Are there any women out there who honestly are attracted to these type of men?

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No. That's why they always end up being pedos.

I watched the original video and he was talking about his wife

Their semen has no motility.

Those women don't want a husband. They want a pseudo-pet, something to dominate, fuck, and still feel love by.

Is that a herpes sore on that faggots cheek?...his face is annoying in so many ways

Who fucking cares

>be woman
>spend years campaigning and protesting against 'toxic masculinity'
>an entire generation of men grow up weak and feminized
>"wtf where did all the alpha chad males go???"

Based and gentlefemdom-pilled


Imagine not being a rapist

Guess their choice of milk

Stop thinking every woman is a 8/10 who can bag Brad Pitt.

You forgot wesley. Faggot user.

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Stop saying words like “alpha chad” it makes you look like an incel.

No.They may get married but the bitch resents them and just needed a provider.

top guy is actually kinda funny

women are attracted to money and happiness between both she makes her judgement, if said guy makes her happy yet doesn't have a lot of money she can then trade said guy.

women need to be bashed in the head for this stupidity.

Be a real alpha and make your girl support your neethood and use her as a cock sleeve.

Really loved him in The Big Bang Theory


there are certainly women that marry these types of men for the financial security. the women always end up fucking someone else on the side.

Based and Redpilled.

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Uhh I mean the guy in the front is married

yeah, because they are cuckolds, so a woman can live free and have a bull to fuck her every night, and have a comfy life with a nu-male, and also having a bull

These men have money which definitely helps in the long run, but even if they do get married theyll be divorced in under 10 years easily.

Shut up, alpha chad

Yeah after she gets pounded by chad daily in her early 20s she starts changing her perspective once she gets close to 30 and goes after a provider

> watched the original video and he was talking about his wife
he also said when they get a hotel, they get one with separate beds.

There are. I’ve hooked up with girls whose bfs are like that.

> big fag theory

exactly. every single one of these beta males who is married have an "open relationship" which just means she goes and gets pounded out by chad and comes home to her little pet husband.

If the media can convince most of you to turn into shitskins and find fat asses attractive then why not

Retard fuck, happines IS the end goal if money makes her Happy she will chose that, if a Chad bf makes her happy she would choose him

well women are normies with retarded interests so yes. you'd be surprised how many "points" you get for liking the same gay show

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hes basically a sperm donor and a wallet to her at this point. Im sure they have an open relationship too

No, but femcels require mates

Women are drawn to them for the same reasons they like dog. They're creatures that need to be taken care of that take the place of children in their lives.

Based chad

No. No he isnt. And neither are you. Go outside and mix with people. Its only the flu and you will be fine.

No, but there are women out there who are willing to settle with those type of men.

yeah that guy is epitome of a chad boyfriend. youre a dumbass

Alpha fucks beta bucks
Your god damn right there’s women who will marry this kind of man. There so fucking adorable to them. Like the cutest little fuzzy hello kitty wallet or coin purse on the market. And better yet the wallet was free and filled with almost 100G per year.

Come to Denver, Colorado. You'll see shitloads of these soibois and a lot of them have cute liberal girlfriends.

and theyll treat these pet mean terribly and be resentful of them for not being real men while going out to party every night or having separate beds. Completely using these beta males as a doormat

she was also getting a "massage" while he shot the video

How do you become such a creature? I'm curious as to what lead to them?

To add on this. You may feel like this is a contradiction, since these are ugly man and they are able to secure a hole while you do not.

The difference is that, while you are still ugly, you are a man. You are not a carpet to be stepped on and you have a drive inside of you that fuels the flame and you are not reduced to a quivering nitwit that would make all the ancestors that came before him cover in shame.

Be a me, fuck thots, literally and metaphorically. Soon there will be recession and depression and hard times, stay a man and women will be throwing themselves at you. Pick a decent one and you'll be good. Just forget these moronic ideas of romantic love, partners that share souls and whatnot.

Just find a homely dependable bitch and treat her well and pop babies in her, it will be fine.

>actually listening to women
Proves you're not an alpha chad in the first place.

by john redcorn no doubt

actually, she doesn't change her perspective.
Chad never commits to her because he knows she's a slut. And she knows Chad knows she's a slut. And since she wants Chad, unlike cuck-wallets, she can never force him to commit because they know what each one is.

The Chad is above her, physically and mentally. The Chad refuses to let her have access to his wallet and she can't demand it, because she's not giving anything to Chad he can't get somewhere else, almost instantly. Plenty of women would leave their man just to have sex and be with Chad and sleep in his bed and get pounded.

Chad doesn't need her and she can't force or twist Chad into an unfair situation. The roastie fem-wineoid hustler seeks the thirsty beta. The beta, believing his careful financial planning and responsibility has paid off and made him a worthy mate in the eyes of women, believes his own ego and freely offers his wallet for used-up past-prime pussy. The woman loves this because she can use pussy (the only thing the beta can't get easily and is grateful for) to squeeze his wallet dry. Once this roastie has a kid or preferably 2, she can divorce him in an easy, nearly 95% chance win rate in the courts.

NOW, she can have the beta's money and go find another Chad. She hasn't changed at all, and she was never going to MAKE Chad change. The beta lives in an illusory world, the woman is the master of the illusion. The Chad is the pounding hammer of FUCK that shatters all illusions.

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Can confirm

I sure hope so user.

You got to feel bad for the dads. This was the best their sperm could do.

LOL... This

To be honest it’s crazy how these guys get gfs and have sex and yet I’m a 21 year old incel who’s been rejected constantly, It’s not fair to be honest.

or furies raping road killed animals... ah who am I kidding these guys don't have the balls for that.

youre right i misworded that. i meant more so that she lies to the beta about what she wants in return for his money and stability, but what she actually craves which is a chad pounding her and soon enough she'll get bored of this easy stable relationship in which gets money and a house for having a pussy and start cheating going out to get "massages"

Feel sympathy only to those unfortunately born to men who do this. They grow up not knowing any better. They have to figure it out on their own.

eh money and a washed up roastie will do that. and you better believe that the women wear the pants in the relationship. Basically open relationships where she gets dicked down every night and he gets nothing

You do realize most of these men are basically abused as children. They're taught this from the only authority in the household, usually an alcoholic woman. Women are not supposed to have this much power in society that's why everything is going tits up.

the star wars guy's is not even funny, its straight up disgusting

yes. I met one. Sadly, she got HIV. Her boyfriend (the sòyboy, not the actual boyfriend) got a vasectomy a couple months ago. He is doing well tho, compared to the actual boyfriend. He got HIV from her.


This is the end goal of the SJeWs. When every male is a basedboy cuck, nobody will be a basedboy cuck

some are, because of demasculization of men

hence why fags like chico lachowski and Jordan barret seem attractive nowadays

they will be the new chads

3rd wave feminists that want a dick stomping target

based jewbro

Yep. Maximize female hypergamy. Men are allowing this shit to happen because while all their attention is focused on toys, anime, video games the media is telling their wives and girlfriends that they deserve EVERYTHING. That their men must allow her to cuck him.
The weeb coom brain video game addicted failures of men deep inside don’t like it but all wife does is go out and purchase the latest expansion pack for him every time she gets a good dock down from chad at the bar and he’s all better. Then she buys him a Nintendo switch when he gets a vasectomy.
Our pussy whipped society won’t sustain itself much longer.

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just being honest, legit h8 when people bring those fags up as attractive.

henry cavil is an attractive male, no weird mixture of all races Jordan barret weirdo

>Jordan barret
hes always had a chad chin and overall masculine features

If they have a good enough job. They are a very controllable type and easy even for a woman to manage.

he looks like a very masculine woman