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Other urls found in this thread:


Way too little.
Way too late.

That's going to do fuck all to stop the spread. If they couldn't keep it in Wuhan, which is on the other side of the globe, they're not going to contain it in NY. This is just a mad grab for power, and paying you trumpbux to ease your mind.

i thought he wanted everyone to just pretend corona doesnt exist
i cant keep up with donnie's flip-flopping

Trump definitely shouldn't do a quarantine. It's just a bad move except maybe for show.

Too late.

New York should've been in quarantine since the early 1900s

t. NY disease carrier

NY NJ and CT should be quarantined and napalmed

thats a pretty big fucking detour for thru traffic.

Time for the chimpouts

>I'll quarantine area after they already infected all other areas
Trump always 100 steps behind

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he's talking now

isn't announcing it just going to make people flee

This. Amputate


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Well played leaf.

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Governors dropped the ball so now daddy Trump has to intervene

Meanwhile the great replacement will never slow - not for a pandemic - not for campaign promises. not for anything!

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Quarentine california.

*Snake Pliskin Intensifies*

Add Chicago for maximum habbining

Trump is supposed to be keeping his plans quiet during a war..thats what he said he was going to do to not alert enemy
Why would he let everyone in thise state hes shutting them down before he shuts them down? They are going to leave in masses rto infect others now !!!!

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Bill Lee needs someone else to make decisions

Is that why it's one of the safest major cities in America?

This was a complete fuck up and im am far from a Tump hater .

he should have kept mum on shutting down NY until they had barriers at the tunnells and bridges.

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lol cuomo says it's an emergency we'll give him an emergency


I>t's supposed to be over by Easter.
>Why the fuck to we have to switch tactics every day? I can't keep up anymore. This is lefty/pol/'s fault.

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Homeless problem solved.

Florida next. You solved the ageing issues.

President of twitter.

I cant wait to watch NYC burn and be looted

New Orleans is the fastest growing hot spot. Save Mississippi and lockdown NOLA.


Satanists kvetching.

Nuke it and start over. Only way to be sure.

That might be more connected to the NYPD having more manpower than the armies of medium sized nations

Source on that claim?

Rent free

And King of the Jews.

Attached: trump-king-of-jews.jpg (960x1024, 79.94K)

it'll be like a movie

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Great job Donald. Now every kike in Manhattan will be heading out of the city by nightfall.

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New Yorkers deserve everything they get. Fuck em

Fuck, I'm flying home next week. Worst spring break ever!

Fuck off chink. Nobody wants your opinion


This man is retarded. Now that he said it on tweeter, a lot of NYorkers will flee just to not be locked there. This shit happened in Italy and China. He's giving them time to flee, it's so fucking dumb.

> Announces quarantaine
> Everyone will just take the opportunity to flee before they can't
> Those who stay will loot supermarkets like chimps

10/10 epic president you got there, thanks for the heads up for the morons in NYC.

The point is not to stop the spread, but to devastate liberal strongholds as retalliation for their poor behavior towards Donald Trump.

What does this mean, you can't leave the house at all?

2 weeks too late. He should impose on ALL sanctuary city states. That's the fuckin problem

Nigger its not 5 yet. Stupid ass nigger fake news


Less likely to get murdered in NYC than in Portland or Seattle.


Nigger chimpout when?

It will never happen because of this.

NYCanon here. I've been walking around with the infection for over 6 months and haven't sought treatment yet. I've urinated on staircases, defecated on train platforms and vomited all over sidewalks. I suffer from mental illness and don't take any medication. As a young boy I was routinely molested and would regularly cut myself as a coping mechanism.

They are already flooding Florida. And guess where all the liberal kikes go in Florida? Miami. Guess what's another hot spot? Miami.

New York fuckers have came down to Appalachia to rent short term houses and brought the virus with them, now our little rural hospitals are going to be destroyed because we have like 3 ventilators


This and this.
The rest of the thread will be about leftypol, trannies, libtards, go back to plebbit, etc.

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USA bodycount yesterday?

Piece of fucking shit. Trump is such a fucking jew, its unbelievable.

1 post by this ID. Not even a real tweet that's why OP didnt leave a link. All you faggots should be quarantined from using Yas Forums and shitting up the place

Big wedding party first!

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Nah man nothing to do with 36,000 police officers. Thats only like 8 brigades worth of armed folks to keep a lid on the whole thing. All the poor brown folks love white people there, definitely don’t harbor any racial animosities.

Uh, checked

we're past that it's time for Saint Rocco medallions and flamethrowers

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Can we quarantine New York and California 4eva?

OP is a bong, you smooth brain. Time zones.

That's what you get for not shutting down your state borders and allowing filthy yankies in

NYC is relatively safe. It had an amazing transformation under Giuliani and Bloomberg. NYC had over 2000 murders a year in the early 90s. Now it is around 300.

It's actually going to help the spread, because now tons of nyc fags are going to disperse in fear.

Detroit is a growing hot spot, too. I live in Michigan but a long way from Detroit. I'd be happy if the Detroit metro area were quarantined because we have enough problems where I am as it is.


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Agreed user. Wise words.

Is he doing this on purpose to make a lot of pople leave NY, that would greatly decrease the problem there and spread it out more.

It's kind of odd to give a warning of an impending lockdown, people are going to flood out fast.

You will be spared on the day of the rake.

Every single post in this thread is a Russian bot. Coronachan isnt real.

doubt it. maybe the rich, but the vast majority has nowhere to go. and thats a good thing

Should I stay and further spread my sickness or leave for Montana or Kentucky? I want white people to die so bad. Hail Satan btw 666


Cuomo probably is cool with this. Tons of people leave his state, less people in his hospitals.

D-Do you think South Jersey will be outside the quarantine? We only have 1 case in my town.

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>The spread of the zombies quickly spiraled out of control, and New York City was overrun. The Battle of Yonkers would begin 3 months after the start of the "Great Panic", after the fall of New York City, in an attempt to destroy the zombie horde numbering in the millions which was now spreading from the city.
>The Air Force dropped several thermobaric weapons on the zombies and their own troops hoping to neutralize the undead at Yonkers in one sweep (which had the gruesome side-effect of ripping lungs out of individuals not destroyed by the initial blast, leaving numerous ghouls wandering around with their lungs hanging out of their mouths). It accomplished its purpose of destroying the majority of zombies from that battle but many more still poured in from Manhattan, overpowering the American forces and proving, to devastating effect, and on national television no less, that the war with the undead could not be won with conventional tactics. Within 3 weeks after Yonkers, the eastern United States was abandoned by the United States military in a mass retreat to a new defensive line at the Rocky Mountains.

I agree. northam is a fucking idiot

Imagine announcing your future plans. Didnt he shit on Obama for this

>when you learn Trump us a Russian bot.

Real quarantine or faggot quarantine like us yuros?

The kikes need fresh slaves, goy. Your wages must be lowered! Best economy ever!

Captain trips

Faggot quarantine would be my guess

Real. Flame troopers are on the way now.

When he doesnt do it or just shuts down some commuter travel, it will look like a measured response. People are spooked now tho.

>finally, my time has come

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but in the end you will still die a worthless shitskin

>Coronachan isnt real.
Hi Hilldawg. How's the pizza today?


Time to round up all the adrenochrome addicts in these states. Bout time. Besides cali these are the most corrupt states in the union. A deep state stronghold

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Don't talk about Trump switching tactics everyday. We've got to stay with it. Talk about anything else.

Trump19 cucks Cuomo da homo...

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no that would be because the other major cities are even worse. NY has too many jews with valuable property so they let the police do their job there