How to identify Jews in the old way. Training session

They have this characteristic rat-face, with small asiatic ratlike eyes when they smile or bulging eyes like an owl, something very common in the ME.

They tend to have a protruding and fleshy mouth like those of a camel, with full lips, specially the upper one.

Generally a recessive chin in combination to a sloped forehead, like Barbra Streisand or like the profile of a rat.

That's the jewish-levantine-semitic phenotype for you.

Some europeans can have one of this charasteristic thanks to malnutrition, bad genetics or a genetic derived from the Neolithic, but never the full package.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Stop being jealous of Jews.

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This is the white race. Everyone else is some kind of jew.

Attached: White race 2.jpg (1307x664, 317.49K)

Attached: roman-hellenic type morphology.jpg (1132x1150, 160.55K)

Theres basically two strains: Rat strain and Pig strain

Absolute truth and end of discussion.

Is Sara Jay a Jew?

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Attached: Meredith Scott Lynn.jpg (400x400, 140.72K)

I wonder why she is one of my favs

Ofc she is. I knew from the first time I beat off to her Jew ass

Masha Gessen. Rat strain.

Story number 2 from this Nazi children's book tells you.

Does anyone really need training for this? It's like being able to tell someone is Asian or Black. Not really an ability so much as the state where you have eyes that work.

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Its a palestinian

Attached: jew vs gentile.png (1923x856, 2.09M)

>how to identify Jews
don't know but it's pretty easy to identify whites lmao

Attached: average white.jpg (194x259, 5.47K)

here is the difference really

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this white guy has nose denser than the densiest nigger

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lol hooknoses, a cheeto, the eternal anglo, an incest product and low test bottom-of-the-barrell offspring

how pathetic

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Attached: juden.png (640x640, 679.71K)

>Hook nose
>sloped forehead
>protruding back of skull
>puffed lips
>receding jaw

That is a jew and so are you.


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nice meme flag, you literal nigger.

jewess vs "aryan"(ness)

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Haaland has to be a direct descendant of Thor.

Laudrup is danish

Hey Latvia. What happened to all the funny Latvian posters from last year? I never see any Latvian flags anymore. I heard they region banned Riga because of too many shitposts. Is this true?

It can be pretty hard, to be honest. Generally, it's easy to spot an inbred New York Jew, but it gets harder if the background is more dispersed.

left mogs even though not jew lol

sauce on the bottom pics?

They either got a life or decided to become an heros.
Who knows.
Gotta admit, the 3rd worlder posters have much better banter and wit and I suspect that is because there is a language and meme filter applied before you can sound like a Yas Forumstard

>Hook nose
whites can have it too
>sloped forehead
his forehead isn't sloped you retard
>protruding back of skull
not a jewish trait, dumbfuck
>puffed lips
>receding jaw
pic related a jew and has decent jaw

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Ashkenazi phenotipe

Attached: ugly whiteoid.png (185x209, 57.97K)

Right guy is "Der Volkslehrer", find him on bitchute. Here's an excerpt from the interview:

Attached: jewvswhite.jpg (986x670, 176.23K)

>One looks like a human
>One looks like a gargoyle statue demon

>gay alien skull
>thin neck
>ashkenazi phenotype

The eye color is an easy way to identify a jew, they all seem to have that amber/green.

pic related is a purebred jew and mogs the entirety of Yas Forums lol

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I love hawk Jewish phenotype. They're like demon succubi

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Very brave of him to get this close to a turbo kike.

JIDF up in here

Yas Forums homosexuals love posting pics of aryan “chads” yet they look more like this guy than the dudes they’re posting. Really pathetic if you ask me.

Funny how every attractive jew/jewess has white features.

#13 looks like a young Brent Tarrant

>purebred kike
Lmao, he is a faggot


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Remember, consciousness is the main driver of facial muscle geometry transfiguration.

There's a reason these people look the way they do. And it's not because of the climate their people developed within....

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upturned noses aren't exclusive to whites, alot of arabs have them but lets play your game:
does pic related has "white" features?

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>hey look, I found another Jew!
Wait a minute..

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he isn't attracted to other males but i'm sure you pulled that out of your ass.

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the cope is strong in this one

The two on the right are farm more attractive than the German women above them.
Whoever made this is probably far more interested in naked german dudes.

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cry more germanoid lmao

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Zac Efron has sucked cock and taken it up the ass. Why do you faggots keep using him as some paragon of manliness?

Please explain user

Those look like white Italians to me

oh wow what an unfortunate looking creature