Lithuania couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a wee-

>Lithuania couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a wee-
TOP KEK AMERICAN PIG SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Lithuanians are ITCHING for a war with USA. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of American soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the poles and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY American pig shit they see. When Lithuania's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it

Attached: Lithuanian Navy 2018.jpg (1600x1025, 156.82K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Navy

So cute when you're mad

lmao do it then

Mindisz you've been drinking again

shut up vytautas

Literally who?

damn straight, patriot

On the bottle again, Jurgis?

Attached: 93yocRAJ9VcK2IFjKCp_x5GncnNvImdCOkgifYkTDr0.jpg (628x1137, 128.12K)

What an adorable naval group, where are the others?

Attached: US NAVY.jpg (2560x1706, 447.77K)

big if true

I like this pasta haha

Right here, ready to back up our ally.

Attached: e890dfc05a469352ce883645edbca9db.jpg (3500x2145, 816.44K)

Can those ships even cross the Atlantic? I ask out of concern, I don’t want you to hurt yourself.

Big Chungus Navy

What does Britannia rule?

>largest ship in your entire fleet is a frigate
>doesn’t even have a carrier
Expect the death of every Lithuanian man and the capture of every Lithuanian woman if you attack the US.

The USA is a paper tiger with outdated military tech and a minority white military. Everyone knows they're weak they just don't want the temporary global economic instability that would come from defeating america

Attached: 1585340100208.jpg (528x660, 78.25K)

You're correct user, that is an adorable widdle naby fweet.

We cant even be top tier alcoholics (but you re lucky moldova is not part of romania, they are the most alcoholic people on the planet)

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Who? That like some Slav version of Wakanda?

how dare you even speak to me with your menthol encrusted lips you dirty, smelly little mutt nigger.

>HMS Victory
Neat, I didn't know you guys kept a vintage ship in the fleet too, that's awesome.

Attached: aircraft carriers.jpg (1180x1736, 413.48K)

Which language are you speaking?

>Which language are you speaking?
You re on american internet, sir

Got more guns in my house than your entire military son...

-T. Amerimutt

Ebonicised Spanglish

Attached: 1402024056755.png (876x657, 1.09M)

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The world wide web was invented by a Brit, stop listening to what mutts tell you. They're covetous, like their Jewish masters.

anglo saxon navy is doomed ,Lithuanian shells are guided by Dievas himself.

cool names
franco-latinized neo-frisaxon

The web was invented by an Englishman

>The world wide web was invented by a Brit, stop listening to what mutts tell you. They're covetous, like their Jewish masters
You re on american land, sir

I was doing a sort of play on words that I was hoping led into the singing of Rule Britannia. You were supposed to reply with the whole ruling the waves part. This being a naval related thread.

Says the fucking leaf, eternally resentful that he is lower than mutts or britfags.Rake yourself.

The best one.
>tfw you will never see an armada assemble
God I love ships

Attached: royal Navy-homeFleet-1024x442.jpg (1024x442, 76.09K)

This is not bad idea. Americans will send fleet and along the way Somalis from Goteborg will board ships.

>The web was invented by an Englishman
The fountain pen was invented by a romanian, sadly, thats everything we ever inveted

I want a qt Lithuanian GF so bad anons you don't even know.


God, i hope so.

>a butthurt lenkas has joined the chat

I speak Murican

Sucking american dick on the internet won't get you a visa, gypsy.

>being this mutthurt about facts
>n-no u!!!!11
Ah yes, the pinnacle of American """banter""". Let us know when you adopt English as your official language, mutt.

Attached: 1583010327186.png (500x438, 105.05K)

The internet was invented by DARPA that’s American pal. Have fun using your web without IP

> There wouldn't be a square meter of American soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country.
Well of course not Minditz we have square feet not square meters!

Can't even tell if you're being serious or not at this point so well played there I guess. Half your country speaks French, you fucking queer.

Let us know when you stop living in a fag country leaf.

What an adorable naval group, where are the others?

Attached: dprknavy.jpg (800x1358, 287.41K)


leaf them alone leaf

Kek I was originally going to ask him if that's literally all their ships, it probably is.

Got a higher resolution version so we can actually read what ships these are? I can hardly tell what's supposed to be what.

>nooooo you didn't invent the TV, the inventor of electricity invented the TV because without it the TV wouldn't work!!

Attached: worsstthanholokolo.jpg (900x748, 111.11K)

Yes, and French is one of our official languages. You don't even have one but your packaging is still in English as well as Spanish.

>y-yeah w-well y-your g-gay xD
There's those renowned american ""bantz"" again.

Attached: 1584292469166.jpg (384x395, 19.38K)

Lithuania will be a superpower by the end of the year. Americunts won't stand a chance.

Is it even a country?

we're not used to banter here because everyone has guns. muricans are polite af.'s_Navy
Hold on here, that looks like way more ships than NK has officially active. Now I demand a higher resolution AND sauce.


So if I call an American a cunt in a banterous way, they'll pull out a 12 guage and blast me?


I suppose the red ones are >90% rust, unlike the others which are in good contition ( only 60% rust)

if you thought everyone you met on the street might have a concealed pistol, would you go around calling people names?

They murder each other over discarded mattresses in allies, of course they will. Americans are niggers.

Attached: dprknavyforvisualyimpaired.jpg (4000x3226, 1.88M)

They just get all uppity. Especially if black

delusional retard lmao


Always funny to see so many mutts take this pasta seriously

don't make me rake you, dude.

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then why is it called ARPANET when I import the headers into my C code?????????

internet != web

my sides, i like OP

picrelated is what Americans mean by "day of the rake"

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das rite

>Vidar class

Attached: 242B9848-463A-4B9D-8403-F5600593C77C.jpg (1800x1801, 1.1M)

lmao rednecks

To be fair, most navy's in the world are like that or worse.

>russia not on this list
Fake and very fucking gay


oh lord


You know that winning against some 3rd world shithole isn't that big of an accomplishment right?

Attached: muttcuck.jpg (250x140, 6.01K)

The internet runs on the Finnish invention of Linux so you can both shut the fuck up

>it's all tiny attack craft and submarines
>fucking fishing boats at the bottom
Those two frigates might pose a momentary problem but everything else on that chart is a reef-in-waiting, and those subs are just coffins.
Still looks like way more than is listed on the wiki page though, I'd suspect that image is counting retired vessels and other ships undergoing lengthy repair. Didn't they buy an empty hull from Russia a couple years ago? Probably not seaworthy but still counted I guess.
>green water navy

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>euro news
pick one.
also they drink vodka more.