Do you think humanity will ever leave the solar system?
Do you think humanity will ever leave the solar system?
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Earth is flat. Space isn't real. We're being watched. There's more land beyond the ice wall.
Literally this. OP fuck off back to plebbit with your space b.s.
Only the non-subhuman people will, so basically just Greeks will leave the solar system, the subhumans will get left behind.
Humans will explore the solar system fully, but that will take at least a century.
To get outside the solar system we'd need tech we don't have right now; but eventually yes we will.
Yes but it will take very long time.
The earth is flat. Stars are angelic beings not organic satelites billions of miles away. The earth is encased in a firmament above. And above that is water. Space is a lie. The moon is a light SOURCE and not a reflecter of the suns light
You mean break into heaven
They are doing it next month
Shits about to get biblical and you don't even know the EXTENT of the lie.
>NASA - no you don't get it we didn't fake some things we faked EVERYTHING
>JFK - we shall send man to the moon in this decade and do the other things not because they are easy but because they are hard.
>we must oppose secret societies, with secret oaths
>gets shot
unseal epstien = unseal JFK
Aside from the obvious (the Voyager probes are already leaving, as is New Horizons, so technically we've already left), yes, yes we will.
But not until we've dealt with these fucking Jews.
I think the OP means human exploration.
Nope, never gonna happen. The universe was not designed with humanity in mind. Interstellar travel is a hard limit to technological advancement.
>muh singularity muh infinite tech growth
I hope you don't, you are too retarded to properly inhabit this planet, imagine you being retarded in space.
We'll barely reach Mars. FTL is an impossibility and there is no miracle fuel which will enable us to even push beyond the asteroid belt. The best we'll manage is "ark" ships controlled by AI containing samples of DNA to seed on other worlds and even these will take hundreds and thousands of years to reach the closest garden worlds and will probably cease functioning or have spoilage long before they get within range.
We're stuck on this rock forever.
Obviously. I was just being autistic.
Neutrinos already broke lightspeed and they covered it up as a sensor malfunction (in a triple safe system)
What about time dilation?
>implying ayys haven't already seeded other habitable planets with human populations taken from this world
In a sense, we already have.
no idea but now you wish we would
This, probably.
Maybe a civilization of AIs could construct and operate an interstellar craft though. But it'll be hundreds of years in the future, if it ever happens, here on earth.
>mankind will never fly
>ok we will but we'll never fly across the Atlantic
>ok we did that but we'll never break the sound barrier
>ok we broke the sound barrier but we'll never put a satellite in orbit
>ok we put a satellite in orbit but we'll never put a human in orbit
>ok we put a human in orbit but we'll never land people on the Moon
>ok we landed humans on the Moon but we'll never get further than that
What about it?
That would just make it seem like less time passed for you, that doesn't mean we'd be able to travel interstellarly.
earth is flat
Only Jewish kikes will be allowed to escape from this shit planet.
If you get close enough to c, the apparent time to cross between stars shrinks to moments.
Nooooo not my heckin nutrinoooooos
Well develop how to do that for human exploration and you'll be a trillionaire and win a nobel prize. Let me know what you come up with.
You never went to the moon the van allen belt kills human beings and no you did not "take a southerly route" thats not how a hoffman tranfser works.
No but they’ll reach ur anus
Shut up christcuck.
Not until we can get rid of (((them)))
Definitely. We must survive for as long as necessary until Christ's return. To and beyond the heat death of the universe if necessary.
Did I get that ban?
The humanity would have to find a balance between different kinds of progress and not shoot itself in the foot in the process.
If technological progress lags behind economical progress, we will all die on Earth before even reaching Mars.
If technological progress outpaces economical progress but lags behind cultural progress, it is possible that whatever reaches outer space will no longer be human. Sure, intelligence will survive and proliferate, but sentience and subjectivity may be sacrificed in the process.
If technological progress oupaces every other kind, we might well leave solar system, or alternatively - build a Dyson sphere around the sun and take the solar system with us for a ride.
All this provided we don't have a "happening" that sets us back decades or centuries, if not wiping us off the face of the Earth entirely
No, everyone will die because of nukefags. Given time its going to happen 100%. Were never getting off this rock.
The statements "the problem is solvable" and "I know the solution" are not equivalent.
>"Solar" system.
Fuck off.
True. Besides something science fiction like "wormholes" or "FTL", the best we could probably do right now is some kind of cryosleep.
>Space pagans
>The nuke fags
Sure. That's what is holding us back
yes, first ship to leave the solar system will be a generation ship filled with either Mormons or Scientologist both groups have literally been stockpiling wealth for this
rip based JFK, last POTUS with a foreign policy against Israel as well.
Yes, there are viable solutions that don't violate physics: cryosleep, generation arks, and relativistic travel, just to get started.
Which ultimately proves viable is hard to say.
But in all probability we spend the next several centuries exploring and colonizing the solar system, by which point the vastly larger resource base and whatever advances we've made in propulsion technology, ecology, bioengineering, etc., will make the prospect of interstellar exploration entirely feasible.
Only if it kills niggers Jews and poos.
Yes but depending on current happenings it could be in 2250 or around 4000.
Nice rebuttle NASAfag.
Anyone who had played kerbal knows how inclination change works.
Your lie is over.
We absolutely will for one reason that no shill can deny. Money. Cold hard fucking cash that comes from exploiting the resources and materials out there among the stars.
Currently, we have enough material on earth so no one is taking space travel seriously. But at some point, we will see that there are more metals and chemicals out there than down here. That’s when the rush will happen. And no amount of shilling or black pilling is going to stop that, because cold hard fucking cash is and will remain the ultimate motivator.
No, since it’s literally impossible to travel at the speed of light. We’ll never be able to go fast enough to get anywhere interesting
We'll leave earth to the meek/retarded/colored people.
Last white man please turn off the lights.
No, Jews and niggers made sure we got filtered
>go fast enough
You can go slowly and get there, it'd just take a while.
Checked. Based Science Man Elon has got this.
>several centuries exploring and colonizing the solar system
That's what I think too.
What about nu-vaginal dilation?
That’s the dumbest ship-mounted missile launcher I have ever seen.
You are correct