Leftist General

I know there is a few of you out there. Let's talk and learn together.

Tankies are welcomed but are still cringe.
Nazi mouth breathers keep scrolling

Discussion topics
>Theory and Literature
>Current Events (Caronavirus kinda spooky bro)
>LGBTQ Issues
>Other shit that I can't remember right now

Trans Rights!

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Roses are red
Violets are blue
Bolshevism is Jewish
And so are you!

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If your stuck in polar dynamics like Nazi vs commie

Your a fucking retard. The communist were funded by every Capitalist empire on earth to fight the Nazi.

Shabbot Goy posting. This a dept of justice honey hole. be careful lads

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Yeah this thread will be a hit around here, take this crap to plebbit tons of support there.

Kill yourself

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Lol this fucking person is so stupid

Advocates for a non capital economy

than advocates for trans rights.

Do you know what capitalist health care companies call Trans people? Life long revenue vehicles... why??
Because they provide revenue for life for health care companies. Trans people loose all SELF AGENCY, and have to go to doctors, and "specialist" for the rest of their life and pay pharamisct for bullshit medicine. It is no different than obese people.

This fucking spook here.

Imagine aligning your political views with a meme flag. Go lick more paint you fucking retards AHAHAHAAHHA

>Other shit that I can't remember right now
Jewish Question
Go on, I'm listening

reddit isn't much better desu

Right wingers are all tough as nails until a milkshake gets thrown. lol

Imagine fucking dogs.

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Just a reminder the DOJ funds terroist cells across the nation known as ANTIFA. ANTIFA members are recruited as NGO Millitas to go help the Kurds fight and expand Israels territory.

Why does the DOJ fund terrorist on American Soil to recruit soldiers to go fight on Levant expansion projects?

Another reminder, These people hate children and the Nuclear family. They want kids to be owned by the state, the state is owned by international capital.

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the only trans i support is the transatlantic slave trade

Karl Marx wrote the Jewish Question.




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Answer why you want to turn people into trans people, so that they loose all self agency in their life, and have to pay unlimited funds for the rest of their life to multi national health care companies

>Imagine aligning your political views with a meme flag

Yeah, I heard canadians can laugh at themselves

why do you leftists hate pic related?

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>these faggots kill fascists
Very based.

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Socialism is for fags

>ANTIFA members


op actually says "tankies are cringe"
and they kinda r

Gay and kiked.

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uncle ted was right about you stupid fucks


Won't Nazis be allowed to do what they want, under anarchy? They can form their own commune as desired.

Of course, the most successful communes will be those with racial and cultural homogenity. That's how people operate :))

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we don't. Picrelated was actually enabled by strong unionization that kept wages and pensions strong.

Transatlantic slave trade was run by Sephardic Jews and Moorish berber Islamic Caliphate.

The first slaves in America were White owned by Islamic berbers/ and Sephardic Jews

The Confederacy was majority Jewish

The first war America fought was the War of Tripoli, which is why the US Marines were created, this was to stop the Atlantic Slave trade of White Europeans migrating to America.

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>strawman argument

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They live

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Ted was right abt most things

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Mutualism is the greatest economic ideology every created

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Retarded faggot.

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actually some communist were funded to fight the reactionary, not the nazi

but generally speaking, communist were created by a long line of aspiring kind thinkers

The left hates anything nationalistic or ethnically self-preserving, only when it's carried out by white people, I don't know why but they do, they think our demise is funny and something to celebrate.

Faggot nigger

Degenerate Faggots.

Your an urbanite, and owned by the state, and multi nationals. You have 0 self agency, 0 land, 0 topsoil, 0 guns, 0 anything. Your culture is kraft singles. Because you lack self agency, and the inability to take care of yourself, because your a stupid dirty goyim, you have to have a communist cope. You don't own any means to yourself. You are a goy.

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You pathetic faggot commie, I have personally marched down the national mall with 150 other fascist brothers, and all you pathetic Antifa scum could scrape up was 6 people, 4 of which were morbidly obese, 1 of which was an old cracked out boomer, and the 1 ringleader was a disabled, gay drug addicted manlet. Not a single milkshake was thrown, and we took the Capitol lawn. Get wrekt faggot bitch.

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Die pussy bitch

Because the left is the GOY

They do not know they are the GOY, so they think they can UNGOY themselves by fighting for the People who turned them into GOY

note that Yas Forums's entire offense on this thread is to post strawmen
"why do you hate x"
"bolshevism is x" - yes, bolshevism sucked

why are all the antifa people skinny manlets? are gains fascist?

Reported to the DOD and DHS

quit LARPing bro

>all these classcucks.

Get out, mouthbreathers. You are not welcomed here.

What is the leftist Yas Forums consensus on race realism?

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Nope, every big Capitalist on earth funded the communist

no. if anything, capitalism is to blame for the gradual erosion of national culture through globalization of markets.

yes. the Soviet Union is not to be repeated.

Exactly, the left are people who have 0 self agency like obese people. Obese people are literal cattle owned by Multi national corporations that produce life long revenue streams.

is one on one fighting fascist too? or do you find fighting 5 on 1 side by side with your gay lovers gives you more power to defeat fascism?

nice larp flag
cancerous kid

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Any leftist movements that isn’t about workers first and foremost isn’t worth caring about. LGBT degenerates can fuck right off.

Your are low caste GOY. HAHA

>not realizing that They Live is a super lefty movie

>Tankies are welcomed but are still cringe.
This is why nobody likes you.

You got everything completely wrong bro.
Try again.

>me and a bunch of other retards prissed around the mall
Cool story bro.

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sometimes it really is this simple. take it a step further and you realize that the jews are actually the ultimate goy, so in a way they are right about being speshul

What’s wrong with Nazis?

Fuck off. They live is about Jewish control. It’s too obvious

it's a flawed model, but not without some truth.

The left is all about creating people dependent on the STATE and Transnational coporations.

LGBT people are life long revenue assets for the transnational health care companies.

i like how you still delude yourself into believing in your own rugged individualism, that's cute

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