Landlord thread

All based landlords report in here.

In this thread we will discuss all things landlord related, including schemes on how to make your tenants pay on time promptly and respectfully, talking points you can use in an argument with a tenant, and basic tips you can use to insure the rent is in your bank account on the first of each month.

Tenants and neets please respect that you will never be welcome in these threads, thank you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hello, Goy here!

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What rule is he breaking in the picture ?

We will find you and slice your fucking eyes open you malignant kike.

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Growing weed?

ITT JEWS looking for their casssh

It will be very easy to have death squads evict bad tenants - police will not come to help them.
You can also recoup your costs by selling your non-paying tenants to organ harvesters.

No jews allowed

landlords get the rope

Does Yas Forums unironically pay for rent? How are you planning to start shit if you're living paycheck to paycheck?

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My rent is less than 30% of my income i'm fine

Why are all the "bad tenants" white?

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I've found that politely but firmly reminding tenants of their obligation to pay does the trick. Courts won't stay closed forever.

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Rule 1:

No niggers

This is as cringe inducing as the hate threads.

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That looks uncomfortable.


Only if you are a rent-seeker is a great tenant screening tool

For some reason there seems to be a lot of tenants bitching. I can’t seem to ban or kick these idiots so let’s just ignore them.

That was fine until the usury was slipped in.

evictions have been put on hold where i live. how can i still get rid of some bad tenants i have?

Then who's gonna pay for repairs and taxes dumb kike

Best goy

Really makes you think.

>all light skinned/white in OP's pic
No doubt this was made by Jews

yet another landlord slide thread

Here’s the way that I set things up

Buy rental properties in cash

Instead of renting them out, sell the properties

Customer pays a down payment (to me)
And then owns me a 14% loan for the next 30 years

If he defaults property returns to me

All my tenants are working, but if they fuck up I will be evicting as soon as possible.


Courts closing cuts both ways. You can cut off their water and electricity and they can't do jack shit about it.

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>rent processing fees

lol they tried to make me start paying it and i fucked them off

im not going to pay $15 per month extra for you to accept my payment, you stingy fucks.

I'm a landlord, I use an agency, they sort it all out for me, from rent collections/arrears to maintenance, easy life sitting on my arse collecting those neet bux

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>14% loan for the next 30 years

Why wouldn’t they just get a mortgage? Or do you sell to people that can’t get mortgages thereby increasing the risk that they default? What if someone defaults after paying off 20%? Do you have to then sell post eviction so that the person can get their 20%?

Don't buy a house if you don't have the money

>Master of the house, keeper of the zoo
>Ready to relieve 'em of a sou or two
>Watering the wine, making up the weight
>Pickin' up their knick-knacks when they can't see straight
>Everybody loves a landlord
>Everybody's bosom friend
>I do whatever pleases
>Jesus! Won't I bleed 'em in the end!

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The tenant already pays for both, kike.

I thought that had to go through the bank
Is it legal to directly offer loans to people ?


Y'll negroes better be careful and come with the cops if you ever want to evict me. You die, I go to jail, no biggie for me.

Kys chapo tranny

No, I like living.

Not illegal in most of the US now. Sorry you live in a third world country


kill yourself, seriously please do it.

that would mean the principle doubles every 6 years.

you’re a fucking nigger.

KYS parasite.

Hey FBI, how's the weather in Quantico?

i just pay a company to do it. won’t bother me that you killed some nig they pay $12 an hour.

nice larp faggot
how's mcdondalds going?

ok tranny, stick your cut off dick in your ass

I am a landlord in Wales. I own two houses, one that I live in myself and one that I rent out.

I have never had any issues at all with my tenants and for the last seven years it's been the same tenant all the way through, they have no intention of leaving as far as I am aware and I have no issue with them living in my home for as long as they like, if I were to sell I would offer them the right of first refusal absolutely, they've always paid on time except for once when they called me up and explained they were struggling with christmas coming up so I said yeah no problem just get it to me when you can. They'd already been there two years at that point so I knew they were good people.

I think I am very fortunate because 1) I live only a few doors away from the rental property and 2) it's a nice rural area so what problems are ever going to arise?

It is my job, as the owner of the house, to ensure it is in good condition. Ensuring this keeps the tenant happy. A happy tenant is a paying tenant and can also be a pleasant person to know and live near.

I really don't understand the problems with "renting" that the internet speaks of, absolute horrors of landlords that don't do anything, why do they get paid at all then?

We are talking about minecraft here ya dunce, and FBI has no jurisdiction over here. But you smug nitwits better be upping the precautions. Desperate time breed desperate people, never disclose your location to tenants, never show your face if you are planning to evict.

well that's the hole point why a lot of these people are degenerate niggers, cause they come up with a medieval mindset in capitalist modern times. absolute faggots, I hope corona kills them and their mothers.

Based landlord.
Can't believe all these ungrateful zoomers, if all the landlords died right now the world would stop turning.
The service we provide is absolutely essential to modern day civilization, no average person could do what we do.

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>why do they get paid at all then?
Because they literally buy up all the properties physically available and literally bribe (((developers))) to prevent houses from popping up and being bought by other people (which would kill their racket). As such, your choice is either an apartment managed by Jew Co. Inc. or an apartment managed by Jew Co. Inc.

Landlords in cities can be as shitty as possible because there's always new tenants to replace people.
It's hard as hell to actually have bad occupancy rates in a city.
Not to mention, you get these huge property management companies as your landlords who are incredibly strict and systematic and have algorithms and metrics that allow them to perfectly calculate how much rent you are able to pay without dying

>"This is awful. My parents are getting ready to kick me out. I can't get a job with my depression, anxiety and gender dysphoria. My asshole parents don't understand. I'll be homeless. It's evil. We have a human right to housing. These landlords are capatilst pigs who leach of people. We need to get Bernie in NOW. At least then I'll have shelter and be able to transition...."

Literal post from /leftypol/ awhile back.

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This better be bait. Because I'm pretty sure people are going to start killing you guys if you try evicting them after they've lost their jobs and had to deal with this corona bullshit.

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Imagine thinking you're based while literally being the biggest jew of all

that's way too much user

Daily reminder not all jews are landlords, but all landlords are jews.

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Rent boy detected

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Can you provide any stories where this has been done?

The funniest shit about this "Shelter is a human right" bs is their "solution" is public ownership, aka Government Housing Projects. Ask your local nigger how that turned out.

Seriously, watch The PJs. We need to increase home ownership, but we need REAL solutions on how to achieve it.

How come they are essential? If they disappeared, people or the state would take over their assets.

This is the fate that awaits parasites like you.

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