show signs of remorse.
Are those black eyes from lack of sleep or prison rape?
Lack of sleep, I suspect, as he's in solitary confinement since his arrest last year and doesn't have physical contact with anyone.
Because he must have known that his actions would have put him in jail for life. Knowing that he should have prepared himself and embraced the suck and maybe gathered a following of fans. He could have been the shot caller
>life easier
ZOG is not going to let a man who dared to challenge globohomo ethnic replacement exterminating dozens of invaders (and one white traitor convert) to "have it easier".
He will be Epsteined soon, before Coronavirus lockdown might cause riots in prisons and breakout attempts.
Who knows, maybe they will infect him or even use eventual riots to let the shitskin inmates kill him.
I believe he not only knew he would be put in jail, but rather he aimed for it. In his manifesto, I think he stated that his imprisonment would serve to use up the state's resources and to inspire others through his actions. I doubt, however, that anyone can prepare themselves enough for jail, hence why I'm conflicted on the footage. It's hard to tell if he just simply doesn't care, if he's tired or depressed. As for following of fans: just look at this board, the past months and current events.
I got arrested for a DUI, and was sent to a holding cell by myself for 12 hrs. I wanted to slit my wrists tbqh
What makes segregation so much worse than being in general population? I imagine one must feel safer than with others trying to murder one out of frustration, no?
>he killed a white woman
he probably just pleaded guilty so he can get out of solitary that shit makes you mental
>It's hard to tell if he just simply doesn't care, if he's tired or depressed
His looks are extremely worrisome, he appears starving and sleep deprived, possibly subjected to multiple abusive treatments by prison staff.
My 2 cents: he and/or his family have been openly threatened and this made him ask to court to plead guilty in a rush.
Consider that they quickly set the court hearing just to let him pronounce the plea in the middle of lockdown for epidemic.
The ZOG absolutely did not want a trial to take place.
> As for following of fans: just look at this board, the past months and current events.
What do you mean?
Few days of quarantine have people already turning nuts, imagine being forced into extreme isolation+degrading treatments for a long period of time.
Tarrant is a literal martyr.
most likely he is being tortured, mentally and physically by people who know what they are doing. I'd love to join in, make it a general hobby during the weekends. Just look at his eyes, there's nobody in there, this low IQ nazi faggot got broken. A good example for anyone who sides with violent extremist acts of terror; you will be broken too.
>The ZOG absolutely did not want a trial to take place.
Isn't this a sign of how committed he is? Considering the assumptions are true and he waited out a year of physical and mental abuse, the government had to resort to [assuming this] threatening his family to get through to him. It is strange, however, that his guilty plea came only two weeks after his sister's visit.
>imagine being forced into extreme isolation+degrading treatments for a long period of time.
Extroverts aren't going to last. Brenton was an introvert and even spent a long period of time in his almost empty apartment in Dunedin with not much human contact. I do not think that isolation is having as much an impact on him as it would be the case with more outgoing people.
I doubt he is broken. I have seen a bunch of documentaries about the exact definition and symptoms of this term and if you watch the footage, you realise that this doesn't apply to Tarrant. Gif related is his reaction to the name of Linda Armstrong being read, a white woman who converted to Islam and whom he calls 'blood traitor'.
>Brenton was an introvert
Yeah, I read about that. In fact the abuse and deterioration of the body are probably the biggest issuesfor him, not isolation itself.
If you remember the letter he sent to russian guy, he did not sound distressed at all, but back then he had been imprisoned for just 5 months.
They probably stopped delivering mail to him after that, so no way for him to send even small informations about himself to the outside world.
No other letter sent by him to anybody has surfaced since then.
He is completely deprived of even the minimal rights other inmates have, in my opinion ZOG is salivating for the moment to kill him.
>just 5 months
There are a bunch of documentaries and studies online that suggest that even weeks of solitary confinement have lasting impacts on individuals. Additionally, he had filed complaints for lack of communication and being denied visitors only, no complaint for human rights violations has surfaced, if there ever was one.
ZOG isn't salivating for anything - they will memory hole him - or at least try to - and simply leave him to die of old age or a heart attack [which is very common amongst people in solitary confinement due to the high stress value and sticky blood cells from constant dopamine production]. The best example is Assange. He's a very popular 'enemy', yet they didn't kill him because it would be too obvious.
Is there a way to confirm any of the accusations brought forward against the conditions he's held in? If the public would care enough, would Corrections have to make a public statement to refute the claims? Or does a journokike have to demand insight?
He would have been found not guilty.
SeeIt’s not like you have PS3 and pornhub to occupy your time.
>There are a bunch of documentaries and studies online that suggest that even weeks of solitary confinement have lasting impacts on individuals.
I was always the ‘lock him up alone and throw away the key’ type, but just from my limited exposure I can see how one would go nuts. It’s definitely torture.
That's the demeanor of a man who has been constantly assaulted/tortured.
Lol 100% you're a feminine man who wouldn't do shit to anyone in real life.
>It's definitely torture.
But how exactly? The most common argument I read/heard about is extreme boredom, yet prisoners also have access to books and in some instances television, don't they? Or is the stale routine just hard to get over? My questions might be retarded, I understand, but I'm just trying to understand such conditions and not think about how I enjoy solitude. Perhaps I would feel differently about this if I no longer had the choice to interact with family and friends, I don't know. How did you experience the 12 hours?
How could he be guilty if he never shot anyone?
Not that i think they dont want him dead in the sense they want all whites dead and especially ones who challenge the system, but i think having him alive serves them more purpose than killing him. They want him to serve as an example of what happens when you challenge the system. Thats why we are even seeing this vid. Cause they want us to think theyve broken him and any one of us thinking of doing what he did will be disuaded.
I still never found out what the assumed injuries on his face are, as seen here Are those actual injuries? If so, caused by what? Or is malnourishment a possible answer?
It's a deep fake. Any man who could slay as he did on that fine day not long ago has the courage to say his peace. But harken unto me for I say there is a better way. Guy JS. Isolation and propagation of co
ronaviruses in embryonated eggs. Methods Mol Biol. 2008;454:109–117. doi:10.1007/978-1-59745-181-9_10
We can using our brains and legions of chickens usher in a new golden fourth reich, using low grade homemade bio weapons. Wtf? Yolo.
Some day youll burn with the other scum
White converts should receive the harshest treatment . Unless they return and are truly repentant.
will the celtic cross you should know what thralldom is. he's been enveloped by the attorneys which doesnt mean he lacks free will. he murdered people technically and therefore a guilty plea may fetch him some slack for his long term sentence. unless we can free him through meme magic... heh
He did it for the white race and for one very special little girl. It was a noble sacrifice and I doubt if you could beat his high score.
Simple lack of sleep can give you sullen slightly blackened eyes. I bet money they are psychologically torturing him. Its actually extremely easy to do even outside of prison.
If you sit in a bright room all alone for a year you will go nuts.
He's looks content.
Deep fake? Wtf?
>writes manifesto
>does not apologize
Y he say gulty guys?
Yeah, you make a really good point.
That's also why they absolutely forbid media to release pictures of him up until know: they waited until the prolonged abuse was physically evident to spread his image as a memento for other people having his same ideas.
>is there a way to confirm any of the accusations brought forward against the conditions he's held in?
No, unless he will be filing formal complaint via lawyers (which he won't in the case he's been threatened)
>If the public would care enough, would Corrections have to make a public statement to refute the claims?
Probably we will have some journo lurking imageboards writing something along the lines "white supremacist are spreading the false accusation that Christchurch shooter is abused in prison, here's why this is a conspiracy theory"
>Or does a journokike have to demand insight?
Journokikes only obey ZOG.
I'm willing to try this during corona isolation, just to get an idea of what this might be like. But I myself am willing to bet money that the body can and eventually will get used to this kind of environment. Yet if he's sleep deprived because of guards waking him up every 40 minutes, that will be a different case.
I'm not talking about the eyes, I meant the 'injuries' below his eyes and on his cheekbone.
This dude was tortured
He will spend the rest of his life in solitary confinement because Maori gangs want him dead. He can't even kill himself because he will be watched by guards 24/7 even when he is shitting. Death is worse than this fate
I am sure that Amberlung's family is really happy that a bunch of innocents died in an act of terrorism the name of their daughter...who died in an act of terrorism.
>until the prolonged abuse was physically evident to spread his image as a memento for other people having his same ideas.
This separates wheat from chaff, so to speak. Someone who day dreams about the 'high score' or whatever it's called but becomes discouraged by such images might be better off living a normalnigger's life. Besides, there are enough ways to further one's ideals without harming others.
>Journokikes only obey ZOG.
And if someone who sympathised with Tarrant were to take a job as journalist and put out a story that isn't blatant support but rather a report on what doesn't happen in prison? I think it might be helpful to some degree to find out half the truth. I doubt anyone would be allowed to publish anything defending Tarrant in any way.
He has access to absolutely nothing. He's in a solitary cell for 24 hours a day, no exercise break, he has a toilet in his cell, he is banned from reading newspapers or television, he used to get mail but that privilege was revoked for the general public about 6 months ago.
>he will be watched by guards 24/7 even when he is shitting
Doubt, because I've seen other angles of pic related, which is his cell, where the toilet is only visible through the mirror on the ceiling, not from the door window directly. And I doubt he'd care too much, though.
i got someone close to me who works in prisons and courts. they think he;s going to off himself soon. you heard it here first.
mate they arent feeding him.. he was fat as a kid.. for him to look like this is bad.
How am I supposed to eat this dry shit without sauce?
Nobody here wants him dead, they want to watch him suffer personally. Maoris aren't that stupid, they're not going to add years onto their sentence for someone like him, but instead they will do everything in their power to make him suffer. You couldn't be demented by a worse people than the Kiwis
kek noticed this too. i believe this is the name he wanted re-read later on but it was cut from the footage