Wahhhhh im a woman my pussy is bleeding im gonna cry and lay on the floor

>wahhhhh im a woman my pussy is bleeding im gonna cry and lay on the floor
>every girl goes through it but i get it a lot worse! i swear!

god i fucking hate weak bitches

Attached: D5377D97-D71C-4B2A-9EED-AD2123215A4A.jpg (750x821, 377.85K)

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God punishes women for not for filling their role.

Jesus just go on the pill if you aren't trying to have kids. This is one of the things it fixes.

Maybe they shouldn't have picked the fruit of knowledge, dumb wemon.

remember menstrual sheds? I think those guys were on to something

The pill was instrumental in destroying Western culture. No thanks.

Well this bitch is doing nothing but writhing on the floor for a week at a time so you already can't get worse.
Also you're a stupid nigger.

I'm a woman. Wtf is this? Do other women really do this? It's because they wear tampons, my theory.

Women: men cant take pain, we give birth lol what pussys....
A month later: Oh the pain I cant take it......

Awh how cute. Have a 100 upvotes.

Fucking estrogen/endorphins through the ass these liberals.

You know the rule!

Sure thing, Horowitz

This, I have pretty rough cramps, but to wriggle and moan on the floor about it is retarded. Take some ibuprofen and grumble about it a little and then go about your day ffs.

Feed her some oxycodone and she will be fine.

All that fat fucks up the hormones

You can skip periods for 9 months using this simple trick!

Gf has endometriosis. For some it is legitimately painful due to growths, lesions, internal bleeding. She used to get ovarian cysts and said the pain is 1/10th as bad as Endo. Her choices were opiates or birth control so she went on the pill. Meanwhile my ex had no abnormalities but was a dumb ass drama queen popping vicondins for normal cramps, so really just depends on the woman.

a warm bottle can help, i wish i knew it 10 years before, warmth makes the blood flow much better,

gf doesnt even get periods anymore ever since she got an IUD

>Kurt Angle
>wrestle with a Broken Freakin' Neck
>doesn't bitch how much it hurts
>meanwhile women act like having a period makes them unable to do anything

tits and timestamps or GTFO
Also, touch nipples

ha! if men had period pains or labor they would probably kill themselves

tits or gtfo

to think this complaining bitch isn't on birth control is hilarious.

I think that's the guy sleeping on the floor because his wife and her boyfriend need the whole bed.

The pain level is very different for every woman and depends on various factors. You can't compare the pain levels really.

For myself, I don't have a lot of pain, but I get these super intense period shits. It starts with cramping of my intestines, I even have cramps in my anus. Ever had a cramping anus? Hurts like hell.

Well then, you get your period shits. They smell worse than bad egg salad and are these kinds of shit, where you just can't wipe enough. So your toilet paper is full of smeary shit, blood and these fat blood clots. Pic related.

Attached: 0_big.jpg (590x443, 37.6K)

>Posting this on social media all for just a little dopamine hit.

That is so hot.

For you, original picture from me

Attached: photo_2020-03-28 19.09.58.jpg (750x1000, 89.01K)

What’s with all the women on pol >:(

You're just weak and never experienced real pain.

Came in with the r*dditors. Yas Forums has fallen. Many such cases, sad!


This is why Americans are stocking up on toilet paper

There are a surprising amount of women who get period pains so bad it makes them vomit. A lot whine for theatrics but it’s a legitimate issue for some chicks

really, you didn't know that plenty of women also hate the niggs and jews who have been trying to rape them since they turned 12?

Yeah, in this picture, I pulled my tampon out and a blood clot just flew out

Attached: photo_2020-03-28 19.13.43.jpg (960x1280, 93.96K)

Jews have been trying to rape us since like age 4 be realistic.

Endometriosis is a fake problem, like fibromyalgia. Women are just week.

Hate to see it!

Is a period like having a grumble in your tummy and than taking a diarrhea shit?

the pill does absolutely nothing for your period, doctors and pharmaceutical companies only pushed that nonsense so they can get 13 year old girls to take it for the next 40 years of their life.
that's how you get a customer

Mmmmasterrace blood. Pure

Attached: Titsorgtfo.png (1338x275, 458.49K)

Yes. Get the fuck out of the house woman, I've got shit to do and you lying around isnt helping

Epic german women.
My mother and sister get heavy migraines and super emotional on their periods.
It's different for every woman it seems.

You are all babies next to me, I survived chocolate milk + rum.

Foids are fucking disgusting get the fuck away from this place you fucking freak

und ich bin hier grade am essen ...

No, it’s like something is constantly tightening a vice around the entire abdominal region

You mean like what happens to most men who get hit in the nuts? I have been unable to stand keeled over throwing up my guts

I'm calling the cops

Attached: frank-costanza.png (1000x700, 187.09K)

That doesn't sound so bad

Yes. So imagine that for 5-7 days straight and not just an immediate impact that fades after a while.

No it is not you fucking faggot, it is surgically diagnosed and presents with real physical symptoms, not imagined/random symptoms shoved together under a general diagnosis like fibro.

Go ahead and put a vice on your nuts for a week and see how it is user! I’m sure it won’t be that bad


>Be me
>Cursed with cluster headache
>Can't have a normal spring from this shit, painkillers won't work
>Some whore is throwing a tantrum because her hole is bleeding and she refuses to take some aspirin
Fuck, I hate women. They overreact everything and make a mountain out of a molehill

Why dont girls just wear diapers? Their holes are all filthy and disposable.

I mean
IT's not as if the vice is twisting my balls or nuffin

It would just be hanging there

Was gibt's?

At least cuck is saying "my wife" instead of "my partner". Assmunch started out in the right direction but gave up.