An Italian painter whose work has been honored by the Catholic Church for its devoutly Christian themes and masterful baroque style unveiled his latest canvas this week — a grotesquely antisemitic depiction of hook-nosed Jews engaged in the “ritual murder” of a terrified Christian infant.
Giovanni Gasparro, an artist based in the Adriatic port city of Bari, uploaded images of the 7ft X 5ft painting that revives the antisemitic blood libel of medieval times onto his Facebook page on Tuesday.
That the painting is replete with the basest antisemitic tropes is instantly apparent. Titled “The Martyrdom of St. Simon of Trento in Accordance With Jewish Ritual Murder,” it shows an infant boy surrounded by a crowd of sinister Jewish men, variously wearing side-curls and religious items, who strangulate him, cut him open and drain his blood.

Attached: jewsmurderingchristianchild.jpg (720x360, 101.57K)

Other urls found in this thread:

When the fuck are jews not seething.

Maybe they are seething because Jews don’t look like that.

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legitimately b and rp

Some day this meme will get old. That day isn't today.. probably won't be for awhile actually.

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>When the goyim don't know.

Attached: Jew face.png (326x409, 177.85K)

The debate on social media must be kept going for as long as possible, it's a mighty fine and rare chance to force this issue on plebs' radars.

That painting is disgraceful. The shame of italy.

No, kikes are much more hideous. What you have there are half breeds that they kept around after they were to old to rape anymore.

Attached: king kike.jpg (800x545, 66.49K)

jews are filthy and vile beasts
they don't like the world to see how barbaric and degenerate they are

Meh, I find it too obscene but artists are crazy anyway.

>That painting is disgraceful. The shame of italy.

Your shithole literally helped found Israel.

I'm sure it is.

Attached: TOP LOL.jpg (864x576, 236.9K)

Haha imagine respecting your opinion

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I think I work with this guy.

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It still looks better than you.

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hello rabbi.
Stop lying about hideous art not being treasured and valuable. There is beauty in truth: and you hate the truth you fucking vampire.

Attached: 1200px-Francisco_de_Goya,_Saturno_devorando_a_su_hijo_(1819-1823).jpg (1200x2145, 633.85K)

previous thread

That’s not pure kike, and you know it. Have you ever seen Orthodox Jews? They look nothing like that. Those in the pic are probably part Jewish and other being some sort of European.

this is as Jewish as they come

Attached: 92353B36-F1BA-4913-840D-9BA372184609.jpg (1080x1080, 203.58K)

For anyone still on the fence about if the holocaust was real or not. This will settle it once and for all. The best documentary there is.

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I'm licking your tears rabbi--pricless. You're so obvious. Your dunning kruger is only outdone by your arrogance.

I'll farm your trite seeth all day laughing that every retarded single line post is backed by a fuming kike or a shill funded by them--glorious!

Keep sliding these threads with your normal trite bullshit: you'll find even your bots won't be able to suppress this gold mine you filth.

Attached: 1200px-Francisco_de_Goya,_Saturno_devorando_a_su_hijo_(1819-1823)_V2.jpg (565x642, 465.95K)

if anybody is curious about what jewish power looks like in practice I urge you to check in on this situation periodically over a long period of time. jewish groups are not going to let this go and they will exact revenge on the artist by destroying his name and means of income.

Thanks for the keks op, today you are sincerely not a faggot. Seethe harder kikelets

Attached: 44355634.jpg (600x590, 135.1K)

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-28 Giovanni Gasparro(1).png (495x1052, 493.91K)

Once learned, can't be unlearned.

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Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-28 Giovanni Gasparro(2).png (489x871, 63.8K)

Shut up you Zionist facilitator.
You deserve the oven with your kike brother mason.
And your Queen Reptilian and all her minions.
you included

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Shut up nigger.

Attached: pepe.jpg (888x649, 308.96K)

Pray for us Simon of Trent

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-28 Giovanni Gasparro(3).png (486x997, 67.91K)

Based Modern-picasso-truther.

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fucking based

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TOP KEK it looks like a Yas Forums merchant compilation

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Attached: Archangeled.jpg (718x960, 106.76K)

Jews LOVE to make offensive art to Christians but want to make it a crime to offend them. Beautiful piece.

if they didn't look like they were depicted then why are you so offended?


Post the whole painting faggot

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Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-28 Giovanni Gasparro(10).png (492x1150, 82.11K)

Imagine a kike telling the truth! ahhaha
Keep lying kike--the world knows you're hideous and were the prodigies of the original degenerate mutts.
>Farm you all day -- you're obvious. You'll never kill this idea: you're too late kike.

Attached: Ugly kikes.jpg (859x486, 56.34K)

looks like the typical spanish jew

This shit is so surreal, every Jew I have ever seen looks exactly like this all the time.

It's terrifying how demonic they are.

Shapeshifter reptilians.
Doesnt count as humans.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-28 Giovanni Gasparro(12).png (492x1381, 303.87K)

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-28 Giovanni Gasparro(11).png (486x747, 47.9K)

Ethnic Jews are't the same as religious ones. Ethnic jews are inbred and hideous.

Attached: Etnic Jew.jpg (723x414, 64.1K)

Based Adolf

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-28 Giovanni Gasparro(13).png (483x1376, 91.02K)

Yes they are. You’re all seething.

These are very diluted Ashkenazi.

That would be why they’re offended

Attached: 736D1D58-0960-454E-8D86-8A0573F3EDE7.jpg (1080x1080, 155.63K)

google search "jewish art" if you want to see some disgusting work

Those aren’t ethnic Jews.

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it shows that they are acutely aware of how negative their own cultural activity through art,movies and music vis-á-vis whites is.

The hawks arent that bad obviously

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-28 Giovanni Gasparro(14).png (491x1050, 99.43K)

Im a little hawkish and trips dont lie

This feels too on the nose. Reminds me of the left-hand 'magick' concept
The Revelation of The Hand.
>inb4 slavery to the Jews and their one world bank after they save us from the fate of the 9 gorillion goy who will die of meme flu

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says a kike

Sure kike--keep lying as if anyone here believes you. Your seething desperation to convince me that you aren't a hideous inbred monster will never be dissuaded by your homo erotic collection of random dudes that you masturbate to.

You can lie to yourself all you want--you're just entertaining me and outing your homo urges.

oy vey

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What is the most interesting to me about this whole thing, is that I have yet to see a single Jew denying this happened, all of the reactions from Jews I have seen were just calling him a nazi, antisemite or whatever else, not a single denial of this torture and murder happening. That should be a big opener for anyone

Nobody with a brain gives a fuck about what Jews look like. We are against their plans. Fuckoff desert kike modeling agency faggot.

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You’re the one who kept posting men.

Attached: C72A4FD9-B6D3-4FCB-9EC7-2540F8259350.jpg (773x1080, 104.21K)

Are you trying to collect thousands of ugly jew pictures?

How come whenever anything ever depicts a jew or a group of jews in negative manner, it is alwys "anti-semetic?"
are we suppose to believe that jews have never done anything wrong ever?

Says the most cursed race in all of human history ...

The power of art. That painting captures and conveys more truth about the Jews than every book ever written.

The painter sure did. He has quite the imagination.


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Giovanni Gasparro is a Hero

Posting the painting before it will be shoad

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Doesn't the Talmud say Jesus is boiling in semen and feces--or something to that effect? Maybe before complaining Jews ought to clean up their filth anti-gentileism.

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I literally have no idea who these people are that you're posting--nor do I care. I am absolutely certain you cant prove them to be more than .2% kike.

Your gayness is obvous -- but keep lying kike. You plan to slide this thread regardless if I'm here or not.

You're not sincere and cant form any argument beyond posting random pictures. You're literally every kike right now. Seeth harder you hideous kike--Your propaganda doesn't match reality.

Fuck kikes

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Updated version.

Attached: jewish-phenotypes.jpg (800x480, 213.29K)

Kathy Gray - confirmation that kikes are fucking schizophrenics.

kek nice.

Nice one. Saved

Reminder: Freemasonry is of the Jewish Religion, and is headed by The British, who are Jewish.

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He has a weak jawline and they had to increase the exposure to make his blotchy MENA skin look less disgusting. Usually young Jews (say, under 30) have disgusting acne-covered skin that has the texture of sandpaper. Their eyes also always looks droopy, unintelligent, and devoid of the liveliness and energy of normal human eyes. This guy is basically average looking. Also, he's skinny as fuck and probably has low T. Most jews are either obese or they're skin and bines. No Jewish man I have ever seen IRL actually had a normal, adult male physique.