What Will It Take to Restore the White Race?

Seriously, even niggers get more support than us now. We can't form families, we can't get married, and even white zoomers are mimicking niggers. At this point, formal politics won't be enough, and niether will self-improvement, how the fuck are we supposed to “clean our rooms” when some nigger is throwing dust in the window. At this rate, the kikes will have their way if we can't even symbolically stand up to them.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Built for BWC

The white race needs to drink less coffee


I'm planning on marrying a rich nigger man and take his seed into my mouth and ass everyday and let him suck my cock. If the kikes are fucking us over like this, I'm going to make the most of it.

Caffeine is poison

>restore the white race
Restore my foreskin first

Flag checks out

those lips were build for BBC

Destroy all EMFs, make the food food again, take control of the media, and hang the traitors

Can't do that? You deserve your fate

pale emo gfs tbqh

how so

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Even the people who are supposed to be 'different' sabotage everything.
I don't want to be part of a movement that thinks brown people are white now and thinks that women should still keep all the rights and privileges while we have to 'man up' for their nasty asses.
Yas Forums is full of guys who think they're better than everyone else yet they have retarded ideas and can't even prove they're better than anybody in the first place.
You need a group of non-hypocritical non-retarded hardcore conservatives to push a streak of change and we do not have that here.

jajajajaja pigskins go extinct jajaja

:3 RAWWWWWWR XD nuzzles =]

Eat your own cum. I swear it works, it helps increase aryan potency.

Caffeine fucks with your energy levels and lowers it over time. Coffee drinkers have less energy during a coffee high than non-drinkers without any substances

Could work, maybe if they're cute and delicate, the colour contrast between their skin and their hair might help.

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quit with this shit. All those bitches are single mothers now.

These days shall return, brother

i only drink coffee on sunday so im probably fine

I've noticed that very few women ever endorse NS. As of right now, the only women who ever endorse us tend to also be batshit insane. Like Tila Tequila or that human Barbie girl. No same woman, at least not white, would ever endorse National Socialism. And that's a problem. The only women these days who call themselves "Fascists" are usually that way because their boyfriends are. That's kind of how women work. For example, why do so many white women support feminism and the far-left? Obviously it's the Jews, but again, women are much more collectivist than men when it comes to gender, which is why they are more likely to support leftism and feminism.

the spanish reconquista took 781 years
we're gonna make it

This stuff is still around, they’re just furries now.

>never stopped using gay as insult
Until like 2012 when all these chicks became tumblrinas.

Find a NS waifu at a black metal club or something
Furry pussy got me actin strange OwO

how do we turn their hair black again?

citation required

Death of all jews.

Propaganda techniques

this. DSL

Wait for them to feel nostalgic and do it on their own.
Guarantee if you go on Tumblr or some other place that leftist girls congregate, you can find girls that think this was the height of fashion.

Focus on things that you have some control over for one.
>Don't be any more of a maladjusted antisocial retard than you have to be
>Learn how to cook for yourself
>Learn how to fix basic shit on your car
>Educate yourself - read more history, continue to polish math skills, learn another language for the sake of learning it
>Exercise regularly
>Own your own home
>Be financially independent
>Marry a woman that isn't a retard and have a family
Just keep learning how to do things and acquire skills just to keep your mind focused on something that isn't self destructive. The less you are alienated from the basics of life, the better.

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some spot-on analysis there
probably the most reasonable plan to redeem western women I've seen

Maybe people are leaning in too hard into the ideology. Maybe they should start with an aesthetic instead.
Black hair could help distinguish our ideas and function as a symbol for our views; it contrasts and enhances pale skin and black is the color of refinement.

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Where TF is pale gf

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Being fucked by bbc

it needs to be more than just a fashion movement. Fashion/posing is what killed the emo subculture.
People need to FEEL it. I think corona might help us here, everyone is a bit down right now.

Nothing will, we are lost, even the most white countries traditionally is fucking lost and the few holdouts will simply be ground down over the passing of time.

I never really have a problem with my energy levels though user, so hey go figure.

All it takes is white men working out and becoming fit and saving money but all you fags want to do is fap to anime and play video games and complain about niggers and Jews.

>mass media pushing agenda
>its gotta be coffee

Look, lets be honest here... diet IS important in well-being, but I did all the drugs on this planet (except adrenochrome and salvia), laughed my ass off and still have a job. It doesn't matter. We're at a breaking point where we have to overthrow the elite through either left or right, and I know that Yas Forums is mostly right, but when you see the bigger picture then only 1 option remains, and that is to expose the kike, and both "extreme" left and "extreme" right have the intention of doing so. Imagine being a wagecuck and still siding with natsoc. Imagine being a wagecuck and still siding with free gibs. At some point we need a revolution like yellow vest, but people lack the balls to give up their Tinder and Netflix.

We can't. If we make social groups classify as white group we're automatically racists. They rig the game against us. Even if you use some other name to fool the normies if the it leaks somehow, they will probably crucify everybody related to said group.
But that's actually what we need, not some phony as meme-flag from marxism (nazis) that actually don't care about the white race but are shown as the definitive defender of the white race.
Only with a group that can actually defend the rights and the territory. But we don't have that for like decades and decades. We actually never have that because of the damn kiks.

>white men working out and becoming fit and saving money
it was never like this in the past. You're just appeasing the roast mindset here.

can we please have filters put in place for bbc? this is really fucking retarded that i can't say onions but this shit can get spammed into oblivion

i do not know. 7 years and no girlfriend. its not like im some piece of shit white guy, i had no problem with women up untill 25. now, no women seems to give me a chance and i even have a big cock. its all they seem to care about now is cock cock and cock. after one night, nothing. if i keep them from my cock, they will still not talk to you after that.
its literally an insult to women now to not abuse them sexually.
Why is that?

Stop jokingly worshipping nigger' penis, even as a joke. It shows you're brain is full of self hatred. Find some self respect, find God, stop crying.

>we do not have that here.
we do. But this is an open forum, that's one of its strengths

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Fuck you northern Mexicans

Find a chick in church.

I didn't mean it like that. There's a difference between BBC and silky dark hair.

Make yourself worthy.

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Goddamn I love brazibros

I'll take one.

You are pathetic man. Why would any woman want to be with a fat, broke, neckbeard weaboo? There is nothing respectable about that kind of life. YOU will feel better about YOURSELF if you got fit and saved money. That alone will attract the kind of people you want in your life.


>its literally an insult to women now to not abuse them sexually.
god this
I was told all my life to be nice to wahmens and now the prerequisite to dating them is engaging in risky behaviour like strangulation or being a 'go-getter' and risking being meetooed? No thanks.

It takes white men being the head of the house and raising their family with proper values. That means being the bread winner, protecting your family, and living those values despite what faggots in the public and on social media have to say about it. Don't associate with faggots, degenerates, or any OTW people.

TLDR: White men need to grow the fuck up and be MEN.

No we don't. Insisting that brown people are white and guys have to man up for sluts is not a hardcore conservative position that the west needs to embrace.
Yas Forums thinks those things by default. What a retarded board this is.

Were the original NS party goths?

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oh so you normally have the jitters?



>fat, broke, neckbeard weaboo?
I'm thin but not muscly (my dad and grandfathers were the same, why do I have to be different?). I earn a lot for my age, I keep well-shaven, and idgaf about Japan. What's going on?

Forming mannerbunds and violently over throwing society. Anything else is just fat nerds circle jerking.

You wish nigger

Hitler was legit emo as a young man, look it up

It's not possible anymore. A war was lost and we were the losers.

Quite so, they were literally germans, and the idea of Gothic loli's came from their aesthetic.

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Your memeflag does not shield you from
Mutt's law

Expell the jewry.

>feel it
You can't do it. Lefty girls don't read Chomsky anymore, and "kill whitey" from skinny white boys just isn't as edgy and out there as it used to be.
What, you want to smash a Starbucks storefront to show your mainstream liberal friends that even the corporations THEY like need to be attacked for being "imperialist"?
The solution to this era was corporations going woke and celebrating gay pride, now the leftoids who complained that corps harmed whatever x minority group just don't have the bite they did when America's mainstream was against gay marriage.

Big Batavi Cock.

what's dat ?

He even had an emoish hairstyle till his death

Was emo truly /ourgenre/?

You are the one that said I was appeasing to the “roast mindset”. The fact that you use the word “roastie” already tells me all I need to know:
That you are a bitter incel and a lost cause.

Everyone knows what the answer is, they are just too cowardly to admit it.

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Batavian, so Dutch

If by "our" you mean Antifa, then yes.

why does every girl have these fucking nigger duck lips now? Women absolutely didn't fucking look like this before

I wouldn't say that this is just a little game that will last maybe 10 more years atleast?

Jews are weak
Jews have been rounded up and tricked into being slaughtered like animals
they have been thrown out of countries
history will repeat itself

Those lip injections

Batavia was what the Romans called the Netherlands. We have a lot of upstanding negroes here and their cocks are big. Hence big batavian cock

There are two sides to the current coin. I think the traditional world of the past is more desirable and more effective. The world needs woman who follow the traditional role its an essential part of life, aka. nurturing. On the other hand men are falling behind. In a lot of cases women are out achieving men and men are becoming weaker, maybe overall. I think this may be part of the onions boy mentality. There are men/boys who see these woman achieving things and look up to them, maybe as role models and want to be like them.

It's a shame they went extinct.

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Yeah fuck bodybuilding, skinny boys and cry rock will save the white race lmfao.
Why do you think whites mass-abandoned their own music starting in like 2003?

because the moid are literal NPC, they just carry out whatever theyre programmed to.

it drives me nuts, no wonder so many men appear to be sexually oppressing themselves.

Go meet a white girl and have some white children. If you can't because all you find is roasties or you won't because you're a coward with no work ethic, then understand that the problem is you, not the "white race". The system doesn't owe you shit; you have to take it. Defeatist cucks like you are why I avoid this board. Also: you're a leaf. kys

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Tons of emos dyed their hair dude.
Hell, a lot of those who had black hair was just black hair dye.

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everyday I learn something new

like today I learnd what batavian means and what's modified le fort 3 is

They're literally everywhere, dude, they just stopped using flat irons and tell you to respect their friends' they/them pronouns now.

You do realize that women nowadays love boyish men? they always have and always will. I will agree that getting big and making a fuck load of money is the redpill but for women its boyish charm/needing them for nurturing.

Black people can't be boyish they're more like retarded/goofy faggots that no one really takes seriously

Whites are a putrid race, they are cancer of humanity. Nothing of value will be lost.

Actually it was in 2010.
Green Day, MCR, all that was popular everywhere.
It was your obsession with nigger rap what killed the international relevance of American music.

You're an Anglo faggot

Thats why everyone finds us attractive, good one shitskin.

I'm a gymbro but I'm also boyish

it's a drug

Based digits

A Germanic tribe


and you're Chinese m8

Whites need to unapologetically start forming redpiledl communities offline and carefully screen for sabotage. When they throw hate your way you immediately throw it back at them twice as hard.

Seriously, just look at how Kikes do their own thing and don't respect any laws or customs but their own. Look at how they band closely together and pool their minds and resources. Have that attitude sans the Satan worship and baby mutilation. Stop playing by the enemy's rules.

Read this book:

That only applies to white men. White women should be petite, cute, and refined.

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So what is this girls name?

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Men are now actively competing with women and other men for their role in society and it's not even a real competition because of deck stacking like affirmative action and hiring quotas. Not only that but many of these men grew up without fathers and have no idea what the masculine role is even supposed to look like in the family because they've never even witnessed it. Men need women to motivate them to participate in society - otherwise we get this.

there are ACTUALLY people in this thread who don't want an emo renaissance omfg what a load of gayboys

go and suck each others dicks at the gym, brotards

Had a gf just like this in 2006-2008. It was pretty great bros not gonna lie.

Reminder to download 4chanx and filter all black lives matter posters

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>Green Day, MCR, all that was popular everywhere
Communist bands with pathetic faggoty themes cashing in on decades of rock's cultural capital, and destroying it utterly. Those two bands in particular are literally directly responsible for the situation we're in.
Yeah, they we're popular, but they were faggoty, and if you listened to them you were weaker than the guys who listened to masculine music.

Collapse of the American Empire at a minimum. This is the most important factor in driving increasing racial and ethnic consciousness in euro americans.

Yas Forums is a very learned place. Keep coming and you might really make something of yourself.

Boyish/fit is the way to live and I don't mean faggot twink fit either I mean actually being built to the point where you don't look like a faggot who just has low bodyfat

Emily Youcis is a Nazi and she's cute. Pretty weird but at least she got married and has a baby now.

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>pathetic faggoty themes
Of course they were, they were music for teenagers.

What's your definition of masculine music now?
Some nigger singing about gang shootings?
That's why so many zoomers even in the US listen to k-pop, because it's the only thing they know that resembles that teen music and no one but hoodrats like the Kendrick Lamar and Beyonce types.