Trump planning to quarantine 3 states

Trump is planning on quarantining New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey. This is what all the Alex Jones’s of the internet warned us about. Martial law is coming, America. How are you all going to act?

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PLease do it, this will be so fucking funny.

Are those 3 democrat states? please say yes lmoa




They are libtard shitholes, god i hope he locks them down for peak seething

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Should have done it a month ago, but better late than never, I guess. I wonder if he will ask Florida to return all the New Yorkers to their own state?

Yes, but New York State outside the NYC metro area has many Republican voters and even the Dems from there are much more reasonable than the ones from NYC.

He should also quarantine Cali
It's not quite as bad as Jew York, but it's getting there.

Build a wall around those states.

they should have been walled in even before the virus

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Seriously. New Jersey should have been quarantined YEARS ago.

What would it mean to quarantine an entire state? No non-essential travel between? What are the logistics of that?

>Trump quarantines the areas with the more coronavirus

Lel I hope nyc fucking burns I hate that place

It's already a given. It's the reason he called up reservists, yesterday. New Yorkers can thank themselves for refusing to stay home instead of fleeing to surrounding states.

Irrelevant. New York still votes heavily blue. So fuck 'em

CT user here. Fuck Trump and fuck the Chinese Virus. I'm heading outside and playing lacrosse with the boys.

LA next please

they wont do shit
they'll just chill at home
smoking dope
beating their meat and shitposting

What exactly does this mean?
Clearly there are going to be stricter measures than what those states are already doing, but does anyone know what the specifics are?

I’m in NYC but I live right next to the Jews. I’m impervious and super cozy.

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Less than 48 hours from
>user warns us that NYers are fleeing to Rhode Island and FUCK NEW YORK
>Governor Raimondo tries to lock RI down with the National Guard and Staties
>President Trump now talking about tri-state area quarantine zone
What's next, glassing Brooklyn to save Manhattan?

Link to the warning????

I hope he locks them down so they don't continue to fucking empty out.

We don't need to deal with these short-sighted dead men.

Tons of people from New York are "escaping" NY to RI and other states, where they have other homes, or going to motels/hotels, so they're basically acting like the Chinese did, and intentionally infecting others in other areas to make matters worse.

Why dont we weld jew yorkers into their houses? id love to see it

Only quarantine?

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I live in rural America with guns and food/water to last me over 2 years, I dont even care LOL

50-foot wall when?

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>northeast Yankee scum cant leave

Those places are pro russia and china.
Trump is going after any state that is anti israel.

We just did that today with our Capital city region. They're now closed off from the rest of Finland, to prevent them from spreading infection elsewhere. Those who managed to get into their summer cottages before the blockade hit, are now called "Stained" or "Contaminated" by the locals.

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Covid is going to run through Florida and your shit hole southern states like butter.

Basically truckers driving THROUGH New York can still drive through.
But New Yorker scum can't flee to New England is what it basically means.

Its really silly how you think that the population density of a city is comparable to rural America.

We'll have infections.
You'll have a plague.

Shouldn’t have announced it. They’ll all leave now.

>it's funny that thousands of people with left of center views are getting permanent lung damage and dying

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leftists are worse than animals

im unironically glad cities are left leaning

I live in rural America so I don't give a fuck lol

Meanwhile leftists are cheering for the fact that this virus might kill my mom.

There is no sin in wishing for the destruction of evil.

Best timeline!

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>How are you all going to act?
I'll go to NYC and burn down his tower. Seems like a fair trade off.

Brain dead.
They will ignore it, lewis and his buddy who get drunk at local bar and bring home Covid-19 will simply drink enough moonshine to get cured. The southerns will simply die off and nobody will care, they don't bother anyone when they are alive, so nothing will change when they are dead. It will be like the time you read a newspaper saying some 5000 kids in africa are dead, nobody cares about them besides the liberals.

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They are the most richest states in the country. Better than your flyover shithole states like WV and Idaho.

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t. Upstate Jew Yorker

Is he completely retarded?

Why would he TELL people that he's going to quarantine them? The result is going to be that people are going to run and spread the virus even faster. This is what Italy fucked up already, which led them to them locking down the entire country because they couldn't keep the North contained.

I find it crazy the US didn't quarantine as a whole a month ago. The orange jew just waited for everyone to get pozzed before doing something.

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the coofers will spread, fleeing each other like a swarm of locuts drowing in their own lungs

But the Hollywood movies told me that NEW YORK is the best city on Earth and its citizens can solve literally every problem by means of their unique DIVERSITY and an occasional SOUL-WARMING SONG.
Surely some just-a-flu-bro shouldn't be an issue for them?
[spoiler]On a side note, I fucking hope the thrice-damned Muscovites will suffer as much[/spoiler].

These are not very Christlike things to say. Y'all need to get right with God and be more like Jesus.
>Meanwhile leftists are cheering for the fact that this virus might kill my mom.
It sounds like you've been propagandized by some fake news. You should make sure to only get your news from reliable sources, not Facebook or Twitter or InfoWars

>Are you sure this will be effective in stopping the Coronavirus Mr. Trump?

>I know all about places that I don't live
Your constant arrogance is just one more reason why when you die, you will deserve it.

It's somewhere in the archives. user was on Thursday evening saying NYers were flooding into Rhode Island and that they had been taking up hospital beds as well. I should have screenshotted it but had other shit to do.
Also, fuck New York City.

because more people will accept it if it's part of a "plan" than if you just show up out of nowhere with the military kicking doors in.

Good. Now do LA, SF, Chicago, and New Orleans. National Guard troops can surround them with razor wire and setup checkpoints for trucks to pass through.

What’s it mean? Can I work? Go places in my neighboring town?

He's locking down the jew quarters to reduce their number of deaths while the rest of the country goes up in flames and the cattle has to slave labor while dying from captain trips.

The reason why NYC is reporting record numbers is easy, they have all the testing kids in the world, specifically so they can report record numbers. That way a disproportionate amount of ressources goes their way. Rest of the USA gets jewed.

I'm just going to ignore the quarantine. Realistically they cannot patrol every single border crossing between states, only the major ones. I know all the back roads, I can get out. And I have guns if I run into any trouble.

This post will be underrated.

lol all infected niggers are gonna flee new york now. it's gonna be mad



so you can't leave the state? kek this is gonna be gud

It's a bit late for that.

>The quarantine duties will be outsourced to Russian and Chinese military forces

Chicago next please

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Republicans are just as gay as democrats.

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Fuck off cia glow nigger

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Difference is that republicans at least attempt to go against abortion and spending taxes on niggers with 6 kids

>You should make sure to only get your news from reliable sources
I've been hearing it directly from arrogant lefty scum just like you.

Its too late to pretend to be reasonable, you fucking insect.

>What’s it mean? Can I work? Go places in my neighboring town?