They can create new terms like ‘social distancing’ and ‘flatten the curve’

ITT Yas Forums creates new popular terms for the Normies to repeat.

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Other urls found in this thread:

White women were built for BBC.

Attached: 8F5B19FE-E5A5-45EB-9112-1A34750B0924.jpg (1251x1126, 258.53K)

kys shill.

>Yas Forums creates new popular terms for the Normies to repeat
No, we are not jewisht tricksters.

"Sexy Boogers"

It can mean what you like

imagine the smell


It's STRAIGHTEN the curves and FLATTEN the hills, fucking assholes!

Attached: 65435e87977512563d9180d9850a9032.jpg (665x509, 38.71K)

Congratulations! You just won /thread.

I get what you mean...

"Moving forward" and "that's not good enough" are terms used by normies in other context. They must use special sociologists or psychologist to figure out which term will strike a cord and get stated again and again.

Hellblade was such a pretentious shit show

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how about social distancing some niggers

ethnic distancing



wellness exercising, meaning running, eating right, and lifting weights

Attached: big ron.jpg (480x360, 13.4K)


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Gas the Kikes

Attached: 1585002528820.gif (500x375, 214.61K)

>isolationism instead of socialism
>state mandated incelnism


Attached: 1585397166403.jpg (640x860, 42.74K)
spread it far and wide

Unflattening the IQ curve

Jewlogni like balogni like balogni but with Jew in it. Use anytime you hear some Jewish silliness.
>white people need to stop having children because of the weather
>sounds like some jewlogni to me

courtesy of dr. ron paul

>Google "UN Replacement Migration"

Open our borders! Don't be pathogenist bigots!


Chin-Fu know Kung Flu, Kikes know jewjitsu.

Attached: image.png (2048x1536, 2.94M)

Open borders for Covid



Attached: Disdain.gif (239x327, 46.4K)

Just throw all their previous propaganda back at them :
>Build bridges not walls
>Let them all in
>No human is illegal
>Hug a migrant
>Borders are racist
>Open your heart and your home
>There's plenty to go around
If you're not on normie socmed doing this already then you're behind the curve.

Attached: we did it virus.png (1500x854, 597.83K)

One bullet, one kill. Burn the bodies.

Language is a powerful tool. Look at the following examples
>undocumented citizen
>transgender woman
>reproductive rights

These are highly curated phrases deliberately used to sway the hormones perspectives and beliefs.

>You can't have both
(referring to migration or welfare)

aliens pee in decaff coffee

Social replacement

Wrong eat

Walk or Die

if you dont contribute to the group
your not the group

Anal penis distancing

I say now boy, you just done did it now!

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"Onions Green is people!" ...

Man I was reggin last night and lost my pants.
Oh shit I keep reggin on my rent.

da fuk?

r u new

The new name for white flight etc.


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the great viruse

Attached: ruse.png (522x146, 7.65K)

Selective Population Readministration | SPR
Politico-Belief Restructuring | P-BR
Interpersonal Social Value Evaluations | ISVE
Economic Stimulus Assessment | ESA
Picaresque Venture Awareness System | P-VAS
Nationally Hindering Private Entities | NHPE
Oxygen Consumption Intervention | OCI
Conscious Animation Replicator | CAR
Existence Entitlement Tribunal | EET
Digital Credulity Generator | DCG
Temporary Non-Consensual Removal of Rights | TnCRR
Authority-Assisted Introduction to the Divine | AAID
Quantum Timeline Protection | QTP
Virtuous Entity Probabiltiy Detector | VEPD

Attached: file.png (2000x1049, 24.55K)


Jews were right about normies. Those low iq scum parrot these meme phrases and feel themselves to be exceedingly clever in doing so.
webm unrelated

Attached: twerkagainstthem.webm (480x600, 1.51M)

>Walk or Die
reference to the long walk?


Attached: bell curve.jpg (514x347, 22.69K)

Meditative Isolation
Staycation Weekends

Semitic erasure

This might actually catch on, if introduced in a black nationalist/SJW context.

Elestacize and exercise.

Nornies will like it because it rhymes.

No hymen,
No diamond

All Women Are Like That

Parasitic behavior

Abortion is genocide

Engineered Self-Replicating Memetic Organisms | ES-RMO
Artifical Despair Engine | ADE
Simulated Non-Extant Beings | SN-EB
Holographic Memory Alteration Field | HMAF
Lazarus-Type Self Ambulating Battle Drone(s) | B.D.s
Digitally-Induced Artifical Socialization | DIAS
Dimensional Verity Auditor | DVA
Void Terror Containment Drive | VTCD
Interstellar Travel Injunction | ITI
Non-Consensual Sudden Transport | n-CST
Noncomplient Self-Contained Consciousness | NS-CC
Soul Engine

Attached: file.png (945x531, 1.11M)

whites spread cv. maintain ethnic distancing to flatten the curve.


Blacks are immune.