Is he going crazy?

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No, he's growing stronger.


he's been senile for some time now

no he's right. 90% of your media is owned by Globo and they lie to you all day everyday and are unashamedly pro china. wake up huebro

He's right though

he is correct but it won't happen.
>We must protect our sources otherwise a lot of people won't tell us the "truth" because they are afraid

Does crazy mean something different in hue monkey land?

slide throd

It's all theatre.
The banking Jews playing both sides.


He's crazy but he's also right

He literally didn't say anything, just blaring out qanon and conspiracy theory words

OP is a literal faggot.

No. He's just not a transexual.
That's why you don't get it.

The thing about smart motherfuckers, is that they sound like crazy motherfuckers to stupid motherfuckers.

Journalists BTFO

Oh so they are still doing what they've always done? Got it.

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There is literally nothing wrong with being a literal faggot.

Except for the gay parts

His press conferences have been good this week. A journalist will start their rambling bullshit preamble to their commie gotcha question, and before they can finish:
>Trump: Oh yeah? That’s interesting. Who said that?
>Journalist: Wh-what?
>Trump: What you just said, about people saying. Who? Who said that?
It’s been pretty funny.

>he's right
>He's right
>he's also right
Okay so what is he doing about it other than tweeting?

Holy fuck dude, are you using Windows 95 or something?


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>networks cutting his national addresses short because he spews so many false statements in such a short amount of time that he's becoming a danger to public safety
>"muh fake news narrative"

Reminder there's a Wikipedia article dedicated to the infinite volume of bullshit that comes out of his mouth.

>Okay so what is he doing about it other than tweeting?
Nothing. He's a stupid retard but a broken clock is right twice a day and all that. That was my only point.

>Is he going crazy?

3M jobs losts in a fucking week of course he is going crazy
They are about to do 60 years of printing in a few weeks to pay gibs and the democrats tough this were small gibs.

This keynsian bullshit was going to collapse sooner or later but with the trade war he will get the blame now.

He is right about the media tough , like that fish tank crap.

He is losing it. America is a shitshow and everyone can see it.

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As the Old Rules demand:


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Well, yeah, but besides that.

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Trump is a hypocrite and a retarded. I'm surprised anyone pays attention to these tweets anymore.

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This. I auto-ignore anything credited to "anonymous sources". That means either a glownigger or some bullshit the reporter made up Relotius style.

Donald has been fucking nuts since 2013. Whoever puts a bullet in his head would be saving us from a madman.

What the fuck is wrong with your font, you actual chinese shill?

>wikipedia not being leftist
>networks not censoring anything their masters don't want people to hear

I don't like Trump but he is right about this. The media should cite sources. I once dated a 'journalist' and she said her paper doesn't do it because 'most people don't care about it and it's extra work'. I never understood that since if you're gonna copy-paste the conclusions of someone else's study anyways how is it extra work to include a link or citation?

Many papers also report for example 'Source: The Guardian' specifically to give the appearance that their article is well-sourced but to make it hard to actually find said article without digging through a massive database of articles. Those are the worst because they really try to pass themselves off as being legitimate journalism.

he says on an "anonymous" image board

>Pointing out a truth that is so obvious it shouldn't even need to be conveyed equals going crazy.

So if a whistle blower wants to speak out against government corruption but they're afraid the government might retaliate against them or their family, what should he/she do?

lol, he's been fucked in the head for years.
how's it going with your mini trump ?

Is he wrong though?

>Trump wants sources so he can cry about a person by name on Twitter or be his cryptokike self and threaten/intimidate would be sources with libel lawsuits
Eat shit.

And? If you believe anything you read on Yas Forums without researching it yourself, you're a gullible retard. I thought that was well known.

Be smart user, what can he do really? This country has been founded upon a few basic rights, one of which is freedom of the press. The only way I see cutting the head off the dragon is tightening the meaning of the word "press" by holding them to regulations and standards while still somehow avoiding obstructure of the freedom of the press.

Can you see how this is a sticky situation now?

keep his mouth shut

he is right. you shouldnt be allowed to bear a false witness. lawful societies depend upon the trustworthiness of witnesses.

thats not senility, fag flag

>unless they are citing U.S. government owned newspapers and Al Qaeda terrorist twitter accounts about Iran, China, Syria, Iraq, North Korea, Venezuela,.... then its suddenly all true

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Information is powerful. Public perception changes everything. He's trying to wake you up

And somehow he's still an asshole for even suggesting the fact. Really upsets me how many people lack the critical thinking skills necessary to be aware of getting stepped on.

Sources say he's senile.

Wake me up to what? That he lies just as much as the media?

he;s just telling it like it is.

>head deep in the mockingbird gaslightu4sourcesand$ media
>look at this billionaire with tons of elite friends saying things
>they aren't true
>he's crazy
really makes me fucking think.

yeah the right doesn't do the exact same thing

It is time to make it a felony to use the power of media to spread lies. Surely democrats will agree with this, surely.

There are checks on what he says, there is no check on the media. He is the only one out there calling them out on their lies and BS. Every time some blue checkmark faggot makes claims on twitter its 100% false and based on made up sources.
>The hospitals in NY are overrun and we have no ventilators. ORANGE MAN BAD!
they make these claims, without evidence, constantly. Prison sentences should be handed down for this reckless behavior, it is no different than yelling fire in a crowded theater.

they are already demonstrably committing sedition in the united states.

>burguer denial

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He turned against God.
He wants to divide God's land.
God is dividing his mind.

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You said that in 06 queer

are you using a nokia? why the fuck does your twitter look like that?


This like what Alice Hines does when she lies in her articles to destroy people.

>I don't know what freedom of press is
He can't do anything but call out their BS and hope people wake up to all the lies.

Looks like he's telling the truth to me, and you're seething. Fuck off, humanzee.

Journos are a scourge