Why does the USA have the most Covid-19 cases?

Are the other countries not reporting or testing?

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Pucker hole
>Pucker hole
Pucker hole
>Pucker hole

Population density, bravado, fake confidence in their non existent healthcare and atrociously bad government and 24/7 media cycle telling everyone "it's just a flu, bro" for past 2 months.

As of about a week ago the US is doing around 100,000 tests per day. The country with the second largest amount of tests is South Korea with around 300,000 tests in total.

They aren't even trying.

Because we actually report ours.

Per 100,000 people the US is still behind Italy, Denmark and Switzerland

I still remember burgers telling Italians have bad hygiene because they kiss each other, wtf I thought you guys were proud virgins and now this

Ireland, Estonia, France, Portugal, Germany, Norway, Belgium and Austria too.

America has more jews and shitskins than any other western country.

Only a few hundred thousand people use Yas Forums on a regular basis, so you're not talking to the millions of normal people who go out and do things.

gettin that vitamin D in


usa and the Italy at fault.
-american flu lives at 100000+
-america army at Wuhan
-great china economy now.
-we link supply countries europe no thanks.
-china solved American flu.

Why is the responsibility of the world because of bases American not looked at for spread virus?

All the countries other than China and MAYBE South Korea are going to get the same proportion of cases, only the timing will differ. Those are the only two countries that might have stopped it, but I think South Korea is on the verge of losing control.

but still i can imagine these huge cities of yours will be lethal

It's actually because obesity is a leading cause of the manifestation of disease. RIP fat fucks I'll buy some cheap land there next decade. The smell of dead Americans will permeate the walls.

>countries not reporting or testing?
if you believe what China and Russia are reporting you should just go ahead and KYS now.

Attached: FlatLineChina.jpg (793x608, 71.47K)

Oh look, a lying chink

Because chinks are fucking liars

It has the most people, is testing the most .

China and India both probably have more but are unwilling and/or unable to report it

>Why does the USA have the most Covid-19 cases?
Because China is lying about their numbers.

China likely has 10 million infections but they are hiding it.

Lol we have the lost icu beds and cents per capita if any country try again

We don't. They are just reporting every flu case and flu related death as Corvid-19. People caught on now they are saying "Corvid-19 related death". It's all bullshit.

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It's how their politics, economy, and social life is structured. Everything is about getting away with as much lying and exploiting as possible


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USA has a 300M+ Population so if you took the numbers from Italy, Germany, the UK, Spain and France combined and compared it to USA that would be a fair comparison.

We aren’t either though. Whatever if this is anecdotal evidence, I’ve seen people denied entry to hospitals and urgent care because they don’t have life or death symptoms. They won’t and can’t test you until you’re dying of if. There aren’t enough kits and most of the kits we are making are going to other smaller countries. There are already millions of carriers in the US and there is no way to document them


Cases / 1M Population
Deaths / 1M Population

Compare those with other countries. Also this would be a good time to redpill normies with 13/52 since they obviously haven't heard of per capita.

yes the entire world lies

only the USA who started testing as late as March and still has some of the worst test rates in the world is telling the truth

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China lying like crazy, obviously they still have by far the most infected and dead

once you get to the o-fuck phase it makes more sense to just sell the test kits to dumbass buyers

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It's a combination of not testing (china) and eager testing (US). The US probably has had the disease since november and as the testing is questionable I imagine everyone in the US has had it by now so most will test positive because it never leaves your system.

Oh look its the larping MAGA mutt

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because you don't understand per-capita statistics

Unironically if you tested the entire country for strands of Corona it would comeback that everyone has it
Thanks for playing

fuck off chink

Our politicians and media pushed really hard for us to ignore whose infected and embrace the Chinese community. That gave us a head start but the other issue highlighted here is:
Ever notice that when it’s something good the EU wants to be counted as a whole, but when it’s something bad, they’re all “individual countries”?

Me chinee, me pray joke, me rerease deadly man made Kung-fru Bio-weapon in Wuhan, China

kek. as someone with a form of psychic sadism i like the idea of forcing influencer to get used to that position for several hours

The simple answer is it doesn't, China is lying.

Honestly this is the most accurate interpretation of shills

A Bunch of larpers farming (you)’a and ‘avin a laugh

You reek of feces, charred dog, and poor. Don't even look at me, you subhuman

Pasta still not stale enough I guess, even with a memeflag.

stop that immediately or we will nuke your shithole you communist

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Why do some counties like UK and Italy have such high deaths:recovery compared to other countries like canada and us? How is it even possible? You would think the numbers would be at least similar across the board

>Why does the USA have the most Covid-19 cases?
1. USA accurately reports numbers.
2. USA is fucking gigantic.
3. Liberal areas (where the pandemic is worst) are mismanaged by Liberals.

>using pasta with funny broken English in it
Great public image campaign Huang. We definitely won’t think you’re a shill hiding the truth about your insane country and evil masters.

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I’m a brainlet. Can you explain what it means?
I need a simple explanation. Like if Susie has 5 apples...

>Ever notice that when it’s something good the EU wants to be counted as a whole, but when it’s something bad, they’re all “individual countries”?
They are individual countries though. Your point is moot.

Because it’s a yellow chinigger bio weapon. We’re going to war with the bugmen, they attacked us and broke the Geneva convention by using biological warfare agents against us.

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>muh per capita

Per capita is irrelevant and just selfdelusion. Thats not how a virus spreads and not what the issue is when trying to contain a virus. Capita is only the limit. You identify the issue and then the important factors are time, population density play a role and how quick it spreads and how fast it is contained.

If you have a 100 trilion people 3rd world country that never manages to contain it you are not doing better than a country with 1000 people containing it with 10% infections after 10 days just because your country has "only" 0.0000001% infections on the first 10 days

>1. USA accurately reports numbers
Implying Europe doesn't
>2. USA is fucking gigantic
So is Canada, China, Russia...
>3. Liberal areas (where the pandemic is worst) are mismanaged by Liberals
Muh libtards. Ever consider it's that those areas are cities with international connections and high population densities? Republican flyover county isn't better managed, it just has no foreign visitors and each ranch is 5 miles apart

It did not shut down internal travel

Is that what they tell you. Because the media was calling it a pandemic before the WHO started calling it that

This, unironically

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basically this

How much will you need to pay for them?

Because people are sticking their fingers down their ass and not washing their hands

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If China was lying there would be tens of millions dead by now, and it would be hard not to notice.

>24/7 media cycle telling everyone "it's just a flu, bro" for past 2 months
I might believe the other bullshit but this is just false, you smelly bohunk.

We're the best around. Nothing's ever gonna keep us down.


Those nations aren’t capable of accurate reporting even if they tried which they are not

HAHAHA that fucking picture. Goddamn, it's going to be difficult to take him seriously in any role as a movie badass knowing that he actually tried tanning his asshole.

Ontario had like 150 cases the other day... no apparently 0 infections

Something smells off.

>I don’t understand population

Idk I have insurance like 90% of our population

lmao this is fucking hilarious. amerimutts are buying up all the toilet paper because the idea of washing your ass is a foreign concept in the jewsa and they probably think a bidet is french modern art

Because it gets dispursed from the skies.

>Ever consider it's that those areas are cities with international connections and high population densities?
Ever considered that liberal policies create cities with international connections and high population densities?

Ratios include the information of the total population (or a fraction of it) so it is better to normalize data to the population of each nation to compare them directly.

If in a situation A 5 Wojaks have apples and there's 100 Wojaks in the room it's a 5/100 = 0.05 ratio of Wojaks having apples

If you have another situation B with 10 Wojaks with apples and 200 total Wojaks the ratio stays the same, 10/200 = 0.05

You can tell that situation A is the same to situation B, there's the same proportion of Wojaks with apples.

Conservative areas are still in the denial “I’m tough I’ve had 8 day work weeks in 110 degree heat with the flu” phase, they’re just a few weeks behind Seattle our ny.

It has the most working test kits.

Or ny*

Are you seriously going to believe that China just suddenly stopped having no new cases without any sort of drop-off?

because of juden

the number one group that spread it is also the number one group that has contracted it