Trump withholds aid to states because their governors hurt his feelings

What a fucking buffoon

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Based. Seth Abramson is a fucking loser.


maybe don't be a faggot to the president lol


The only people who still support trump are jews in Israel


If you don't want to be a team player then fuck you.

Based. They'll learn not to mess with the don

>be a faggot
>feds treat you as such


>Bite the hand that feeds you

Based. Fuck the haters in this time of crisis.

Trump is terrible in a crisis.

The only people who don't are jews in america

Is this from the same anonymous White House source as the one who said Kung Flu?

>t. rabbi
All these jews get paid to shill this faggot kike

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Good. The federal government was never meant to be everyone’s big daddy. They can figure this shit out themselves.

Fuck California
Fuck New York
Fuck Michigan

these governors think they are hot shit

What do you expect from a person who has literally had life handed to him on a silver platter with easy mode set to 9999?

The onky way Drumpf could be more of a sniveling, entitled crybaby is if he were born a woman

Good. Anyone who voted for these petty cunts deserves it.

>my other thread didn't work
>better make a new one
Sage in relevant fields.

Kill yourself, OP. Fucking nigger.

>Maximum servility

Good, now do Oregon next

This is actual evil

>Being this uncreative


How come shills always post based shit and act like it's negative?

>Trump literally said “not me” in his press briefing
>still reports that trump said they are not appreciative of him

Fake news

I’m glad someone else sees it....this place is hopeless.

Absolutely based and fuck Seth Abrahamson.

My governor shouldn't have been a cunt

Notice how fast these kikes came out of their weasel holes as soon as you insult King Jew HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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Are they even relevant anymore? They've already done basically everything they can do. So yeah, don't be a bitchy cunt (looking at you Shitmer) if you want to be acknowledged.

FEMA can pretty much take it from here without them, right?

>Maximum servility, part II

>Impeach Drumpf!
>No Drumpf Help meeeee!
While as president he should help them anyway, they absolutely do not deserve it

>being this jewish

You got it wrong kid.

I wouldnt piss on Drumpf if he were on fire

He should deny aid to the states that

A) Are members of the Climate Alliance
B) Have sanctuary city laws

t. angry jew
remember to dilate

Great, if they think they're too elite to work with the elected leader of the country, then they should fix it themselves.

>Doubling down on stupid
Your shoulders will never be wider than your hips, Don Jr

based, time to take russia and china's help then.



Maybe it’s time to put aside the “orange man bad” slogan and actually try to work with him for once? Or are these faggot Dems so demented that they think they can still spit on Trump and yet also ask him to lend a hand? Honestly they can fuck off. If I wasn’t Trump I’d do the same thing too.

JIDF and discord trannies hella up in this mug.


WA state governor is a huge fag who only obeys his (((masters)))

It is from his press conference.

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He will make them bend the knee

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>wahhh you can’t turn my own bullshit around onto meeeee wahhhh


Listening to these histrionic dipshits screech for the last 3 years has been a source for endless entertainment.
Almost 5 to go.
Screech and seethe about orange man bad, it's fucking hilarious.

He said he told Pence not to call them, then Pence called them anyway. He knows the media hates him, so he was doing good cop/bad cop to make Pence look apolitical and proactive. Good leadership on his part.

fuck Jay Inslee

>All these jews get paid to shill this faggot kike
Damn I'm a jew now? Shiiieeettt
Better not holocaust deny me now goyim.

Convenient you left out the part where Trump says Mike Pence is the one calling them. Because you know, Pence is leading the task force and has since day one

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we're reaching levels of faggot that shouldn't even be possible

>Just give him a chance guys
>4 years later
>Just give him a chance guys

Kill yourself

>Defending his top like a good bitch, the post

lmao based

MICHIGAN WAS GOING biden michigan 16 electors

this dude is unfit to hold office and this worldwide health crisis has proven it beyond any doubt. the whole world is watching this debacle unfold and all i can say is be strong ameribros and take care of yourselves and your families. god bless

Butthead called, Eric. He wants his face back

Fuck you kike.


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>holding aid to blue state liberals
Absolutely based. I'm voting for him

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Funny that the cities hit the hardest with the virus are liberal sanctuary cities run by democrats.

Trump needs to get coofin and kick off. I can at least listen to Pence make a coherent statement. I'm probably using my Pelosibux to buy a new TV because every time the Cheeto comes on I want to throw a brick at it.

Based Trump. I fucking love this man more every day

Blue states constantly flout the Trump admin's laws and policies so fuck them.
If he's 'not their president' then they dont need his aid.

pls give aid only to upstate

based and redpilled! fuck those liberal who don't need da white man! let them deal with it!

>being not American

Nobody cares about you die

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What are the chances these two are just jumping up and down screaming for more ventilators as if Trump has a huge warehouse of them when they don't actually need them (yet) and are just using this for political gain?

It's a state response.
If they don't want help that is fine.

>Are they even relevant anymore?
Yeah, they're the ones issuing all these authoritarian statewide orders

>What do you expect from a person who has literally had life handed to him on a silver platter with easy mode set to 9999?
What have you done with your life you sniveling Belizian whiny bitch? Faggots like you would have taken that $million he inherited, put it in equities and lived off dividends. At least he tried to do something with it.
>inb4 but he went bankrupt
Yeah, that's what happens when you take risks, faggot. And now he's the president of the united states.

They chop up his quotes so much it’s like reading a mad lib book

Trumps not gonna fuck you it’s ok you don’t have to ride his dick so hard

Not an argument

Im a US citizen, VPNkike

We currently have two cases only of corona, so...

Nothing about my post is defending the president, just mocking you, crybaby regard. Try again without making up a straw man for your inadequacies

Based, but I wonder how wise it is to pick fights with Michigan. It’s a pretty key state for his re-election and the dems will spend a lot of money running ads about him abandoning the state

He should put a hold on their TrumpBux too. Fuck dems

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Really bad

anonymous source?

Servility over civility, grandpa.

>Attorney. @Newsweek
columnist. Professor. Author of New York Times bestsellers Proof of Conspiracy & Proof of Collusion
surely a journalist wouldn't tell anything but the truth with a track record like that

Well, first, I was born to a family with Appalachian roots that can be traced to the 1600s.

How bout you, mutt? Do you even know who your father is?

America is a democratic republic not a fascist dictatorship.
I know you want it to be one but it’s not. The president works for everyone, not just people who are subservient to him.

Pence is calling them all.
Surely they should call you when they need something otherwise you maybe taking up time they need to actually do a decent job, all the bad ones will do is say well I have to spend all this time talking to blah blah blah so I could not get anything done.

I just hope they actually take some responsibility and they stop saying it's all a federal issue.

Fuck Washington state tho

>then they dont need (((his))) aid.
that shit is turning into a dictatorship real fast

>Im a proud slave to my corporate overlords, the post
Found the guy from the idiocracy timeline

>Appalachian roots
Oh so a worthless Anglo monkey lmao

Nice comeback, dickless

Joe Biden would have just sent it to Ukraine and forgot the conversation he had with MI and WA.

Nice word salad, nincompoop

What are you going to do about it? (Nothing lmao)


>well first
>pardon me while I refuse to answer what I've done with my life and why I'm such a failure

These (((governors))) are killing their own citizens by stopping the use of Hydroxychloriquine. There's a special place in hell for these people.

Of course, zero context
>I told Mike, don't bother its a waste of time,but he has a different style of dealing with these governers

HurrDurr Drumpf cant use hyperbole...its unpresidental!!!REEEEE Drumpf exaggerated...impeeeaaaach 45!!!
Look who your beliefs are aligned with,idiot.
Then take a long look in the mirror as you drink the koolaid

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Show your real flag, VPNkike

>What a fucking buffoon
washingtons governor is a fucking jackass and so is the rest of the liberals here. i'm glad a real president has told inslee to fuck off. i live in this shithole and if you only knew half the BS inslee has done or is doing. he's a fucking crook and a horrible governor. but since he has a D in his title the sheeple around here will only vote for him.

It wasn’t a comeback because the original wasn’t directed at me...
You’re really bad at this and I bet people laugh at you when you get too red faced and serious irl lmao

>No, I dont in fact know who my father is, the post

>caring what some blue check mark Jew thinks

If that’s word salad to you, you read below a 3rd grade level
That isn’t even funny

Instincts tell me this is bullshit

>Nice comeback, dickless
Saying this unironically. Yeah, you probably are from Appalachia.

Do you really not understand that post?

He’s not going to win reelection by being so obviously biased.
He’s a hack who doesn’t believe in the office of the president and he’s going to lose it.

>Bad at this
Yet here you are still replying. Get a real job punk

Bingo. They can die.

A joomer says what?

This board has been total chaos the last few days, absolute meltdown week.

After what dems tried to pull blocking our trumpbux fuck them. And Trump already told dems last night he's going to ignore all the bullshit they wrote into it. They don't have any leverage now since they already voted on it.

Absolutely based.
Remember you said he's not your president. You get what you fucking deserve. And thanks for giving Trump another 4 years. We appreciate that

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Oh say can you see the lawsuits burying these guys...

Right to try people, right to try.

Trump is irrelevant at this point.

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Why should the citizens on those states suffer for their leader's ego?

You're retardedly retarded, mr never left grandmas basement

>19 posts

Nope. Fuck dems. And fuck bipartisanship. Dems screwed that up. This is our show till 2024 now. And there's nothing you can do about it but cry everyday

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They voted for it. Fuck them.

governors that locked down their states are going to be the only reason everyone in america isnt dead

He was playing up how good Pence is doing at his job and presenting a contrast, chances are he wasn't even being sincere.

>Still replying
Man I'm good

They voted in their retarded governors and progressive, lefty bullshit.
Why shouldn't they have to suffer?

>source: Some kike on social media said so, it must be true.

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>If I wasn’t Trump
Good day, Mr. President.