What movie is this

What movie is this

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This is ridiculous. People arent going to get the virus walking out in nature by themselves. Seems like something else is going on

Seems like one of those extreme redundancy operations which shows that there's so much tax money for gov't monkeys that it leaks into surreal territory

Thats what i have been saying!

this is what you get instead of the stars

Going outside isn’t bad if you aren’t in a crown. Brit police are retarded


Truly sickening


this, vitamin D is crucial against flu

>ruining your natural environment to own the libs
Based & redpilled

I thought you meant a crown territory.


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Will they knock down their historical landmarks next?

Only Bongs could be so dumb. Truly the best of the Anglo genes went to America.

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Brits are bigger slaves than us Americans wow.

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Might be a good time for humorous graffiti

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Good people are going to lose their shit soon.


What are the ecological ramifications

Prison planet

In New Zealand we are prohibited from going out hunting and fishing.

Looks cooler now

>ruining your natural environment to own the conservatives
ftfy bro

Theme of 2020

This could use a benny hill soundtrack

This is what keeps me up at night.

Yes. Brits are retards. Literally a nation of mentally handicapped people.

Picture unfortunately related. It's actually nice living in a state that isn't locked down. Most businesses are operating normally. We absolutely do not give a fuck here.

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>What movie is this
The Great Awakening and we haven’t even got to the good part yet

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>It was the Chinks who blackened the sky
>But it was us who poo'd in the lagoons

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The virus can float for days in the air retard, that's why doctors and nurses require BSL3 minimum gear and BSL4 optimum.

And now even more people will flock to it to see that wacky dye in the water.


Why are bongs so fucking stupid at problem solving? They always try to fix the wrong thing. Like trying to ban all sharp objects

Every British government move is aimed at creating a fearful and compliant populace who obey without question and will crab-bucket anyone around them into the same behaviour.

Wow that is funny.

Proof? Does this mean I should shut my windows?

No not the quantum phaser!

>The virus can float for days
So tell us user, why are the pilots and flight attendants not all in hospital by now?

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The water is casutic. It’s an old mine or clay pit. It’s dangerous to swim in them the blue colour is copper sulphate or something. Used to live near these sorts of places.

Idiots swim in them and get sick because it looks like Bahamas.

Rich coming from a mutt

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Big if true

It's true, but don't go near your windows. Studies have shown that the virus will wait near open windows and then jump at your fingers if they cross out into the open. The virus has also been proven to shoot like a laser beam into the eyeballs of anyone who stares outside for too long. It's science, don't blame me.

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even if they are in crowd you can just shoot them with water cannon which they have anyway in case of riots.
they dont have to destroy environment so people dont go out

Yes stale indoor air is good and fresh outdoor air is bad and the year is 1984.


They actually do this every couple of years to stop people swimming in it. The 'lagoon' is in an old quarry and has a pH of ~11 which is hazardous. The dye has basically nothing to do with corona.

Google the tizzard mission. You only have what you do because of us and we only have what we have because of you. We're more like brothers than rivals my dude.

Lick those boots, my friend. When the bobbies show up to vaccinate you and your family make sure you remember to spread your asscheeks in the name of diversity.

whole corona virus is scam and global psyop to create totalitarian global police state

Sanity Amid The Madness, Acquiescence And Sheer Stupidity (DEVASTATING information) - David Icke

Non-Essential Travel! - Driving to an empty field to walk your dog!

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it's ok they had a loicense

Yeah, it's this.
I fell for the OP like a sucker and now people think I'm an idiot. They might be right.

i used to swim at those as many other people did and didnt get sick
also i think its calcium that does that.
they are dangerous because they can be deep and even have grown trees sunk under water you can jump onto for example and hurt yourself

post proof

Shut up menace

>blue lagoon
What is it really? A toxic tailings pond?

>They actually do this every couple of years to stop people swimming in it. The 'lagoon' is in an old quarry and has a pH of ~11 which is hazardous.
Instead of a dye why not just dump......citric acid or lower ph or any thing not toxic with more H+ to neutralize OH-