Yas Forums humor thread

Yas Forums humor thread

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Attached: finches.jpg (660x672, 66.71K)

Attached: Untitled.jpg (480x731, 126.47K)

Discord tier of humor

Attached: truth.jpg (582x1024, 87.49K)

post memri bois
i like them so much

Attached: dc2Kkac.jpg (750x599, 46.71K)

Attached: memri 1.jpg (600x347, 25.03K)

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Attached: Muh Pewtn.png (1488x1282, 1.13M)

Attached: Religion and IQ.jpg (1500x1008, 361.99K)

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Attached: Average citizens of three places.jpg (2000x1334, 902.51K)

Attached: HL_bearers.jpg (2000x1015, 563.97K)

Attached: 1585326173382.jpg (500x348, 25.79K)

Attached: Fallschirmjäger.jpg (1500x1001, 490.23K)

Braindead slav detected

kek saved

Humorless HIV boy detected.

Attached: Post-WW2 fighting.jpg (1488x1436, 708.74K)

Attached: choochoochoo.jpg (500x372, 154.71K)


Attached: 162-1624286_transparent-pepe-laugh-pepe-laugh-png-png-download.png (860x647, 617.43K)

Still no sign of terrorist activity. My job is categorized as essential so still on the job. Don't ask me, not my call. FML.

Attached: CIA monitoring image board.jpg (791x268, 39.38K)

Attached: soylentclaw.png (923x639, 179.6K)

Attached: ding dong.webm (480x848, 1.96M)

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fucking top kek

Attached: macron.jpg (464x435, 54.07K)

Attached: divorce in the 21st century.jpg (850x888, 136.1K)

Attached: marriage in the 21st century.jpg (552x594, 47.61K)

Attached: chase your dreams.jpg (640x585, 68.68K)

Attached: dave.jpg (600x900, 117.26K)

Attached: give-a-hoot.png (1000x1413, 517.09K)

Attached: nigger whipper 5000.jpg (953x1024, 152.69K)

Attached: Diversity Free Iceland.png (520x824, 260.38K)

Attached: taken niggers crime.jpg (300x300, 33.7K)

This isn't funny bro

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Attached: horrible racist.jpg (560x246, 24.65K)

this brings me sad memories of my first crush

don't get married

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Attached: act less gay.jpg (604x453, 62.78K)

Attached: not passing.jpg (1242x1240, 132.2K)

Attached: double standard.jpg (750x950, 188.91K)

When your hand slipped off and hit the wall hahahahaha faggot

Savitri Devi is retarded. You've probably never even read one of her books, but she is new-age mystical garbage.

Anyone have the ''asian women are so tight bro'' pic?

Attached: 1568898267040.png (979x824, 536.44K)

I did read and enjoy The Lightning & The Sun though.

Attached: cooooomin.jpg (775x800, 375.27K)

top kek

Why do they have such small peckers, what is the biological reason for this?


midwits BTFO

Brain dead kike controlled leaf trying to dis the prophet of hitler.

i don't know.
small people small peckers
i guess

Attached: average chinese woman driver.webm (640x362, 354.09K)

>173 rolls of toilet paper
The fuck that's several years worth

the U.S. are total mutts

Attached: amerimutts.png (960x540, 773.41K)

Kek'd and check'd

Anyone have the pennywise in an Indian sewer pic?

They need new meat for the wet markets.

>Guys these two countries which the Jews have manipulated against Europe are totally based
>Dude of course the NKVD and East German army are based and redpilled, don't you know they're authoritarian and have cool uniforms, isn't that what we fellow Nazis like??
>Fucking eur*peans and anyone who resisted the Communists amirite lmao!
I guess leftypol is becoming desolate now that all the gays on there are dying of Corona

Attached: FB_IMG_1583457497885.jpg (720x720, 62.37K)

Putin is far from being a pro white/white Nationalists!


Attached: ILL KILL YOU JESSICA.jpg (634x661, 134.28K)

baseret med rødepiller


v for sejr

Attached: gode gamle jihad.jpg (720x960, 78.72K)

Attached: day_in_a_life_comic.png (1000x1413, 534.49K)

Attached: coffee_too_dark_comic.jpg (684x1037, 59.41K)

Attached: original_chadvsvirgin.jpg (1680x1216, 598.55K)

Attached: Doge Thanos kills niggers.png (540x294, 217.35K)

Attached: MP.png (601x799, 634.86K)