Woah powerful

Woah powerful

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Could be true actually, I could have seen 12yr old me making a joke like that.



oh look its another Jew. Im blue with shock.

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Trump ended school shootings by keeping Democrats at home.


kek, wait until the riots start

It doesn't matter if it's true or not. Your chance of dying in a school shooting is basically 0. That it's even a political issue is the issue in and of itself.

Jews can’t help themselves can they

liberals love teaching their children to fear others unless they think like theirselves and they call christians bad people

They always find a way to make me clap.

When the fuck did this trend of “my young child says something EXTREMELY powerful and political” start? It’s always with these journos on twitter and anyone with a single brain cell can see how fake and cringe it is

Somebody needs to execute these Twitter retards

a school shooting just flew over my house

hard to know though, if he's 12, he's been marinating in his parents' political insanity for a while now and is probably well capable of such a comment

Wow thanks faggot. I’m definitely doing the opposite just because I want to.


Having an empty school with zero students didn't prevent Sandy Hook from happening tho

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>with corona, my chances of dying in a school shooting have gone from 0.0000001% to 0%

But there hadn't been a school shooting in a while anyway?


Think of all the crisis actors that will be out of their jobs.

Convenient, right?

My 2 year old while potty training "well father at least it seems that some of the environmental benefits are a silver lining amid economic ramifications of the lockdown."



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This, FBI is busy trying to bomb hospitals instead.

Kike spawn gets it.

Sounds like a good argument for home schooling with limited community schooling instead of our current centralized livestock model of schooling.

And then a nig robbed them.

Considering who commits most of the mass shootings, Berkowitz is a step dad or cuck

>that, uh, never happened did it

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And at Least with all these blacks lockdown there won't be black on black shooting, and black on white crime, and black on white rape for awhile.

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dead kids give both ratings and an emotional appeal to confiscate guns.

>What if the answer wasn't to ban guns but ban schools instead!

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lol at the family of this asshole whining about guns

>while out on a walk
>during a state of national emergency
>in a global pandemic

Arrest them both.

>things that never happened


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This is why murica is number one. We'd sooner have uneducated children than give up our second amendment rights

Implying that government schools educate children. Are you a product of that you fucking idiot. You’re brain dead Nigger if you think the government schools educate anyone.

Imagine having to brainwash your own kid with your bullshit narrative just to strengthen it and attempt to keep it going.

>grocery store shootings

I freely give this (You)

just as likely they are ready to shoot their parents themselves.

And then everyone clapped

Already predicted this with my coworker 2 months ago. He laughed at me and said "kys if you're so scared"
Now he's going stir crazy and is actually scared the world is ending and Marshal's Law is around the corner.

His Jew offspring was planning a school shooting

Either grocery stores or hospitals but why would you shoot people who are already dying? Kek I cant imagine how many people got their mass shooting plans canceled by the rona virus

kids say the darndest things

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>Marshal's Law

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Based. My 3 year old explained me the exponential curve of CO2 production, all in R.

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(((Berkowitz))) going to his residence first with some click-clack to get at that Jew-gold. IM COMIN' FOR THOSE TOOTH FILLINGS SCHLOMO!!!

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based and eric pekkapilled

My wife's 3 month old just came up to me with his Bernie Sanders plushie and said “daddy, why is the dnc stealing votes and silencing the people’s voice?” I honestly didn’t know what to say.

>and everyone clapped

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He obviously wasn’t walking in the ghetto

My cousin and I thought that was a good one.


Why is it always them?

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Sorry kike but guns and ammo have sold out across the country once normalfags realized Tryrone and co. would visit them during lockdown

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because (((they))) are the elites. (((they))) control everything.

>school shooting
>at a school
>with jews
Never gonna happen.


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