Rape is just normal human behavior, why is it so criminalized ?

Rape is just normal human behavior, why is it so criminalized ?

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>t. Pajeet

If you've ever had a sister or mother or wife you'd know why everyone can come against it. But you don't because a woman would never love you

Because the world is ruled by cucks and endogamic jews.

>But you don't because a woman would never love you
Pretty sure that's one of the reasons why rape happens.

Edgy thread OP

Same goes for murder

We build our society on the belief that everyone is protected against said crimes even though it's not natural for humans (just as living in a society itself)

Try to argue that: rape is a biological safeguard against extinction and also is natural selection. Moralfag's eyes will glaze over and they will go into a rage.
fucking feminists

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stealing and killing is just normal nigger behavior, why is it so criminalized, you racist?

This. Everyone would be pissed if their mom or girlfriend was raped, rape is criminalized because men want it just as much as women

What if the rapee consents?

Chopping your head off with a meat cleaver is also normal human behavior.

War, slavery (financial too) and domination is also normal human behavior, yet all of you faggots cry about Jews owning you.

Rape of women is a good thing. Foids deserve it.

>Homosexuality is found in nature, its totally fine
So following that logic, rape is found in nature almost exclusively so its fine.


Rape is savagery. The TRUE way is giving women no rights, besides the rights of dogs and cats. AND binding them to ONE man for their life, what can overwrite their bond is:
1. The man forcing her to sin
2. Threats of death
3. Severe abuse to the point of disfigurement

Its basically "rape", but within actual bounds. Women love rape, especially from the man they love.

From a broken mind

So i can rape you and your dog?

Street justice has it's merits on occasion.

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Check out the BIG BRAIN over here ladies and gentlemen.

>cant get sex

Our system generally is better though... for now.

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You’re right but that’s society

>Rape is just normal human behavior, why is it so criminalized ?
Nigger's aren't human, shill.

Society is unnatural; rape is natural.

>Appeal to nature.
So the question is do you want to live in a peaceful society or what's your alternative?

You know very well the criminalization is the only thing that keeps niggers, sandcoons, and other assorted human garbage in check.

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He wants his dog raped i think

Natural selection is outlawed by man. Fuck, we can't even bully without some fucking CUNT screaming and REEEEEing. But if you're a minority - Everything is free game. If you're a shitskin pederast muslim, you can rape a 9 year old and call it marriage.

If you we're the only man left on earth and you ran into the only women left on earth. You both knew this fact. If she refused to have children with you. Would you rape her?

>it aint Yas Forums until someone blames the shit skins

It's not normal, just because you're too weird ugly and smelly doesn't mean you cant just force it.

Except it doesn't. They aren't in check. They haven't been, and cucks like you are slowly starting to figure it out. Only a sacred king could keep his society in check, and nothing is sacred in ours. We are sitting atop a house of cards waiting for its collapse as you sing its praises.

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how truely canadian.


> OP happily accepts niggers forcefully fucking his anus.
Normal behavior, eh faggot?

No, because your magical scenario doesnt exist. If it did i would sooner fuck your dog forcefully. Dont care if the human race needs me because if every male was gone something went wrong and we are on the bad end of evolution
>but muh buttplay on those unwilling
Seriously you had lots of time and this is your argument?

I will buy you a god and fuck it dont mess with us

>i would sooner fuck your dog forcefully
Well at least we know you aren't using a proxy

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That's some oldschool faggot shit right here.
There already was this French guy, the Marquis de Sade, founder of sadism, who said the exact same thing during the French Revolution. But even the insane jacobinist kike Robbespierre thought that Sade is just a pedophiliac degenerate. So since you most likely aren't a French Marquis of the 18. century fucking minors in this personal castle, I'd suggest you just go fuck yourself instead.

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Who the fuck would use a canadian proxy thats like confessing to a dog rape you didnt commit buddy

because we're trying to have a civilization here you sociopathic overporned coomer fuck

Instead of accepting rape, subservience, and humiliation you could fight to your death and retain your honor. The vikings recognized this with their rite of Holmgang. You didn't recognize this option because you aren't a man. You are a niding.

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So many simps ITT. I think rape should be illegal but it’s no worse than assault

Whitey be criminalizing normal nigger behavior for no reason and shit.

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Niding, humdinger, potato peeler when will Yas Forums stop with these racial slur


Have you ever been fucked up the ass?

It's old language, means faggot or coward. You are both.

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Where do you live user? I'll come and rape you. Clean that asshole.

Nope. What’s the sensation like, leaf?

Because my wife/children/family members are my property. Society works because men have an understanding of not touching other men's stuff.

Its called a hypothetical moral dilemma btw. It's a question of when existence or survival outweighs our normal moral reservations. Have you ever taken philosophy 101? Now we know you would let the human race die because you're a bitch.

I don't disagree with you. It's falling apart and we can never have peace and freedom with niggers and in a heterogeneous society in general. These disparate societies require dictators, kings, an autocrat.

But decriminalizing rape will only make a bad situation worse.

Faggot coward is something normal in my country and be careful i will faggot your dog

Its like me and you could have a blast

You don't have to go back to the Vikings.

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If you want to legalize rape you should re-legalize dueling. Rapists deserve to be publicly shot and skewered in vengeance so we can remove that proclivity from the gene pool.

Hypothetical moral dilemma on Yas Forums.
This virus really got us bored these days. Save it for your professor who you paid way to much to learn from. In your dilemma would any female let the race die? Probably not, but your theory doesnt count that does it?

If a foid in your life get raped they'd probably deserve it. Dress like a whore act like a whore you're asking for it.

and what if the rapist wins?

>junko furata approved

He gets laid this isnt rocket science switzerland

>that pic
Rape is rarely just holding a bitch down and having your way with her.
It's a very violent and gruesome act.
Hollywood and drunk college cunts who had drunken sex have made it where people don't consider the extremity of real rape.

What I'm saying is that there is no real criminalization because there is no sacral ruler. There is no more writ of outlawry, there's just codes and regulations and infractions. There's pilpul and kike law, a loophole for everything. Whack your peepee here, farm you as a tax cattle harder there for revenue. Rapists get away with it every day under the watchful eye of our oh-so-righteous government and as you've seen people in our society cheer it on. "So what? it's just prisoners. Bet you wouldn't like it." "Their just desserts" would have been best decided by someone with a sound mind, not another nigger. We're living in a vigilante world where the cowtowed citizens pretend that it is other than it is. One government says you're doing a bad thing, the other says you're a hero. They could be miles apart and you magically enter "jurisdiction" by crossing a toe over a line. Both of them are just gangs of thugs that pretend to have the mandate of the vox populi, not unlike the chinks. We live in a dystopia and pretend that it is orderly, knowing deeply that everything is wrong.

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If an average Yas Forums guy was stuck on an island with a 10/10, how long would it take before he tried it?

A woman or man or dog will bite and scratch the fuck out of you leading to dna evidence that will be used against you. Who the fuck wants to bleed for some loose pussy when you can find a tight one in someone willing

you have to be 18 or older to post on here

Probably the same amount of time it takes to be rejected by 10/10

Here's the truth.. Women fantasies about a man lovingly force himself on her.

Women have nightmares about hateful misogynists forcing themselves on them.

Can you tell me the difference? Let's see how intelligent pol is.

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