/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2661

► Detected: 645,119 (+48,806) ► Died: 29,945 (+2,603)

— 3.7 billion people put under lockdown —
— 202 countries and territories infected —
— 62% more confirmed deaths than swine flu in all of 2009-10 —
— 2,084 different strains have been sequenced —

Coronavirus spike already visible in mortality rates from Italy

Spain mortality rate goes up 17% due to coronavirus

Spain health ministry says up to 66% of deaths not detected

South Korea leading expert recommends wearing masks

"We have entered a recession as bad or worse than 2009", IMF director

Incubation period up to 24 days, longer than expected

N95 masks can be reused if dry heated at 70 °C for 30 minutes

In France, half in intensive care under 50 years old

Kidney and testicular damage found in three clinical datasets

Survivors will need rehabilitation due to neuromuscular damage

Infected in India only discovered post-mortem

China biowarfare program might have gone wrong

WHO says detailed information provided in only 38% of cases

$2.4 trillion global recession expected

China tells local authorities to stop reporting cases


17:15: 3,424 new cases and 298 new deaths in Italy.
17:06: 2,117 new cases and 542 new deaths in Lombardy, Italy.
17:04: 569 new cases and 18 new deaths in Louisiana, United States.
17:02: 1,704 new cases and 16 new deaths in Turkey.
17:01: 163 new cases in Iowa, United States.
16:59: 196 new cases and 7 new deaths in Ecuador.


Attached: CVG.webm (640x360, 3M)

Other urls found in this thread:








动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 Ai Wei Wei 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 Umbrella protests Extradition Law 纸老虎 Hong Kong protests 李文良医生 Democracy won the Vote 习近平的阴茎很小。 每天晚上,在上床睡觉之前,他都会吞下几加仑的非裔美国人的阴茎汁。它充满了他的胃,使他忘记了自己难以置信的小阴茎。还有,他妈的中国,台湾第一。

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Godspeed corona chan!

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should i draw coronachan in a pose like this sitting on user?

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Wow nothing is happening.

can i survive 3 weeks on oreos and tuna?

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> 2,084 different strains have been sequenced
anyone have the sauce for this?

Glowniggers will bust your doors down for posting this

Predictions for Monday:

1 million infected
40k dead
Black Monday II: Electric Boogaloo

>more cases in Italy than yesterday
>just about the sand number of deaths
Where are Nothingburgers now? I thought it was supposed to stop?

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I miss Gary

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bad decision user high in mercury should have gone with deenz

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Has Kim come to visit us again?

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This is why Italians are dropping like flies

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im going to enjoy fucking my chinese gf while in self isolation, what do you guys think?

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Do you really have to ask?

Friendly reminder that if you're not Asian you're immune to the disease.

What did I miss today?

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Is that webm in America ?

Actually it would be Black Monday III

>a literal rag
Let me guess, chinese?

usa and the Italy at fault.
-american flu lives at 100000+
-america army at Wuhan
-great china economy now.
-we link supply countries europe no thanks.
-china solved American flu.

Why is the responsibility of the world because of bases American not looked at for spread virus?

normal denial influencing people media in the usa.

In how much danger are 24 year olds?

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>not already in isolation
You're already dead.

The one thing which gives me comfort as I read all of the far left attacks on President Trump is knowing they'll have to suffer through 4 more years of him with a Republican Congress and 2 more SCOTUS picks.

If God is on Trump's side, he will make it through this stronger than he started. If God is not on Trump's side, nothing we could do would have saved him.

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Reminder that Jews are spreading Coronavirus in NY and NJ



what the fuck pastabros we're going to lose even 2nd spot at this rate

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Can I take tylenol or is that going to make me weaker versus covid?

You need to watch it again if you're asking that question.

assuming those are being given to normal people to use that is a great idea. Even something as shit as that will help reduce spread. Every little bit helps.
Better than no mask like US

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LA County here. 310.
Need groceries bad. I need milk, eggs, cereal and bunch of other stuff. Really not feeling going out and battling the crowds and standing in line. I fucking hate amazon right now for not being available.

Reminder: being a NEET is being a model citizen

>Govneror Cuomo is very excited

Holy shit Trump talks like a retard.

fucking hell how long will one have to wait to get in? 4-5 hours? christ the americans really are subhuman

Princess Maria Teresa of Spain's Bourbon-Parma dynasty

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19 years old died in france. you are not safe. You will die soon. We are doomed.

What about your country?

it depends
are you fat

CCP Communists don't belong here

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Don't use ibuprofen. It makes it worse.

Anything that impedes your body's inflammatory response is bad. Don't take unless you're above 105F

My lung started hurting when I breath.

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Back in January people said that the death rate in China was much higher than reported, based on sulphur emissions in Wuhan. Has anyone done a similar analysis of western cities?

Learn to read, dumb nigger.

Trump says the ships are STOCKED

ok Chang

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>Literally says California in the Webm

what do you mean? we've been in isolation for a while. good for fucking, but gets boring after a while

>331 infected and 6 dead.

Its gotten everyone in my family so freaked out we're goin to ye olde village and planting as many potatos as we humanly can.

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Oh shit , that was a miss from my part , thanks you are right
Just re-watched now

Funny. but
>believing chinese numbers

i'm ready for anything

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United States (-4.22%) Germany (-5.29%) France (-4.84%) United Kingdom (-5.76%) Italy (-4.53%) Switzerland (-3.51%) Spain (-3.92%) Austria (-1.99%) Poland (-0.94%) Netherlands (-4.35%) Hungary (-1.99%) Russia (-5.73%) Greece (+0.00%) Brazil (-5.68%) Japan (+0.93%) Hong Kong (-0.48%) China (-0.29%) Australia (-8.82%) Singapore (-0.43%) India (-1.87%) South Korea (+1.78%) Taiwan (-3.70%) South Africa (-4.87%)

Sydney (0%) Tokyo (-5%) Beijing (-5%) Wuhan (-1%) New Delhi (-42%) Dubai (-15%) Moscow (-39%) Rome (-22%) Milan (-15%) Berlin (-9%) Munich (-9%) Brussels (-20%) Paris (-40%) Madrid (-11%) Barcelona (-13%) London (-30%) Johannesburg (0%) Sao Paulo (-31%) Buenos Aires (-23%) New York (-35%) Washington (-22%) Miami (-18%) Toronto (-30%) Chicago (-14%) Houston (-14%) Mexico City (-28%) Los Angeles (-25%) Seattle (-2%)

India (1.3b) China (760m) Pakistan (211m) United States (196m) Mexico (129m) Egypt (97m) Germany (82m) Philippines (70m) Brazil (66m) France (66m) United Kingdom (66m) Italy (60m) South Africa (56m) Colombia (49m) Spain (46m) Argentina (44m) Ukraine (42m) Poland (37m) Morocco (35m) Peru (32m) Venezuela (32m) Malaysia (31m) Nepal (29m) Australia (24m) Romania (19m) Netherlands (17m) Ecuador (16m) Belgium (11m) Tunisia (11m) Czech Republic (10m) Dominican Republic (10m) Greece (10m) Portugal (10m)…


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Don't you have some dogs to boil alive or something, Han?

>gets boring after a while
Fuck Off normie

i fucking knew it

Lots of Chinese in Lombardia. They're the ones dying. I haven't seen any Italians dying of corona.

>I'm going to
>we've been in isolation for a while
What, has she cucked you up until now or something?

How we doing Biden bros? Can someone drop me a link to the discord? I'm a little late to the party

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>no other value changes

I bet if you subtracted all the other ways people could be dying Corona probably offsets them desu. It's just the biggest health factor right now and causing fags with aids to drop dead.

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New York Virus

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Fuck Joementia, Fuck Bernie, Fuck Trump and fuck you

Wrocław here, I went to my local Żabka this afternoon and it was like a ghost town, barely any cars or anybody on normally busy streets. Even saw an old lady wearing a mask.

Our boy Giuseppe Conte is holding a press conference in 20 minutes
I'll post the link when he goes live, summary at the end of course

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Deaths at peak are >500/day, total deaths during 1936-39 war were at approximately 457/day

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Fuck. Natural expectants are doing nothing against this huge phlegm backup (what I hope it is). Thanks you two

>645277 infected
>29957 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little pandemic won't cause an extinction level event

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nigga got a literal bowl full of phones

The communist feminists at that rally will be smiling while coofing and dying I guess

You're going to die from malnutrition, all you have is salted meat and sugar.

That's a guy isn't it?

>everything that happens in the world is about the US elections

kys mongoloid

Tomorrow is Sunday but church is closed. Feelsbadman

We hitting 750k tonight anons?

How the fuck does this man go day in and day out? He makes deals, kicks people's doors in, grabs bishes by the pussy, and give public speeches around the clock 24/7 and he's older than I will probably ever live to see. WTF

>I haven't seen any Italians dying of corona.
Have you tried opening your fucking eyes

5 minute away from my house...That shit is TRUE


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is Yas Forums fucked for anyone else?

Cant see Update button, and clicking images now opens them full size in a new tab. Wtf?

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yo what happened with the hubei protests what was that shit about anyway

Dude you're living in 2016. Trump has been a failure to us.

>hunt down
WOO we're running man now


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Embrace it, this is your life now

actually refreshing to see these posted again
reminds me of simpler times not but 3 months ago
thank you user

Back to /ptg/ with the other glows and kikes

why are americans like this
Trump: "everything is great its done so fast we are so strong im awesome we are doing fantastic job"
does this really work
i know hes running for second term, but cmon

Thanks pasta bro

>Princess Maria Teresa of Bourbon-Parma died in Paris at the age of 86 after contracting the coronavirus, according to her family


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Just now a professor of virology aptly called Harris just claimed that after having corona
>”like any virus, flu or the common cold you are then immune to that virus”
Lol. Go to school. Learn to be stupid.

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thoughts and prayers here

All the churches here are doing livestreams of mass now, yours isn't?


A revolution is starting in China youtu.be/jeUfhpbJE_Y

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another iToddler BTFO

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Tylenol isnt ibuprofen, its paracetamol

chang damage control - the world will turn on china

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>Daily Italy deaths still under 1k
But I'm waiting for social breakdown there.

>500 new cases Quebec
why are frenchies such plague spreaders?

Fuck off Chang, you fucking scammed our special-needs commies-in-chief with trash material! We should just shoot up all your population and then overtake your shithole of a nation, raze it to the ground and stablish some colonies there
>Inb4 the japs were right about you maggots

nah, she's sleeping right now, but later

The 12 survivors in Hubei went outside to yell a bit, but further riots were cancelled after half of them got sick.

oh god yes

I wonder what he dips his phones in?

But we memed this? How could you say the news memed this when we have been working on this for months?

It does. Lots of reality denying drooling retards here in the US.

fucking WHO shills are beyond corrupt like fucking hell, dissolve the fucking organization already, what an embarrassment of humanity


MuH CoVId19

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another woman died in north monkeydonia just by waiting to get hospitalized after getting positive test results

we are all going to die in this shithole and greeks can reclaim their clay

lel, what a fag, why does WHO take China's side so hard?

China is falling apart. Cops are shooting at each other.

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>taiwan btfo'd
I feel pretty bad for them, WHO definitely got bought out by the chinese

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Self replying to add it’s no wonder the entire #10 corona team
*the prime minister
*the health minister
*the chief scientific advisor
Who appear every day at press briefings all announced yesterday that they are infected.

It's just like a movie. Now cops start man hunt for New Yorkers with orders to shoot on site, as the crazy ppl spread the virus to our little state.

so are masks reusable if you leave them in the sun?

I wish I had a harem like that :(

The world is dead. Nobody will survive Corona. Everyone will die sooner or later.

Normies are in quarantine now, and they are doing what normies do when they're bored and deprived of their usual entertainment of sports and outings. Breeding.
They are breeding like rabbits in their quarantined off domicile, and this will result in an explosive number of new-borns flooding the hospitals at the same time around Christmas/New Years this year and the next.

Considering what we've seen of the transmission from mother to child, and knowing the typical cyclical nature of pandemic, the second wave (or possibly third wave) of COVID infections will manifest around the same time as all the newborns are hitting the hospitals.
If you think it is bad right now with the hospitals being overwhelmed and all the boomers dying off, it'll be absolute fantastic this Christmas.

Human beings evolved to protect the young and newborn. In fact, this is the natural instinct of all living things. The newborn babies coughing as they're taking their first breath will absolutely drive the normies mad. They will not be able to cope as they are doing right now.

China's Coronavirus is a present that keeps on giving all year round.

The U.S needs a national lock down but the red states that are dragging their feet our ruining it for all of us. They're the reason why sports may still be canceled in the fall.

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soap user, soap can save us all. use SOAP


An emergency room physician who publicly decried what he called a lack of protective measures against the novel coronavirus at his workplace, PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center, has been fired.

Ming Lin, who has worked at the hospital for 17 years and became a local cause célèbre for his pleas for more safety equipment and more urgent measures to protect staff, was informed of his termination as he was preparing for a shift at the hospital Friday afternoon, he said.


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well im getting better so idk, just beat the virus bro haha

Man were are your fruits? Your vegetables? Scurvy is not a nice way to go, y'know...

we've come so far

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Nothing to see here

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A 13 year old girl died in Panama

we cant test that many

Is that user still sleeping with his sister? Did he bang her yet?

I thought you guys are on our side?
What the fuck???

We're all supposed to hate Mutt demons?

>No white deaths yet lol
>No black has died yet, it's literally nothing
>No saiyan deaths
What's the next cope for nothingburger fags?

From the videos from doctor's and nurses said that the politicians ignoring them completely is this true?

The chad amazon delivery driver vs the virgin camera cuck

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We need a coofers squad ASAP

Yeh, why do you think he got elected in the first place? Americans are retarded

the sour patch kids cereal has vitamins i'll be fine

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No one on Yas Forums died, nothing burger.

Holy shit I just found this video, this is a "lockdown" in vienna kek (replace jew with face)

I am so fucking glad to not be there, I think its just a matter of time until Vienna gets rekt


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>All the churches here are doing livestreams of mass now, yours isn't?
Not my local church. Livestream is still better than nothing.

Yorkies get out

memes aside it does seem to be spreading slower in warmer climates. If most countries can get over their humps in the next month or so things may look better after that.

Proof that the WHO is compromised.

Which is why I'm ridin with Biden. Accelerationism is the only way forward from here. I want as many deaths from coronachan as possible and I want the economy to crash and burn with no survivors. We gotta pump our rookie numbers up big time. Only when everything is destroyed can it be rebuilt. Right now my hopes are riding on this fucking awesome pandemic that looks to be well on the way to killing millions. That exponential curve gets my dick diamonds.

I imagine doctors and nurses are going to become very high demand soon enough

No super mutant deaths.

Will it have translations?

You cant get better. You are doomed anyway. The virus will only grow stronger and kill you harder.

Cool. Use anything but ibuprofen.

inside the house i'm not gonna leave that stuff out in the shed

kinda heartwarming how far we've really coomed

On average, it take 5 chinks to equal the economic output of one American. #FunFact

I said
>case fatality rate
You can account for infected who did not seek medical treatment or testing, but to do so without accounting for those who die without doing so is disingenuous at best. What about all of the ILI's in early January and February that were never tested? People who died and were told "it's just the flu even though we tested you negative for influenza lmao". There is no reason to look at such extrapolating estimates and create a phony CFR designed to quell panic when we have a perfectly good MORTALITY RATE right before us and it's really fucking bad. If the MORTALITY RATE weren't so bad, we'd have seen more recoveries right now. The truth is that people spend months on a ventilator before they expire in an agonizing way. This is not something you want to catch and it's certainly not something you want to downplay. But I'm sure you really want those extra shekels in your account so you'll continue to do so as you're paid to.


lurk more

No me deaths yet

China Health Organization

How long is it going to take this faggot little virus to kill us all?

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just let us get 1000 cases

wasn't Trump claiming this was just the sniffles and there was no need to quarantine anything? how is he now giving face to this shit now and not getting tomatoes thrown at his face?

98% of people recover. It's not killing shit

Started disinfecting amazon packages since last week lol.
Funny thing is by doing this the boomer is just gonna get himself sick faster.

To be fair, I'm trusting Quebec numbers a lot more than numbers from everywhere else in Canada right now.

two months from now.

You're worse than those nothing burgerfags

He owes his presidency to his opponent being a sociopathic cunt hitting every branch on the kharma tree on the way down. Unfortunately
he's the best the current system could do. There's whole swaths of democrats that believe Hillary is a demon just as much as bible
thumping magafags.

Another image request, anyone have a pic of a cartoon nothingburger? Like just two buns?

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You can't imagine the uncanny resemblance our government have with the CCP. If they can save face and be better than "fascism" they will lie, cheat and let people die. "No big thing", they will tell you, "do you want Franco and Hitler to come back? Bet you don't." They're fucking insane. Also, and "better dead than racist" faggots to top.

survive? yes
be healthy? no

>what do you guys think?
kill all bugs

It already happened. You are living in a dream. Dilate.

>98% of people recover. It's not killing shit
>anons out there legitimately believe this still
Rip, you had a good run user

Trump should do that, call it the New York virus, or Seattle virus, or virus.

>he still thinks its down to the virus to do it
Why are burgers this fucking braindead?

The mortality rate of a disease is the per capital loss of life associated with it, usually measured as per 100000 people.

rollan for blue cheese

What about american china?

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