O b a m a's common core
Liberal education at its best - Common Core
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Ever hear of an educated Russian?
That's just a shit teacher
>retarded teacher
>therefore the material is retarded
God damn user, are you retarded too?
This is why i will send my children to private school or home school them. Most educators and teachers deserve to be imprisoned for child abuse.
thx for the bump fucking retard
No wonder burgers turn out retarded. Who thought this was a good way to teach math?
Hold up, can you really not understand this very basic math worksheet?
This one teaches estimation. Why are you still posting, user? It's obvious you're mentally deficient.
>NYS Common Core
>new york state
liberal shithole.
checks out
stop spaming this faggot
This is by far the saddest infodump I've ever witnessed. I sincerely hope nobody pays you for this.
This one can be defended, though.
Two sixpacks is not the same as six twopacks, even though they both come to 12 units.
Well someone has to do it...
there's no cavalry reinforcements coming
Might aswell do It myself
Answer me. Do you not understand this? Do you not understand that teaching children math requires breaking it down??
It's not a retarded teacher. It's really the "new" way of doing math. Supposedly, they did some research that shows that doing it this way makes you a better programmer. Like, you're supposed to think of the equation '5 x 3' as three five's, as opposed to five three's. But it's stupid to ask it the question in a manner that appears as if the answer is mathematically incorrect.
thanks for the bump
>For example if you want to solve 121-93 quickly, you add seven to both giving you 128-100=28 which is much quicker to calculate. (or into 120-92=28)
>A kid that is talented at math would intuitively simplify 121-93 into that automatically inside his head. Common Core is a bad attempt at trying to transfer this ability into the heads of black children. Common Core tries to teach them things that they do not understand.
>three five's, as opposed to five three's.
I mean, five three's as opposed to three five's.
>If you're halfway decent with arithmetic you do these tricks in your head automatically, without thinking about it and certainly without ever having been taught it. Forcing kids to learn these tricks in school is about trying to make everyone good at math. It's not gonna happen.
>Common core is just the mental tricks that high IQ people use to do math in their heads really fast, but they're trying to teach them to niggers which doesn't work, and the language they use to describe the trick is insufficient and stupid, because the books were written by someone low IQ. And nobody who used those tricks in the first place needed to be taught them.
>You either have problem solving skills or you don't. You can't train a shitskin's mudhut-building brain to become smart and conceptualize real architecture.
What is this shit?
There was a video on Youtube that has since been scrubbed where one of the creators of common core openly admitted its purpose is to lower the grades of white students so they're more "equal" to non-white student grades.
Fuck this gay earth
Liberal education pushed by Obama and the Democrats
To make everyone retarded, just like niggers
>It literally is for stupid people. I've been fascinated by them my whole life and I can translate retard pretty well. I once helped someone learn algebra by telling her to use pictures for the variables instead of letters. The part that tripped her up was literally just using letters because for some reason she thought every letter of the alphabet had a static value that could not be changed. Using arbitrary pictures she came up with solved that. Afterwards, her math was full of kitty cat faces and stars, but it was good math.
>Niggers in particular are not even capable of that. They do not have abstract thought. Anything you can't physically see or touch does not exist to them. No future, no past, no consequences, religion seems to work on them by convincing them god really exists and is always watching, but then they can't conceptualize omniscience and think that they can outsmart God and keep being criminals anyway.
>When a nigger says "I dindu nuffins" upon being arrested, what he means is "I am not actively committing a crime right this moment, so I am innocent." It's not that he thinks he got off scot-free because he left the crime scene without a cop seeing him, it's that he literally cannot conceptualize the past. There is only now. He doesn't understand how he could be punished for something that isn't happening right now. When his mother says "he a good boy he dindu nuffin," she meant that he is being a good boy at this specific moment in time, which is the only moment that exists for niggers.
>you're supposed to think of the equation '5 x 3' as three five's, as opposed to five three's.
If you're supposed to think of it as 5 fives, why did the teacher put -1, and put down 5 three's as a correction?
This cannot be real
fuck common core, my parents were never able to help me with my math homework because they "changed math"
This debauched animalistic “educator” definitely gets the rope.
You too.
Yeah I admit i do this inside my head too, but you only do it when you need it. Breaking it down this far when it isn't needed makes it feel more confusing.
It's like the QWOP of doing math
Pathetic. I'll bump this as many times as I please. I'll also go take a shot or two of vodka so at least one of us can do right by your homeland. Absolutely embarrassing.
Because I made a typo.
How is this even math? It's just a trick question.
Holy fuck, democrats are cancer.
There is nothing wrong with this. Its just doing subtraction via addition. Boomers who can't think for themselves think there is "one way" to think about subtraction. Most of the math shit in this thread is perfectly fine, and anything that appears dumb is due to a shit teacher.
>inb4 jew etc
again, thanks for helping me to spread the word!
It's NOT a good way to teach math. Whites were doing so much better than nigs and mexicans on standardized tests so the education board designed a way to do math so ridiculous that no child would properly understand it.
Lowest common denominator, nigga
The fucking pilpul never ends.
math was too hard for niggers so they invented common core. kek. this shit literally makes you stupid, dont let your kids learn this way
Mate, back in the early 90s I got a bottom grade on a short story I wrote in Danish class because it was set in the future (I was into science fiction even back then) but I wrote it in past tense.
My teacher told me that if it takes place 20 years in the future after an atomic war I should write it all in future tense.
That was the exact moment I realised teh teachers are not any smarter than the students.
That last point about dindu nuffin is horribly true. I have seen niggers confronted with hard evidence of what they have done and they will try to lie and say that isn't them on the screen. They will say that they aren't doing anything right now, that they were just "walking down the street" while omitting what they did before walking down the street. They cannot use words to describe the past, instead they use motions and caricatures, imitating other people that they had interacted with. They constantly rap their favorite nigger music or make beats because they cannot conceptualize the music. They constantly repeat themselves because they cannot follow a coherent train of thought and instead are reactive, so if there is no reaction they just keep doing the same thing.
That would explain it.
What's the rationale behind it though? In that example, as well as in it just seems to lead to more steps that leave more room for confusion and error.
Remember to vote in your local elections.
Sheriff, town mayor and SCHOOL BOARD
Maybe you can make a difference
When I see this question I just mentally subtract
243 - 43 - 44 = 156.
Am I common core retard?
Wasn't it bush who started common core and obongo just expanded it?
the nigrification of education
>when niggers defend common core
I guess this shithole really is compromised
When I google "american mathematician" all I get is jewish women and sheboons. Russia may suck in many ways, but comparing russian intelligentsia to american one is a game american should avoid.
Makes sense. If you eat less pizza, how can you eat more pizza? It's not possible. Basic logic.
Bill Gates came up with common core
>A White Teacher Speaks Out - American Renaissance
Another good read
>friendly numbers
This thread hurts my brain.
Wasnt common core a Bush administration thing?
this is what happens if you do not expel jews from your country and instead allow them to "teach" your children
My hate for that nigger just increased 10 times.