>will the WHO consider inviting Taiwan as it's member
>uhhh I sorry can't hear u ur cutting off **cuts call**
How much chink dick is the W.H.O. sucking to play the "bad connection" game.
vid related and stamped.
Will the WHO consider inviting Taiwan as it's member
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Twitter is kinda pro ccp.
>*beeeeeuuuhhhhhp* *video call ended*
>i wanted to ask you about taiwan
>well we've already talked about china and the different areas of china
Anons on phones will have difficulty with the timestamped link in the OP. Taiwan is trending worldwide by the way.
Who is that qt 3.14
Yvonne tong ;) from rthk. I coomed already did u?
wtf how balls deep is the WHO? The fuck is going on here?
Redpill me about taiwan bros, are they soulless like the mainland chinks?
The lack of empathy and the whole "oops I bumped into this guy with my car, better be safe and finnish killing him off!" happens there as well?
>Redpill me about taiwan bros
Open a book you lazy ape.
The best and brightest of China had the most to lose when communism started gaining ahoad of their country. Those who fought against the communists, the KMT, fled to Taiwan, so on average Taiwanese are probably more intelligent and better behaved than their mainland counterparts. Similar case with Hong Kong.
Brazil doesn't have books, the humidity of the jungle ruins them.
lmfao. I knew Jack Dorsey sucked some chink dicks but this is literally deep throating xi's 4inch.
hey HK has the highest median iq in the world at 107. stop stealing our spotlight bro Hong Kong number 1.
I love Chinese women
Guess all those memes about TAIWAN NUMBAH WON really got to them.
The only reason they can get away with this, is that most people don't know what is going on in the region.
They're Chinese. Collectivist, racists, hyper capitalists, same shit different flag.
Sorry nigger, but mainland has higher IQ stats and cities that make Taipei look outdated and poor.
desu the west knew nothing about the East Asia in general other than K-pop and Jap anime and porn. and recently the anti ccp movement in. HK. partly because of the ccp censoring everything about Taiwan and Hong Kong.
I love Chinese women.
And that's how Brazil was born
This is why you dont trust world government
Fake and gay
>IQ147 Mensafag.
Taiwan belongs to China so it's already a member.
ok Chang, either you slide back into xi's cunt from Aussieland or stop using a VPN to post shit you should stop posting if ur country's average iq is under 99 omegalul.
literally stinking up the whole board by shilling for the ccp chink niggers.
>Hong Kong number 1.
WHO survives off donation from country. They are bought off as fuck.
Twitter is filled with commies you should have seen this coming.
>are they soulless like the mainland chinks
Taiwanese people are descended from educated Chinese nationalists, who were the best that China had to offer in the early 1900s..
They were higher IQ and more western-minded than the 99%.
That was ultimately their downfall, because they were so above the other chinks that the peasantry and rabble couldn't relate to them so they of course sided with the communists lead by Mao. The Chinese civil war was a game decided by who had the most amount of bodies backing them.
The og Chinese that who left because of mao. They started their own country.
Roughly over 30%
Trump should formally recognize Taiwan as a sovereign nation again.
Will the members of the WHO ever face consequences for helping china fuck the entire world over?
For me, it's Tzuyu.
Fuck the WHO, they are corrupt. In mid February this was clearly an emerging pandemic and they waited A MONTH to declare it. They were unable to disagree with the CCP. They waited until it became other countries' problem so that they could blame the west.
Brazil is a mixture of indios, spics, and niggers. No, lad.
What country is this embarrassment of a sellout from? He should be tried as a traitor.
The entire world should, it's the bare minimum first step to saying F the CCP.
Bullshit study. China and Korea cheated. Also Japan has 108
Guess you're too dumb to understand what an analogy is. You're right user, Yas Forums didn't exist when Brazil was discovered by the portuguese.
I will spoonfeed you.
Replace the user with the portuguese, the "modern women" with portuguese women who have moustaches and armpit hair, and the asian girls with black slaves and native girls.
>I wonder if the WHO is in China's pocket?
Gee I wonder...
Nobody here wants to breed with niggers, user. Ever.
>stick figure white bitch vs. the only hot Asian bitch
Of course that's not a difficult choice. But hot white bitches blow all Asian whores out of the water.
Shows how new you are, lad. Yas Forums is a yellow pilled Christian board.
avg Asian girl cutie i know irl is at least 7/10
>avg Asian girl cutie i know irl is at least 7/10
>average cutie is 7/10
That's pretty much the definition of a cutie you fucking moron.
UN is the most wretched hive of scum and villains you'll find. Corrupt to the bone. Everyone in the UN got there by paying their way in through misappropriation of funds from their state.
hands off my ex, fag. I might be simping someone who used to have feelings for me but damn it I'll simp for her hard if it means keeping you kikes away from her pure Christian soul.
>Joining the WHO
Why should they want to? The WHO seems doesn't seem to get any of its members any advantage.
>remember back in like 2010 my political friend told me that the UN is "the US's lapdog"
well if that's true then what about china dude
>posts on pol
>believes in jewish IQ LARP