A childrens video for Nothing burgers

"it's just a flu bro"
Here is a children's video that explains why this isn't a flu, and why it's dangerous. It's probably the only thing you dumb fucks can understand.

Please watch this and stop posting.


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K. keep me posted.

Into the trash it goes

You scared boomer?

Why are you posting Jewish propaganda on a Nazi board?

What a fucking load of propaganda. Influenza is way more infectious which is why tens of millions have been infected by influenza in Europe this season... compared to 300k from corona.

Science can suck my dick.

Don't think your clever.

Science is gay and dumb.

Nah I can work from home and I'm quite comfy. Can't wait for trump bux

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chinese commie proxy poster.

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I think the point is that if no lockdowns were made, like in China or anywhere else, we would see the wuflu kill more ppl than the normal flu.

That looks like a pyramid scheme.
And like all pyramid schemes, Coronavirus will break down eventually.

Kurzgesagt is literally Bill Gates/Pro Vaccination propaganda. Not that I'm against vaccinations, but we have to call a spade a spade.

also.. it doesn't behave anything like a flu.. also it spreads 10x easier and faster.
Also we have no herd immunity.
Also we have no treatment.

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Fuck off Jew

Kurzgesagt is literally the most propaganda, twisted, sinister, lying Youtube channel and you have the audacity to come and post this. OP IS A FAGGOT
based and redpilled

Be afraid be very scared take the vaccine take the chip we will keep you safe.

>the gay tranny nigger pedophile channel
some of their videos are good tho

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flu season started September fritz

Redpill me on Kurzgesagt, I've seen some of his catchy animation videos but I've ignored the channel because something didn't sit right with me about the videos but I don't think about it much, if at all.

>He unironically fell the The Jewish meme

Kys faggot.

Turn off your proxy chink and go watch more pedo porn

Die in your own filth

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I watched 4 or 5 this morning.. it's just basic science that doesn't take a side.

just false flag shills.

Qoomers get the rope first.

Just a virus bro, start using McAfee or Norton

LOL you tried, jew. Not a single person in your thread siding with you. Back to Weddit, Bye Bye!

Kurzegesagt explains complex ideos and theories in a way retards can understand. Anyone who has done personal research into the subjects will know that they are simply summarizing the generally accepted view on things.
From the video posted, Kurzegesagt said China gave the world early warning in January. It was clearly a lie but they will lose their funding if they even imply to the tinniest bit that the Chinese government lied about Wuhan Flu.

eat a turd you nigger

Does 'science' replace God for you, user?

t. Doomer panic shill that wants the world to end so his life finally has meaning

first just look at what they talk about in their videos and what they put. they are a propaganda machine to make people think they are smart following the things said in their vids with the cute little animations and "smart science" crap. They are pro-globalism, pro-vaccine, pro-racemixing, pro-pedophilia/homosexuality, the list goes on user.
here come the kikes

Idk why ppl wanna insist this is a nothingburger. It’s a somethingburger and it’s all chinas fault. Saying it’s nothing is basically saying China is innocent of doing anything but that’s not the case. This is all their fault. Ppl need to remember that so that China is made to pay when this is all over.

imagine being a scared little bitch because of the sniffles lmaoo

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So literally the only issue is the rate at which the healthcare system can respond to help the people who have a high likelihood of being affected. It still doesn't affect the grand majority of people. The economic impact will be significantly worse than the damage coronavirus could cause

>corona spreads to 4 other people
>flu spreads to 2 other people

is that true? wasn't the reported rate about the same as the regular flu?

>They are pro-globalism, pro-vaccine, pro-racemixing, pro-pedophilia/homosexuality
Match one or more video to each of these items to prove the channel is pro any of these things you nigger faggot kike

nice try CIA

Go home Chang. China lied and people died.


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No. It’s reported to be way more contagious.

That id DESU

you happeningfags are relying on reddit OMFG IFLSCIENCE!!! types for your arguments

Hey retard, know anyone sick?

Yeah, I did not think so. You are swallowing the load the media is forcing down your throat. Keep sucking, faggot.

For the vast majority of people it is literally mild flu symptoms. Stop buying into the hysteria.

Well, .001% of people are going to be murdered, but we still devote a majority of all municipal budgets to police, laws, and courts.

Facebook boomers aren’t gonna like this one senpai

Let 'em get sick while we just wash our hands + delay plans for a month; we'll build herd immunity.

Let the morons be cannon fodder

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Well make your own animated info videos then, oh that's right you're a talentless fuck nut, who doesn't amount to shit and think you're edgy by acting the contrarian.

...because no one would EVER release propaganda aimed at children....

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children propaganda? For scaring children: brilliant.

>i have no God, only science (yet why am I so afraid).

I'd rather die of Coronavirus than be a coward like OP.

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oh but dont you notice the kid friendly animations, the quasi euro accent denoting a knowing authority, and the music used to heighten emotions at all the right moments?? they get gold and upboats from me!!

This is my favorite Corona related image.

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Did you just call Kurzgesagt a children's video? It's an excellent video but are you just saying because it's animated and easy to understand it's for children? Honestly that is dense.

Are people still pushing this coronachan popular culture? This phenomenon has been proved to be a hamburger with the absence of any meat.

u love ur onions lmao
here they are pro-vaccine
here in this video they are for weed being legal, and litter the video with sjw looking characters
here they are pro-eu
theres so much but ill stop here cuz i dont feel like looking at kike trash

The entire flue season has only killed 265 people in Germany this year. Corona is already at 400 deaths in Germany alone.
You fucking influenza spergs have no idea what you're talking about.

name one person u know who died of coronavirus
i thought i knew one but it turned out he had a heart attack

>this information clashes with my headcanon so its propaganda

this is a healthy way to think.

>Here is a children's video that explains why this isn't a flu
So it is a more infectious version of the flu. It's still a nothing burger. Fuck off nigger. Take some Vitamin C and get back to work.

Why are loads, sucking, and fags already on your mind, reddit spacing user?

Actually good video.

But all you're going to get is a a lot of

Because more than half of this board is just acting out emotionally at this point, or is using memeing as a cope for a lack of ability to disprove this happening; basically exactly like libshits.

Keep simping for the boss like a good nigger should

>children's video
this is actually made for infantile millennials

It has a RO of 3.3 not 4. This is fear mongering

>could have used kurzgoysagt
>uses kurzgesgoy instead

>happeningfags using children's videos
Not surprising at all

hilarious because this video was posted 9 days ago and it is already too late. we are in fast spread, hospitals and healthcare workers will crumble and the world will completely end in a few short months. but let's spend the last few minutes of our existence quarantined, sad and alone when we could be getting laid and drugged up.


>Flu 18-19 season
>94 deaths a day average, 188 even if you say flu only hits from October to March (it doesn't).
>Community spread started 3-5 incubation periods ago
>400 deaths a day and rising

Yeah, people who are still nothingburgers are retarded. I remember weeks ago how Italy's 8% was 100% SURE TO FALL, because more testing means more mild cases are caught. Way more testing and weeks later, fatality rate is up at 15%.

Not saying the true IFR is 15%, probably the 1-3.5% most actual specialists have been agreeing on. It depends on population and healthcare collapse quite a bit.

People saying it is less dangerous than Flu are actual fucking retards.

they start off by lying

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>In December China notified the world about the...

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There is a plague, your last concern is the economy.

i fap every time

lol no. 27k over several months around the world? nothing. you'll feel real pain very soon.
