

Anyone else miss Obama?

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No I don’t miss that Faggot beta male.

The Nigger was the worst president evar.

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He will be remembered as the dumb nigger who planted the seeds for the 4th Reich to rise

Fuck off Sven, your wife is being raped by Ahmed right now

This might be bait but I do miss him very much. Hell I miss the Bush family at this point

This is fucking gay. That nigger was a sellout company man. No doubt about it. Ffs, he sold out every nigger in America. He didn't do shit for them. Not one fucking real job was created by him. He spent 8 years trying to make the Health care industry more money. And he continued the wars for Israel like the bitch nigger he is. He was a CIA cutout the day he came out of his coalburning mothers commie nigger loving vagina. He and his mother are the exact trash Hitler was trying to stop. He is a Jew controlled GOLEM. Except he isn't crafted from mudd and clay. He's crafted from Jewish subversive ideas. He is a Jewish product.

And you are crafted from poverty and ignorance. How much do you make in a year may I ask and do you have a family or are you a kid?

Go back to stormfront you sound so butthurt over Obama. It was 4 years ago move on.

Hmmm.....I'm starting to wonder about these "rapes". I think white women want it. They have turned against their race, men, culture, nations and religion. Can you really say their spreading their legs to nigger mutts is rape? White women are trash. Just my opinion. National Socialism must replace white women in terms of procreation or the white race is finished. We need artificial wombs and no egg fetuses. Both of which are in deep research in countries like Japan. White women have no future.


i hate niggers

you don't personally know him, pretentious twat

Go back to Israel Schlomo.

>I think white women want it

This is a picture from newspaper few weeks ago.

I think even Freud agreed that women lust for high quality DNA seed both consciously and subconsciously, it is hardwired in their DNA, all about trying to make the offspring as high quality as possible.

White societies and predominatly white countries have always kept women on a leash through monogamy. Women hate monogamy and must be brainwashed to accept it.

Then the sexual revolution occured and women could sleep around with any men they chose, instead of some balding manlet wageslave.

Sexual Revolution 2.0 will be women embracing BBC and non-whites. You guys always deny this or pretend it's only a cucks fantasy, but the amount of amatuer BBC and interracial porn coming from America is astounding. Blacked is accounting for less than 1% off all interracial videos, that are amatuer and not even filmed for profit. You guys have no idea how many attractive 20'something white women, not fat, not ugly, are going exclusively black. And this is only the beginning.

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Obama: “Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it," Obama said.

"He just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer.”

The Nigger was too dumb to negotiate a better deal. Trump did negotiate a better deal and the economy took off.

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That’s the problem. I’m not Jewish. I’m probably more aryan than you dickhead. There is no racial basis for all this shit you believe. So if you’re going to reply answer the fucking question-it’s already anonymous on here so you don’t have to be such a pussy even though that’s hardwired into your character.

Do you have a real job and a family or are you a kid?

ppppfffff keep coping Tyrone, white woman don't want your turd dick.

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>you are crafted from poverty and ignorance
Grew up, upper middle class
Pushing a 140 IQ
>How much do you make in a year
How much are you enslaved by Jewish debt based fiat currency? How many people have you enslaved with your greed? Did you know that every dollar you put in your pocket is another human being's bondage to debt servitude? How many children of the future will inherit the chains of debt slavery around their necks and ankles because weak, feckless mongs like you have no understanding of anything of value?
>I ask and do you have a family or are you a kid?

Two rhetorical fallacies in such limited syntax. Well done KIKE. Well done.

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I would strangle Trump if I could, but Obama was a no proper Democrat. Just another throwaway neolib. I would rather have Trump for Putin years then any fucking neolib.

I miss Obama as much as a kick in the testicles.


Look kiddies, it's a tough pill for you to swallow, but listen up. The days of President Obama are over with. It's history now. Hillary Clinton did not win the election. She's become an irrelevant narcissist on the modern stage. It's all over and done with. Got that?

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Thank you for not being such a pussy and answering some of the questions at least.

However, it’s funny how, even though this is anonymous, you’re still afraid to say your age or job. (if you have one) Am I to infer that you are still at home in an upper middle class background family situation?

Hello mossad.
Obama empowered Iran, he did more to attack israel then any president ever.

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>high quality DNA seed
BWUHahahahahahaaha. Have you actually seen niggers in action? These are lowest, cravenous losers on the planet. They literally are helpless, violent children. White women are simply enjoying the power they have over these men, because white women too...are all the same as niggers. Put them together and they will die off naturally. This is why white men must cut white women loose and rebuild through technology. White women have come to their evolutionary dead end. By the end of the century or hopefully much sooner, we won't need them anymore. Then we can get onto creating great and wonderful things again, but we must have a plan to keep these leeches away. Else they will just keep on parasiting off our glory calling it their own. Fuck white women. They will be forgotten. They are race mixing, aborting and under-reproducing. They have ZERO future and as white men we must understand there is no future for the white race through the wombs of white women. They are no longer part of our narrative. Then need to go. As for pussy, any hole will do. But our procreation should be in the the STATE LABS and our sons should be raised as warrior scholars.

Fuck that nigger and his baboon man wife!

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He's the guy that married Michael.

>Anyone else miss Obama?
No. Quite the opposite desu.

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These white girls follow this nigger trend will wake up at thirty, likely poor, strapped with a couple of fatherless nigglets to care for. No man of any race will want her and she will be alone in her poverty. She will be secretly laughed at and rejected. Poverty will engulf her. So much for selection. They only can do this because of the welfare state. Take that away and their choices would literally kill them. Your analysis is fallacious. White women are waking up to the fact they are becoming losers. This is why soooooooo many of them are now seeking white men OLDER than them as sugar daddies. The fack white girls are now wanting 40 year old men as husbands tells another story. Fucking niggers is for losers.

I don’t like gig jobs either. Are you ready to move together to strengthen unions, wages, and health care?

>betray Isreal
wtf I love Obama now?

Look at the girl in this picture. He hair is already going flat. She is already showing bags under her eyes. No quality jewelry. Cheap furnature. She is already on the downside of her choices. Without all the handups and handouts for her nigger mate, he wouldn't have a chance in a white man's structure. That is why he is in a white man's country. She has been programmed to hate her skin and her culture. This is why white women are worthless. This is why all women are worthless. They are dumb.

History is written by the victors. Unfortunately, all of the newspapers of record, the academics, the historians, the teachers, they all lean hard left. Obama's scandals will be ignored, Trump's will be heightened. They don't even have to lie to be misleading. Just downplaying one event and hyping another can totally change the public's perception. It doesn't even have to be fake news to be misleading. Framing is everything. Only those who are alive right now will ever really know what happened.

The funniest part is that they can't kill obama otherwise the chimp out will be like nothing ever seen before.

Oh I see. You’re still too big of a pussy to answer my questions. How many dogs do you have in your trailer? Do you still smoke in it or do you step outside now?

Literally who?


You're a key club mason then. Fuck off into the dark rat hole you crawled out of

I read a thread about how the CIA ran this op in Brazil and got more white women to race mix. That might be true. Now look at that shithole. Just a fucking ghetto with 6 times more reported gun deaths than America. White women are trash. This is why we can breed without them. Brazil didn't have that option. But technology will overcome white women and the Jewish plan for the white race. No matter what white women do, they and their offspring will not create enough people to replace them. Thus they are genetically a dead end no matter what. So the coalburning white women you see today....their genetic lines will be dead in 4 to 5 generations at the very most. They have ZERO future. White women have ZERO future. But white men can replace themselves with just ONE white son. Any many who attaches to a female will have less than two children on average. He and his female will never be replaced over time. Pairing couples of any race have no future. This is how white men can win the long game. We must cut white women out of our lives and procreate 1.1 to 1.5 sons per man. At the end...white men will be all left standing. Us and our sex robots who will likely seem almost human by then.

Another baity slide thread.

You’re high. What the fuck is a key club mason?

When Obame mumbled his way through his lack of understanding of basic economics and the cancer of neoliberalism I knew for sure he was a company man.

It's this "service before self" cultism bullshit.

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You are know nothing clown further pushing some agenda that you think is going to cause me to have some cathartic revelalation about myself. You sad, sad little Jew. You don't get it. FUCK THIS COUNTRY. FUCK YOUR MONEY. FUCK PEOPLE. LET IT BURN. I'D KILL MY OWN SON BEFORE I LET A KIKE NIGGER LIKE YOU RULE HIM.
Whatever my disposition is, be I rich or poor, married with kids or not....doesn't matter. I'm coming for you fucks. And I won't be alone.

The MAGic wand turned out to be a fountain pen. Worked miracles

herp look who sounds butthurt now?

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America wasn't built for BBC

seriously, name one good thing Obama did for america. please? anyone?

Reminder to all white men. 48% of all black women have incurable herpes. Further blacks have 10 to 20 times higer rates of STD infections across the spectrum of disease. Their children have learning issues, behavior issues and will earn less money, have more mental struggles than pure white children. Also, you are likely to catch these sheboon diseases increasing your chances of certain forms of cancer and loss of vitality and future mate selection. Also, mixing with white coalburning females opens you up to the same reality of disease and dispare. If you fuck, you should ask about a white woman's racemixing. If she isn't honest or offended...walk away. You have nothing if you don't have your health.

King Nigger?
Nope lol.

Assblasted faggot confirmed.

>"I’m probably more aryan than you dickhead!"

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What a crock of shit. Iran had the same geopolitical strategic position and proxy assets in 2006 that they have today. Obama actually did significant temporary damage to Iranian foreign interests through his proxy invasion of Syria and propping up of ISIS.


It’s true. R1a (not important at all but you guys think it is) half German. What about you dickhead?

>name one good thing Obama did for america. please? anyone?
he locked up more niggers than any president even though he said he wanted to free them like the now POTUS Trump is doing

What legacy? That he was half nigger

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“...He said anonymously. Like a pussy once more.”

—-The End

>he has a Michelle Obama folder

rent free and checkmate flyover dickhead

What the fuck do you care? What do you do? How much money do you make? How long is your dick?
BWUhahahaha....go do your surverys someplace else.
To be clear, I answered ONE of your questions and that was to point out the fact that yes, I am smarter than you. The fact you can't see this by now, shows me you are either an obsessive troll or are Jew on mission. Doesn't matter. You've dismissed my other points as though I never said them. But what you missed....is I didn't say them for you. I'm just using you. What I am or who I am is not relevant. There are no leaders here. There is no ME. There is only US. We are LEGION. Rich, poor, tall, short, incel, chad etc. You cannot psychoanalyze us. We can't be condensed into useful units of information. So some answers I will give and some I will not. You will never know why. Today I am who I am. Tomorrow I will be somebody else. Whatever that person is, just know, he sees right through you. As do soooo many here. So take you psych scalpel and cut your nuts off s.o.y boy and do try to remember, asking impertinent questions of your superiors is always just rude. You don't know me and you have no right to know me. Whatever I am, whoever I am, wherever I am.

>Learning disabilities
BS. We can recognize ourselves in the mirror at age 6. Whyteoids eternally BTFO


"Listen up little Nigger, you are going to claim Kenyan citizenship when I am done with you"

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>Anyone else missing Obama?
Use a scope, retard.

Yeah...I'm not Counter Ops user. Obama did what he did with Iran. Whatever that was. You and I don't know. Though it was reported billions in cash were delivered on pallets. But inferring these actions to be "attacks" on Israel is typical Jewish histrionics. Israel was never attacked. Not a single Jewish hair was hurt. So settle down user and take your meds. What we do know is Obama did not leave Iraq. He also drone striked people he had no business hitting. If he wanted to protect America from terrorism all he had to do was shut down immigration to Muslims and purge all Muslims here. Then, they can go back to their shitboxes. We don't need to be in the middle east. We don't need to be supporting the Apartheid Theocratic State of Israel.