Im sick to my stomach

I dont work because im going to college but i WANT MY TRUMPBUX
Do these people realize how retarded they sound?

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The parents get the extra money for having to put up with these little bitches.

Imagine how many entitled liberal arts degree thots are gonna cry to their parents

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What will Stacy do with $1200? Probably party and get corona like the rest of her retarded friends

And their parents will probably give them half of theirs because they’re enabling suckers.

Any bitch who's not a complete social retard has had a job before and will be receiving the $1200.

They can't work because they don't have the right qualifications yet. Since Trump has acted like a retard it is pretty much guaranteed that they will all get corona. How on earth will they be able to pay for their healthcare?? They are helpless. Fucking Amerimutts and their retarded capitalist kike logic.

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Fuck college students you deserve nothing but suffering for your stupidity and subservience to the jews

>They can't work

I haven't worked in years why the fuck would I need a handout?

I'd just spend it all on weed anyways

>no qualifications
They could have literally worked part time at mcdonalds and made enough to file taxes

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There are tons of people who aren't lazy fuck bags that have a part time job while going to school

>I'm sick to my stomach
Maybe it's all the cum you've been swallowing faggot

he looks pretty old to be dependent on his parents lmao

before checks get mailed out the govt should take into consideration how the money will used anyone thats planning on spending their check on personal luxury doesn't deserve it some of us actually need this for food and rent

poor didn't get to go to college when I was young.

glad I never needed taking care of. I'd cut firewood to pay rent if I had to.

Why should tax payers give gibs to people that send most of their money south?

then they would have filed their own taxes more than likely.

I got "sick" and couldn't work anymore. Applied for the unemployment on steroids and now I'm happy. Thank fuck for this handout, I can get used to this..

Wait, if someone claims you as a dependent do you not get trumpbux? I work, live independently and file my taxes every year, but my parents claim me as a dependent because they pay for my health insurance. Am I not getting trumpbux bros?

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Yup no trumpbux bro, I think your parents get an extra like $500? Could be more, For having you as a dependent,ask them to give you what they got from putting you as dependent. Hopefully they aren't cunts, good luck!

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>biggest write off you can possibly get
>not filing taxes

>College students
>poorest demographic
Imagine being this decadent

fucking homeless people get it, but your old grandma getting homecare doesn't.

>american politics
meth heads on the street and child molesters on parole get a stimulus check, paralyzed war veterans living with their family don't.

What homeless is gonna file taxes?

you dont have to file.

>Sorry son, but your mom and I need that $500 to put towards the timeshare. If ya need some extra money, why don't you get a job? Y'know, I had a job when I was your age, just put in some applications!

>I file my tax returns but they claim me as a dependant
Hope they enjoy prison for tax fraud

>get free shit from parents
>get free shit from gov't
>get endless scholarships to apply to for free mons
>get loans that you don't have to pay until you get a job
>complain about being poor
Do collegefags really do this?

Isn't it based on 2018 taxed?

Yup I fit the description and yup I don't need TrumpBux. Good

wtf the guy looks 25 minimal just get a job you lazy fucking parasite


>mfw degree with no debts
>mfw still working
>mfw getting dat dere Trumpbux as well
feels good man

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>poorest demographics
>college students that probably have access to more money than most people in the world
>all they have to do now is sit their asses at home and do something useful, not be a burden atleast.
Older people will have die to make room for these dimwits in the ERs

If someone else claims them as a dependent on their taxes, it's THAT person's job to give them gibs and to pay for their healthcare.

Oh well. No marijuana money for you. Since mommy and daddy still change your diapers and powder your little bottom, you're not really a person with adult needs yet, are you?

>Am I not getting trumpbux bros?

You are not getting trumpbux.

That's fraud. They should not claim you. Contact the IRS, or you won't get trumpbux

no they don't. parents don't get anything for dependents above 16

just found out today that i'm not getting my drumpfbux bros. parents claimed me as a dependent. looks ilke i'm gonna have to just ask them for $1200 instead

I worked two jobs in my mid-20s to pay may way through undergrad without overloading on student loans. Being a lazy, entitled piece of trash doesn't mean you get money.

I hope I get Trumpbux even though I haven't been laid off.

Did you make less than $100k gross income on your last filed taxes? If so, you are getting plague pennies. $1,200 if you made less than $75k but were employed.

Does he not work part time while in college? He’d get 1200 if he did wouldn’t he?

Wrong and faggot pilled. If you pay over half of their living expenses you get a break.

I've had a job since I was 15. You don't need qualifications to run a cash register or paint houses.

its based on 18, 19 or if you didn't file you send in some ss form apparently.

what healthcare? Just let them die there wont be hospitals enough for them

As long as you file taxes yourself they shouldn’t be able to claim you as a dependent

Don’t be a fucking loser than and get a job.

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>Being a lazy, entitled piece of trash doesn't mean you get money.
It actually does and worse, but only if you don't fall into an arbitrary filing category. Sorry mr moralist.

Good. Fuck them and their spoilt spawn

College students who don't get claimed by their parents already get free money via the Hope Credit and Opportunity Credit. If you let your parents claim you while you're a college student, you're a dumb fuck piece of shit who can't do basic research and you probably don't belong in college in the first place.

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Based. I made about 60k

He looks 30

I let my sister claim me as a dependent because I didn’t have to file taxes.
She hasn’t filed for 2019 yet, but did claim me in 2016-1018.
What now?

These zeros want hand outs to make more money than they did before. Fuck em. They are dependents for a reason, so they can go depend on mommy and daddy sharing their Trumpbux with them.

Walmart is hiring.

I work and I go to college, but since my parents still have me as a dependent I get nothing

>looks 30

>Wagies +$1,500

As it should be.

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The IRS went after a friend of mine's parents for tax fraud when they were claiming her as a dependent and she lived in her own place in another state
She found out when the IRS did an audit on her because she was claiming head of household and making quite a bit of money

Does he not?

That mother fucker is 30, that's all I was saying


>fucking 30
>begging for money
How the fuck is he still legally a dependent of a parent?! HOOly shit

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He might be virtue signalling

This is bait.

If you pay the majority of expenses for a living person they are a dependent.
You can claim them for all benefits.

You think it magically dissolves when you turn 16?
What about the father's still paying child support well into a child's twenties because mom sends them off to a liberal arts college and she still claims them.

qualifying children

>>if you need some extra money, why don't you get a job?

Wow, what terrible advice, you spoiled lazy cunt