Yuri Bezmenov's talks about subversion are pure gold. However I find his solution for social cohesion problematic. He says a society needs religion to repel subversion.
Putting aside the question god's existence, I find religion retarded. It's a bunch of fairy tales that are largely ridiculous.
I could never force myself to believe in them. I just can't. And I gues that's the case for many educated people.
The question is how do we substitute the moral framework that is provided and reinforced by religion?
We definitely need one. Individualism and nihiliism are the downfall of society. That I'm sure of.
Substitute for religion
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As a Catholic I've seen this before and don't mind it at all I believe another very right-wing person was like this can't remember the name but basically religion acts as a "how to not fuck up society" book it's the ultimate non physical authoritarian fascist guide. When you take away religion people fall into a barbaric low iq sociopath like attitude and way of life. I'm my case the bible IS the glue that keeps societies not turning into Weimar.
Replace myths with stories of real heroes.
Maybe treat myths as symbols/ideals that teach you what is good/works, instead of as literal truth.
Pray to heroes of the past to organize your thoughts and goals, and arrange them with the ideal of the hero that you seek "guidance" from.
This too I don't know how but after this is all over a major restore to the European mind needs to happen
>He says a society needs religion to repel subversion.
and he's absolutely correct. Religion is the basis of human society. You're just too mindfucked by the jews to realize it
I understand its importance and many other people do as well. But I don't think it's possible to convert an atheist population to an abrahamic religion.
What I could imagine is some kind of ideology that acknowledges the importance of a moral framework without superimposing weird fairy tales.
But honestly it seems like a lost case. Maybe we just have to accept that civilizations decay sooner or later.
I'm not mindfucked. I admit that it is necessary. But I can't just make myself believe in some desert religion just for the sake of it.
Manstein and Guderian. There's two already.
I agree that's why I'm against pagan versus Christian stuff because at the end of the day EUROPE is what lives on.
listening to people like you is fascinating. You'd like a better world but you're too crippled in the head by jew propaganda to do anything but create a shittier world, for all your noble intentions.
Whether you like it or not religion is the basis of human society and it has been throughout all periods of human history in every region. Your view was created by the jews specifically in order to destroy the western world. You're an agent of destruction, a malignant social cancer.
Pseudo intellectual nonsense srs
you find it problematic eh?
I know... It erases our societies' Judeo-christian values
>But I don't think it's possible to convert an atheist population to an abrahamic religion.
it is possible to stuff them into ovens though. Atheism is a jewish disease.
>I'm not mindfucked.
you are 100% addled
You're trying to side-channel just being a good person. A strong and unforgiving society is the only thing that can truly do this without kid-gloving the population into being good simply because some story tells them to, or because they were taught that way.
If your society is too permissive, it only takes on lazy/ignorant/negligent fuck to neglect his child's education into the social norms for things to start breaking down.
Hence, Biblical laws.
I hate them too, but other than mass educating and relentlessness punishment for deviants (and I use the word in it's true sense here, AKA those who deviate from the norm whatever that may be, not necessarily only those who display so-called "degenerate" behavior), you're not going to achieve that. At least not for very long. AKA where we are at today.
religion can be use to create a positive foundation for moral value and wholesome behaviour. ( in the best of cases)
That just means you’ve already been subverted, Hans
Used to be a fedora tipper like you, please, read the Bible
>The question is how do we substitute the moral framework that is provided and reinforced by religion?
Morality is innate in human behavior (and even other species) You cannot find a religion that did not steal its moral lessons from a previous one or an earlier culture. Since the Enlightenment, our secular values and morals have become far superior to the ones just a few hundred years ago during the times of brutal religious monarchies.
>Individualism and nihiliism are the downfall of society.
Nihilism is just an acknowledgement of the truth, that everything is ex-nihilio.
Then kys
>And I gues that's the case for many educated people.
You don't need an education to realize what nonsense it is, just half a brain. Still, mythology can be fun and lessons can be learned by examining these old works of fiction. Some are better than others, of course.
>as a Catholic
Except Christianity is not the religion to protect against subversion. It was designed to be taken advantage of and subvert. Why do you think all Christian nations are degenerate shit and conquered by Jews?
The religion we need is a religion that is racially conscious. You know like our old pagan religions that Jews fought tooth and nail to destroy.
Judeo Christian isn't a thing other only judeo thing was the nail entering Christ's hands
you should be chopped up and fed to pigs. Another degenerate pseudo intellectual holding us all back
>Putting aside the question god's existence, I find religion retarded. It's a bunch of fairy tales that are largely ridiculous.
Spoken like a true fedora fag. Grow up a few then come back here.
Godless German scum being godless German scum.
Ex-commies are so mindfucked that they crave an ideology that is just as strong as the one they escaped from. Sometimes it’s religion, sometimes capitalism.
The importants of the belief system is not the details of what or why but the overarching gestalt of a strictly reinforced value system among the community that becomes allegorical to everyday life. It doesnt matter if its bible stories or grimms fairy tales.
Based as fuck
Your problem is that you are too materialistic, like most of Germans nowadays. Be less materialistic, accept that science can't prove everything and accept that there are things you can't see or control. Accept that the world can be multidimensional. Accept that science is just a fucking tool that isn't atemporal.
Yeah, Jesus was born to a virgin, turned water into wine and was resurrected from the dead. Also Moses parted the fucking red sea.
And conveniently all of that magic doesn't exist anymore and you have to take some anonymously authored scripture's word for it.
Sorry, I will never believe that shit.
>Except Christianity is not the religion to protect against subversion.
oh really, then what force was it holding back the islamic invaders for that thousand years?
The 'age of aquarius', beyond the false-start in the 60s, is about releasing esoteric and occult information into the mainstream.
Zeus takes a liking to some faggot Ganymede who becomes the 'cup-bearer' to the gods, water being symbolic of information and the unconscious among other things.
The internet has allowed for certain walls to come down and for certain understandings to proliferate. While this has made traditional religion seem even more ridiculous to many it has also opened opportunity on different fronts.
I implore you to skim this. whale.to
>Apocalypse means 'revealing'. The 'end of the world' is more an end of an era.
>Sorry, I will never believe that shit.
why not? It's a lot less stupid than what you believe now
>worships a jew
>"you're minfucked by the jews"
ok neckbeard atheist. Take the Christ-pill. Best decision i‘ve ever made.
You don't need to actually believe in it, just support it. Mind you muslims doesn't even question things like you do and you're against them.
>myths as symbols/ideals that teach you what is good/works, instead of as literal truth
You are fucked to the point you dont even understand what truth is.
This is the best approach. I think some form of mythology—which doesn’t imply non-truth—is necessary to organize societies, but that doesn’t mean we need to see the stories as literal history. Rather, mythology should be seen as stories that contain truth.
Yes, I'm looking for that believe system that can be adopted by people who don't believe in religion.
I'm not a science fag. I'm just saying that I don't believe in religion and I can't make myself do it. That's the case for millions of people. So what do?
hippie new age bullshit.
What do you think I believe?
None of those things mean what you think they mean.
>worships a jew
Jesus wasn't a jew.
Christianity is yet another Jewish trick
We can make a religion of what is real: history, the tales of our common ancestors, duty, honour, the debt we owe to the dead and the yet to be born would all be good places to start. It won't happen in our generation, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't live as if it weren't the right thing to do.
Try DMT once, just once, and see for * yourself* what does and doesn’t exist beyond the veil.
Or don’t and keep posting stupid shit like this.
>What do you think I believe?
you're a typical fedora faggot, regardless of how you view yourself.
Laughable and proven false by our historical past. Anyway have you seen the bible? Not even 8 passages after the love your neighbors is this.
"When doing a good deed don't shout about it like the hypocrites do in the synagogue" the bible is extremely antisemitic why do you think Jews try to get rid of our churches that show stories of their evil painted on the walls. Historically Christians are the great enemy of the new look at what past Presidents have said about them.
Obviously. On the surface. But the underlying current is real.
Icsthys the Christ is a fish is Pisces etc etc. Gobeklie Tepe maps out the stars but the astrological story is much more ancient even.
> He says a society needs religion to repel subversion.
He is correct. Not exactly a religion, but a philosophy that makes you connect with other people, like Buddhism. But you have to believe in something,
Nihiliism is so retarded that most people that I know who are, are constantly questioning its self worth or other faggy shit.
What makes me a fedora fag? Not believing in any religion?
>I find religion retarded. It's a bunch of fairy tales that are largely ridiculous.
Your start would be to stop watching Ricky Gervais.
drug trips don't show you what's behind the veil, they just peel one layer off the onion.
>the question god's existence,
does not matter at all, only matters to have a common denominator
>I find religion retarded.
>It's a bunch of fairy tales that are largely ridiculous.
your opinion that speaks a lot about you (if you're honest) however "fairy tales" are for a looooong period in history THE way for humans to communicate knowledge from old to young generations. before the written word ,even cuneiform and stone or clay tablets , there were campfire story hours , and you probably know the game "stille post" ...
for a long time ( now dying out ) there was the actual profession of "storyteller" they used to travel from village/town to town and transmit this cultural knowledge
in these days we dont have the need for it anymore because of electronic devices and the global information network that is almost omnipresent.
people were used to listen to the spoken word and could actually memorize it (unlike people of today who have a short term and long term meomory like a teaegg)
>I just can't
>I gues
>the case for many educated people
>The question is
the question is why is this (OP) a massive faggot ?
Also read some Jung/Campbell if you want a non-religious interpretation of religious structures
>Do a drug and go on a trip I promise it's real and not just a chemical trip
You could always look into Aryanism and the esoteric things Himmler believed in if you don't want a religion.
What would be the point of it now? To expect miracles is cringe and satanpilled
>believe system that can be adopted by people who don't believe
You cant believe in your moral system a little bit. Believeing a little bit is how you get people like american niggers, who tell you that its okay to steal because they wanted it, and stealing is only bad if they didnt want it when they stole it. Your moral system needs to be the fabric that defines your societies subconscious structure.
what makes you a fedora faggot is the belief than an atheist system of morality could replace Christianity.
'The medium is the message'. A tainted symbol is no longer useful. Prana chi vril virtue virility virwolf vampire adrenochrome. Associations and etymology only provide context for what is already believed. I can't shake you from your preconceptions into a conception.
using that word unironically
Ok so all the disciples are Jews and Jesus was circumsized and called rabbi by his followers but totally wasn't a kike
Jesus wasn't of the tribe of now read the bible
Personally, I think we need something like Julian Hellenism. Perfectly compatible with the natural world, but not rootless and materialistic either. Even if people don’t literally believe in it the potential to organize around it is strong.
Science is the new religion for normies
Let's say this is true why is the bible filled with antisemitism ?
I don't believe that, I hope it. Because you will never turn modern atheist people back into Christians.
The only remaining conclusion is that western nations are doomed. Try to make people not act like degenerates without referring to religion. Good luck.
"History" gets condensed into myth.
Thoth -> Hermes Trismegestus -> Enoch or Adam -> Moses -> Jesus
Is akin to Socrates ->Plato -> Aristotle, or Clinton -> Bush-> Obama
What happened over thousands of years? Rather than just 4.
They don't believe in race realism even though it's backed up by science (at least whenever researching it is allowed). They believe something else.