It's almost like republican ethics are entirely situational and hold no moral compass whatsoever.
It's almost like republican ethics are entirely situational and hold no moral compass whatsoever
Really makes you think
>no ventilatiors unless you kiss my ass
Yea, that's what Trump said.
To be a republican just means you must stop thinking and worship our glorious leader and always agree with what he says
I will literally kill you ironic sock puppeting account faggots
>entirely situational and hold no moral compass whatsoever.
Damn sounds a lot like Democratic ethics
>I don’t know how [two MAYBE tengentially related things] but Republicans bad
And while we’re on the subject of Terry Schiavo, does anyone have the latest on his next marriage?
Yep - it’s pretty pathetic watching all the zogbots obsess over their orange retard
They sure are sensitive too (because deep down they know Trumps is manipulative retard)
Hmm not really - dems don’t play follow the leader like the Trumptards do
Trump could tell his supporters to eat shit, and they would with a big smile
>manipulative retard
Think that one over
Sounds about right
Cuomo had a chance to buy thousands of ventilators in 2015 but decided against it and built a solar panel plant. He fucked us and has been fucking us and stands proudly with blood dripping off his cock and blames it on Trump's dick now that our assholes are prolapsed.
That’s what Trump is saying now right?
Hey at least Trump is saying it’s no long “just a flu”
Too bad he waited months to figure that out
kek, he's not wrong
2% of the US population, 90% of the twitter comments
Nah you can be manipulative and also retarded
>didn't read the news yesterday that Cuomo admitted to hoarding ventilators. Has 4000 of them not even being used.
How embarrassing for OP.
This is why history will record Jon Stewart as being one of the most destructive voices in politics of the era. That show literally destroyed the left’s ability to make any sort of coherent sound arguments and just reduced it to smug self righteous posturing.
Cuomo is a baby murdering faggot who is only dealing with this to get the turkish bathhouses of NYC back open
>terry schiavo
now this is boomer posting
Remember when the Orange retard was saying he “doesn’t take any responsibility”
That’s quite a (((leader))) you elected
What’s next? He’s going to take credit for the stock market? I guess that’s not going to happen now because his zog allies just made billions from mom
And dad retail investors via short selling
Cry harder faggot
Cry harder over your orange retard
yellow man bad
>dems don’t play follow the leader
>literally let the MSM tell them what to think and never question it
Orange Retard (((doesn’t take any responsibility)))
I wonder who he learned that shtick from?
>Dems don't play follow the leader
Explains why they never get shit done I guess
Everyone has their role to play, the leader is one of those roles
The butthurt from leftists over the way Trump keeps beating them to every punch is delicious.
Fuck Republicans.
trump last month - it’s just the flu guyz
Trump now - I don’t take any responsibility
I've been saying that for years. they don't have a coherent moral code and what they do have isn't based in reality
So Cuomo is at fault for not taking responsibility in the past but Trump downplaying it for months is perfectly fine?
>Cuomo hides life saving vents lies to America
>omggg Orange man bad!
It's almost as if there's no morality at all, just what is beneficial or advantageous; and the truly free people are masters of themselves, and impose the false morality of good-versus-evil upon brainwashed sheep for exploitation; and the White Race and its political form known as the US Republican Party only exist to serve their benefits and advantages, and when an opportunity arises to reinforce the continued existence of one of their own (Terry Schiavo), they do so; but when an opportunity arises to punish -- even to the point of DEATH -- the White Race will gladly do so.
I mean, almost.
If this is all you got for talking points, Donald “it’s just the flu” Trump is toast come election time
It's almost like the left always projects and anything they're accusing you of they've already done or are planning to do.
Are we still pretending the zog billionaire is a friend of the white American working class?
Are you really that retarded?
Do you even understand American elections? Let me guess, you thought the popular vote made Hillary the president.
How on earth does someone think this is clever?
Is a leaf saying the same stupid shit they always say?
You must be fucking a dog right now too.
I see Donnie “I don’t take any responsibility” Trump being absolutely destroyed
>word salad
Good point schizo
I don't know how the Democrats went from assisted suicide, abortion, do-not-resuscitate, wanting old people to drop dead, and calling for a massive reduction in population in order to reverse global warming.... complaining about a president not giving ventilators to a state that already has stockpiles of ventilators which the governor refuses to use during a global pandemic.
Trump literally just signed a 2T spending bill that makes Obama’s TARP look like peanuts
That must be quite the flu to justify that spending
But you don't understand US elections. We don't have a House of Lords, and moose can't vote, unlike your home protectorate of Hatistan. The States pick the president. Which states is Donnie going to lose?
I thought it was “just a flu”
Since trump “doesn’t take any responsibility” what difference does it make, anyway?
>a jew twitter screencap
>single sentence OP
Should be an instaban.
I know you thought it was just the flu. That's what Mayor di Blasio said.
Florida, for starters - then he’s lost the election
boomers (his base) are dying from SARS 2.0 and/or are demoralized from Trumps Horrible fumbling of this
No, that’s what Trump said
Times to kiss it maybe.
It's what Biden said too. And Warren, and AOC, and Pelosi, and Cuomo.
You're an expert on Florida? What's the name of your poll?
Shouldn't government act situationally and adjust to the needs of the people?
seethe more faggot
checked and faggotpilled
kys redditspacing faggot
your leader is a bbc loving nigger face wanna be faggot
Trump now has a record that can be attacked
His base will be relatively demoralized now - his opponents the opposite, thinking Trumps incompetence put them in danger
Yeah but I already know that
The point here is all the zogbot Trump lemmings can’t admit What is evident to everyone else - Trump “SARS is just like the flu bro” is a retard
Trump has had higher primary turn out than any other incumbent president.
Woah this is so valid, you should tell R*ddit. Go there and don't come back.
Gee, you mean like their Party Planks?
Take a look at EVERYTHING the GOP says it's about, and what it's done to forward those goals when they had power:
- Fiscal Responsibility
- Government accountability
- Tax reform
- Abortion
- [arguably] anti-corruption
What effort has been made to gain on *any* of these when Republicans have been in power?
Trump's approval numbers are actually higher now than before the virus.
I'm not him, but I live in Florida.
Florida is a swing state full of boomers who are incredibly vulnerable to corona. Trump saying corona is under control and doing nothing for the past two months is already alienating them, and once people start dying in large numbers, it'll decrease his voting base even more.
Democrats literally pleaded for republicans to stop considering their religious beliefs and personal morality regarding policy.
And they got their wish. Congratulations.
Yes, that's because the mass deaths haven't started yet. The boomers who support him are disassociated from reality, once they start dying in mass, it'll change.
But the opposite is true. People are not dying in large numbers. Trump is holding daily meetings and briefings. Trump's approval numbers have increased.
>any day now
LOL. 12,500 Americans died of swine flu in 2009, and the media didn't even report on it.