User Survey

Hello! I'm a grad student at Harvard, and we are conducting an online survey across different parts of the internet.

1. What are your political ideologies?
2. Do you eat meat?
3. What is your stance on climate change?
4. Have you ever seen the equation dU = TdS - PdV? If so, what does it mean?
5. How long do you expect the current pandemic to last?

Thanks for your responses. All responses will be published for the general public to read.

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1) conservative ethnonationalism
2) yes, and eat protein shakes
3) it is real, but a cabal of international financiers are trying to turn a legitimate emergency into a profit-generating and control-enabling scheme
4) equilibrium
5) at least 3 more months. beyond that...?

Also, I -actually- go to Harvard. I don't believe that you do.

1. Nationalism
2. Yeah
3. As real as a Somali savant biochemist
4. Depleted Uranium = Trump Derangement Syndrome - Pussy Decreased Value
5. The ride will never end

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fuck you and fuck that.

Stop sucking cock, OP.
You don't want to burn in hell for THAT do you?

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Existential threat
I never took high level math
1 more year give or take

Why are you using pol for research?

1. Traditional conservative, monarchist
2. Yes and I don't eat grains.
3. Skeptical
4. No, but I looked it up and I get what kind of correlation you're trying to make. Very khazar indeed.
5. Not long enough.

>What are your political ideologies?
I bounce anywhere from Progressive Socialist to praising Uncle Adolf
>Do you eat meat?
>What is your stance on climate change?
It's happening and we're going about solving it like absolute speds
>Have you ever seen the equation dU = TdS - PdV? If so, what does it mean?
Yes, in my chemistry class once. I think it has something to do with thermodynamics.
>How long do you expect the current pandemic to last?
Depends on the country. In the US we'll be at it for a good fucking minute while everyone laughs at us.

1) centrist but lean slightly to the left..
2) yes
3) I think it is a hoax
4) What?
5) another 2 months.

Pic related.

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Same as this guy

1. liberal
2. yes, at least half a kilo daily
3. don't give a shit
4. don't give a shit
5. don't give a shit

>muuhh state paid weeeed brooo

1. National Socialist
2. Yes.
3. Not real, but would be beneficial if it were. Just like The Holocaust™.
4. Thermodynamics shit.
5. Years, with most countries falling into anarchy and billions dead when all is said and done.

1. Fuck off Kike.
2. Fuck off Kike.
3.Fuck off kike.
4.Fuck off Kike.
5.Fuck off kike

Now go fuck off Kike.

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I don't touch that shit. Cigs and alcohol for me only.

1. What are your political ideologies? - Radical Centralist
2. Do you eat meat? - yes
3. What is your stance on climate change? its probably happening? But I barely care
4. Have you ever seen the equation dU = TdS - PdV? If so, what does it mean? no idea senpai
5. How long do you expect the current pandemic to last? 3 months to a year

Fuck you kike nigger

Fucking retards in this thread. #4 is a differential equation for the change in internal energy of a system.

>1. What are your political ideologies?
Shitting on people who are anti genetic determinist.

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1) post-libertarian/Paretian liberal fascism/neoreaction
2) yes but I want to stop
3) I believe in anthropogenic climate change and think that governments should take measures to counter it
4) yes, it's the fundamental thermodynamic relation and it relates the differential of internal energy to differentials of entropy and of volume
5) I don't really know, probably until the end of the year.

low iq correlates to left leaning political beliefs and trust in authority aka the media

are u low iq

>All responses will be published for the general public to read
1. Nnigger
2. Nigger
3. Nigger
4. Nigger
5. Nigger

>1. What are your political ideologies?


>2. Do you eat meat?


>3. What is your stance on climate change?

Naturally occuring phenomenon we as a species are incapable of controlling.

>4. Have you ever seen the equation dU = TdS - PdV? If so, what does it mean?

The criteria for equilibrium.

>5. How long do you expect the current pandemic to last?

As long as niggers are stupid and the rainbow of Asians from the Pacific to Inner Mongolia continue to exist.

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>blah blah blah


1. N
2. I
3. G
4. G
5. E

1) National collectivism
2) Yes
3) Climate changes as usual
4) Has something to do with gas. It did not happen.
5) 4 to 6 weeks

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>1. What are your political ideologies?
>2. Do you eat meat?
Trump Steaks
>3. What is your stance on climate change?
>4. Have you ever seen the equation dU = TdS - PdV? If so, what does it mean?
>5. How long do you expect the current pandemic to last?

1) late XIX century / early XX century Italian liberalism + public healthcare and some adjustments
2) yes
3) I have no opinion on things I have no expertise on, stupid fag. You shouldnt either
4) I got much more complicated shit you have never seen and probably wont, Harvard grad larp fag
5) Read 3) again

1 neoconservative
2 fish & chicken
3 global crisis deserves coordinated global response
4 do you trump derangement syndrome petro de venezuela
5 free market die off would be less than 6 weeks and the gdp would be back on trend albeit at a lower level

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Feudalist Cannibal. I believe that the only system of survival is the based on a hierarchical pyramid where peasants are at the bottom and can be treated as food if need be

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1. Accelerationist
2. Yes - Cock sandwiches mostly
3. Greta gets the rope
4. Thermofaggottronics
5. 1 hour.

1. What are your political ideologies? right side
2. Do you eat meat? yup
3. What is your stance on climate change? It exist but i don't believe that we can do something about, i don't know
4. Have you ever seen the equation dU = TdS - PdV? If so, what does it mean? yes
5. How long do you expect the current pandemic to last? two more weeks Im hoping in brazil bolsonaro will bring everything to 'normal' again

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1. N

Holy crap, that’s lame as shit. Middle school tier

>1. What are your political ideologies?
>2. Do you eat meat?
>3. What is your stance on climate change?
>4. Have you ever seen the equation dU = TdS - PdV? If so, what does it mean?
>5. How long do you expect the current pandemic to last?

>1. What are your political ideologies? Fascist
>2. Do you eat meat? Ja
>3. What is your stance on climate change? Jewish trick
>4. Have you ever seen the equation dU = TdS - PdV? If so, what does it mean? Yes, kill more degenerates
>5. How long do you expect the current pandemic to last? I hope it widens and deepens and lengthens so that Gods redemptive vision can be complete.

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1. What are your political ideologies?
Started off as a slight conservative.
Poked my head into academia of thesis papers, studies, and reading history.
Now I am a unapologetic Nazi.

2. Do you eat meat?

3. What is your stance on climate change?
Utterly pathetic how Gen Z and millennials protest about it, it is China's and India's fault. Not America.

4. Have you ever seen the equation dU = TdS - PdV? If so, what does it mean?

5. How long do you expect the current pandemic to last?
About a month or two.


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1. Christian anarchism
2. Vegan
3. Humans are a plague to the environment
4. Nope
5. 18-24 months

1. Esoteric Libertarian Anarcho-Fascism
2. yes I'm not gay
3. Fake and gay - cap and trade is a jewish financial scam
4. dick Unification = Tranny dick Shemale - Penis dick Vagina

1) kys stupid nigger
2) kys stupid nigger
3) kys stupid nigger
4) kys stupid nigger
5) kys stupid nigger

1. Minarchist
2. Yes
3. It's real but I don't really care if people die because of it
4. Yes. I saw it my roommates thermodynamics textbook.
5. 18 months

1. Centrist
2. Yeah but not bug"meat"
3. It's happening but not man-made
4. = niggers tongue my anus + 1488
5. It'll keep going around the world until the people in charge of defining it as "pandemic" get bored and stop calling it as such. But it'll just keep going around and around like an annual flu with extreme symptoms and never leave.

1. Achieve postscarcity.
2. Yes, without shame.
3. Ultimately doesn't matter if it's real or not. We live on a finite planet. We should behave like this matters to us.
4. Thermo identity. Not learning more physics is one of my greatest failures in life.
5. Your question assumes it will end.

oh nice, another kike/chink/glownigger sponsored data mine

1. somewhere between third positionism and bull moose
2. yes, and not the dick that supposed non meat eaters love to eat
3. sounds like a pretty bad idea to be outsourcing some shit to cheap/low standard areas while incentivizing mass migration to consumer heavy ones and waging retarded wars if this is a real problem, idk. interesting how climate change characters have no problem with any of that, never talk about china, never talk about the beloved oildollar, but will take the time to screech about race and tranny shit
4. nope
5. "as long as it takes, goy"

Classical liberal
One huge conflict of interest. Scientists and academic funding is dependent on it existing. Same with gender/minority studies. It doesn't receive funding if it doesn't exist. If a publicly traded company can't audit their own accounting statements, why should we be able to rely on studies funded by public tax dollars? We brush off studies paid for by corporations. Why is this any different?
Never seen it.
As long as they can suppress the data. But once solid data is available, we'll see a lower mortality rate. I think by end of May people will get bored and go about their lives. But the people in power will cause continuous traumatic fluctuations in the markets until they get what they want, whatever that is.

1. Right-wing libertarian
2. Yes
3. Real and it is the biggest problem we face at the moment and we should put in our best efforts to reduce global warming
4. No
5. A few more months, until the end of the year

1. Ethno-nationalism. Prefer democracy and local rule, but that may not be feasable for the moment, or even at all
2. Yes. Meat is either something you earn for yourself by killing in the wild, or the purpose of that animals life is to provide meat for you (domesticated)
3. It is real, and a threat, but is hardly the end of the world. Part of the solution is international cooperation, but its not worth bowing to globalist institutions
4. Nope, and I'm not going to bother googling it
5. It should be burned out by mid year. The real damage is going to be to the international system of trade, and the general economic shock. I am happy about this.

No one but 14 year olds and retired boomers thinks your school name means anything anymore.

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omg those harvard kikes know equations! they're so smart. I should give up my political ideology and meat and stop driving because harvard kike asked me questions!

>1. What are your political ideologies?
I’m a National Socialist.

>2. Do you eat meat?

>3. What is your stance on climate change?
That’s a broad term. The climate changes naturally. I’m unsure of the extent of human impact on the climate overall, but I am sure that it is negative. We should structure our society to be in harmony with nature, and work to reverse the damage done to nature already.

>4. Have you ever seen the equation dU = TdS - PdV? If so, what does it mean?
I’ve never seen it.

>5. How long do you expect the current pandemic to last?
Hopefully long enough to cripple neo-liberalism and pave the way for a populist, nationalist revolution.

1. The Republic must be restored.
2. Eating some meat from a deer I killed right now.
3. I hope it's real, I want the coastal cities destroyed. New York delenda est
4. Yes. It's been awhile since I took Thermo
5. Not sure. I'm much more concerned with the social and economic fallout of it, however.

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1. Personal responsibility
2. Alot.
3. The market will fix it.
4. Thermo. Internal energy.
5. Long enough to bang your mom twice.

Wharton >>>>>>>>> Harvard

but yeah i go to comm college

>Have you ever seen the equation dU = TdS - PdV? If so, what does it mean?
nigga dun even

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1. Libertarian/minarchist WRT government intervention in economic and social issues. But culturally right wing.
2. Yes, almost exclusively
3. Real, but if the extrapolations used to influence public policy were presented in my line of work, that person who made them would be laughed out of the room and fired.
4. The increment of the internal energy of a system is equal to the temperature times the change in entropy minus the Pressure times the change in volume. babbys first thermo
5. 6 months to a year, we may have to rely on herd immunity and I don't know if that means the pandemic ended and am too lazy to look up definitions.

1. Right libertarian
2. Yup. Generally I avoid low quality meat though.
3. Climate change is a problem, but it is not doomsday, and it is not worth rapid societal suicide nor government overreach.
4. Thermodynamic identity equation. From it, the Maxwell relations and other thermodynamic definitons can be derived, including the first law of thermodynamics (dU = dQ - dW) and the differential definition of entropy.

Accidentally deleted 5. Probably into summer in the US. We'll feel the effects into next year, and I wouldn't be surprised if there's a second wave.

1. I would call myself a nationalist right wing libertarian
2. I love meat, specially un buen asado con fernet y amigos
3. It's a shame but qe will figure sth out. It's really not as bad as you see in the media and most of the proposed solutions would literally kill people.
4. No, sounds interesting though
5. At least 2 months. Quarantine won't do shit. One infected could kill all the progress made by locking people up for weeks. It may never be contained.

1. Libertarian
2. Far not all of it but yes
3. A natural process which will up the temperature to pre-minor ice age levels
4. No I aint into physics and shit like it.
5. Til the end of the year probably

>I'm a
>grad student at Harvard, and we are
>conducting an online survey
>across different parts of the internet.
>1. What are your political ideologies?
>2. Do you
>eat meat?
>3. What is your stance on climate change?
>4. Have you ever seen the equation dU = TdS - PdV? If so, what does it mean?
>5. How long do you expect the current pandemic to last?
>for your responses. All responses will be published for the general public to read.