Unknown Chinese HIV/AIDS-like STD

Because of retarded health anxiety, I've happened to fall deep into a crazy rabbit hole online where there are multiple independent reports of people catching a disease through sexual contact with symptoms matching acute HIV infection showing up a couple weeks later, eventually progressing to an AIDS-like condition. Some people are reporting that there are some doctors in China that are aware of this condition, and there is some evidence pointing towards a Chinese origin.

What is crucial is that this doesn't seem to be picked up by HIV tests spaced multiple months apart, yet these people are reporting symptoms that line-up with immunocompromised patients (AIDS, in other words). Some doctors seem to be taking it seriously, but no MSM coverage yet.

sites.google.com/site/newhivaidslikeviruschina/home - compilation of symptoms

unknown-std-id.boards.net - discussion forum with people reporting and discussing symptoms

Anyone know more about this? My initial suspicion was that these people are simply paranoid and are suffering under severe health anxiety, but some of the pictures uploaded seem incredibly severe and I am starting to think there may be something going on here. (some of them even report decreased CD4-cell counts, a classic indicator of immunocompromisation).

Pic related is a picture of some of the symptoms that someone uploaded in their Discord channel.

Attached: 20200323_193118.jpg (873x1163, 86.66K)

Other urls found in this thread:



"The qualitative systematic analysis suggested that the idiopathic CD4+ T lymphocytopenia (ICL) and infection of nontuberculosis mycobacteria (NTM) had similar characteristics with AIDS-related complex (HIV negative). Through network investigation of 174 cases and field observation of 52 cases, the data showed that the AIDS-related complex population came from different areas of China, and was dominated by young and middle-aged male patients. The complained symptoms involved respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, skin, muscle, skeleton and nervous system. The clinical course could be divided into an acute period and a stable period. The special symptoms are swollen lymph nodes, snapping joint, osteodynia, muscle throbbing pain, skin nodules (rash), greasy tongue coating and dry skin. The CD4+ T lymphocytes

Fuck I might have this


"A 2011 study at the Peking Union Medical College examining the blood lymphocytes of 23 patients with the "HIV-like" pathogen found that 83% had a CD4 count of greater than 500 CD4 cells per mm3, and 17% of patients had CD4 counts between 300 and 500 cells per mm3, with the lowest count being 307 cells per mm3. The study found a few patients had an inverse CD4/CD8 ratio, but without excessive CD8 activation."


Attached: 2880px-HIV-budding-Color.jpg (2880x1913, 977.66K)

"An 2010 examination by the Chinese CDC of 23 patients with the "HIV-like" pathogen found that 14% of patients had low CD4 counts less than 450 CD4 cells per mm3."


You probably just have regular aids, faggot.

"The incubation period of this new "HIV-like" pathogen appears to be around 2 to 3 days (this is the time it takes for the first symptoms of this disease to appear after the initial exposure to the pathogen). Then during the first three months after contracting the virus, many of the disease symptoms will manifest.

This new "HIV-like" virus is probably not transmitted sexually, but is easily transmitted by kissing, which often takes place during sex. Individuals who catch this virus through sex may mistakenly think they have caught a sexual disease, but this is a respiratory virus that spreads via saliva.

In fact, once someone catches this pathogen, it quickly spreads to others, such as family, friends and work colleagues, by ordinary social contact. This indicates the virus should not to be considered a sexually transmitted pathogen, even though it is often caught from kissing during sex with a new partner (or from a prostitute — there are many reports from China of this virus being caught from sex with a prostitute, even protected sex)."

Attached: RASH .png (1000x650, 927.48K)

Yea probably. Not showing the symptoms this guy is saying

stop having cheap sex with strangers you faggot

pic related are the symptoms

Attached: Screenshot 2020-03-28 at 19.06.41.png (1262x1105, 201.78K)

You have a point, but this thing appears to spread via saliva as well.

I have been saying this for weeks, the next deadly outbreak will be airborne HIV. We have way to many incels for the regular HIV to infect more people so they have to find a better way of spreading it.

I had a UTI 1 week after contact and a rash a month later, but the rash is on my chest and might be from stress, not as severe as this and not on hands and feet

Have you done a HIV test to rule out any infection? Rash showing up a month later is characteristic of acute HIV infection.

What are you like 80? Who just gets a rash by thinking about it??

This particular virus doesn't seem airborne, but I otherwise agree with your opinion and I think it's only a matter of time before we get airborne HIV. Luckily there are good anti-retrovirals that can limit its progression to AIDS, though.

Bumping with some more content.

Pic related is a document from the chinese ministry of health acknowledging the existence of the virus

Attached: reply-from-ministry-of-health.jpg (734x979, 102.79K)

Look dude, as long as niggers and whores catch AIDS im gucci.

>reports of people catching a disease through sexual contact
So...nothing that we need to worry about

I would be inclined to agree, but it seems like this virus is not as difficult to transmit as HIV. Saliva seems to be sufficient.

No got tested for clap and gon which I did not have

If I have HIV it’s ogre lads


Attached: el-sapo-pepe-1.jpg (1024x768, 400.82K)

wtf shaves up to their belly button? stairway to heaven is the chad way.

scabbies. stop letting whores on your bed dipshit.

>My initial suspicion was that these people are simply paranoid and are suffering under severe health anxiety
Why would anxiety give you virus?

Not to worry, modern HIV treatment gives you an equal lifespan to a normal person, you just need to take a pill a day.

Rather awkward to reveal your status to any potential mate, though.

It wouldn't give you a virus, but it would definitely give you symptoms of immunocompromisation as anxiety and stress can depress your immune system.

>fags are diseased
This is news?

It's not just fags that are getting this mystery virus, though. Regular HIV I would agree since heterosexual sex carries a very low risk of transmission, but this particular virus seems easier to transmit than HIV.

Looks like some dengue

those are german measles

I thought Asian men rarely if ever had intercourse?

>nail loss
That's some serious shit.
>incubation 2-3 days
You don't need to wait.


Will this finally convince you faggots to stop burning the rice?


Attached: Screenshot 2020-03-28 at 19.36.58.png (850x614, 189.76K)

No confirmation that this is of Chinese-origin yet, but it seems like they are the ones taking it seriously hence all the studies.

so it's just open season in china for bio weapons. wtf are they doing over there

It seems like the mystery virus first showed up in the early-2000s - I doubt its a bioweapon.

Checked. And I still think it's tied to the chink doc that CRISPered the embryos to delete the AIDS susceptibility gene. He prob tested on mice w/human cells, sold or released the mice, chinks ate them, and here we are.

Likely HIV prior to the Chinese virus.

I started having splotches like this all over my arms, legs and sides about 3 weeks ago. My dermatologist saw me on an emergency basis last Fri and said she has no idea what it is, but it's not psoriasis. She scribed me an antibiotic and so far it's slowing down but not going away.

I only have 1 partner and she has zero symptoms. Covid-19 is all over my town, and I work in the same building where a guy died from it just this week.

Am I fuxked, ??

Hypochondrianitis is a real disease. Spend enough time thinking that you are sick, and phantom symptoms will manifest themselves physiologically. Quit thinking about disease and clean your room.

What is also interesting is that it seems like sites and forums discussing this are constantly being scrubbed and taken down. Cover-up in progress maybe?

doesnt matter had sex

I have 90% of those symptoms since my last long-year relationship, but that was 6 years ago.

have fun getting lesions on your testis.

holy fuck, i have this shit but not that much, i havent had sex in a long time, how the fuck did i catch this shit then?

To be honest, that salami pattern rash can also be an indicator of an allergy or your liver being overwhelmed by tylenol or alcohol.

Doesn't affect me.

Sup botnet?

Are you gay? Not asking in a degrading way, if you had straight sex you are most likely fine. Its incredibly difficult to get it as a straight man in a heterosexual relationship

Ah, so that's what that rash I got is. Maybe it comes from coronavirus.

Bump while I read your posts.


basically new AIDS that spreads without sex but could also be sexually transmitted with a delayed on set of symptoms
>nail loss
OK I'm gonna need to read your sources now kek these claims are massive

>A 2011 study at the Peking Union Medical College examining the blood lymphocytes of 23 patients with the "HIV-like" pathogen
How old is this HIV like virus you're describing OP? Can you give us a clear timeline? Has it resurfaced and become stronger recently or something?
In your original post you said you fell into a rabbit hole, so I'm just trying to get caught up user.

Yeah probably time to kys

>I've happened to fall deep into a crazy rabbit hole

Attached: photo_2020-03-22_21-09-14.jpg (508x493, 43.59K)

Were you rolling around in ivy plants? You could just have some kind of contact dermatitis.
Strange that the dermatologist didn't know though. Did they take a sample of your skin to test it? That's what they should have done.

fuck off

I had a rash like this that went full-body when I had strep throat. IIRC it was a secondary viral infection that hit because my system was so busy dealing with strep A trying to roast my heart and brain.

Uti is unrelated to HIV
If you showed symptoms after contact such as this chest rash it would've been accompanied by the worst flu you've ever experienced 2x. If there was no fever you might be ok.
Please get tested at 3 months with an at home HIV saliva swab, or visit your doctor 6 weeks after contact and have a duo test done. Better to know user, hopefully you've learned your lesson. If results are definitively negative live your life and never look back

If you dont think anxiety and stress depress your immune system then you are an absolute retard