Daily reminder that the corona virus is a hoax spread by fake news to create a world wide panic where trillions of dollars are printed and borrowed, to be later paid back by taxpayers, with interest to save the banking industry from collapse.

>The Repo Market’s a Mess.
>September 19, 2019, 12:22 PM EDT
>When plumbing works well, you don’t need to think about it. That’s usually the case with a vital but obscure part of the financial system known as the repo market, where vast amounts of cash and collateral are swapped every day. But when it springs a leak, as it did in mid-September, it rivets the attention of the U.S. Federal Reserve, the nation’s largest banks, money-market funds, corporations and other big investors. It even gets airtime on National Public Radio. The Fed calmed things down by pumping in billions of dollars, but it may have a lot more work to do on the pipes -- and a lot more money to lay out.

If you believe in the mainstream narrative of the Corona virus you’re a slave of the international banks.

This is the third fake panic and theft of my lifetime that initiated a willingness from the public to pay for a Wall Street and banking bailout. The other two being in 2001, and 2009.

Do not believe in this hoax.

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I don't believe the media and I think this thing is planned for some serious thing to be done later, or laying foundations for further actions, but it is not a damn hoax. I work in a hospital and am seeing people die with my own eyes.

take your meds

The founders were too based for this earth.
Hating the banks is an American past time.

What did people take before the Jews created “psychoanalysis” which led to “meds” that made people infertile and docile?

Fuck off


How in the Hardee’s charbroiled fuck would they be able to pull that off?

> virus is real for the purpose you've described.
>media panic is not.

This is the biggest banking robbery of all time.
If the Left aren't too busy concerned over their fucking pronouns they might even protest it; because the average man hasn't got a clue.

Both sides of the political spectrum naturally hate the bankers.



Americans *are* the banks.

>i'm american and my opinion is BLAH BLAH BLAH

How about the Coronavirus is real and bankers should fuck off and get no bailouts?

More people killed themselves






The last year or so has seen a massive increase in propaganda related to removing physical/trad spending like wallets, cash, cards and replacing them with apps on our electronic communication/tracking devices. Most already only use debit/credit, so it isn't hard to make that next step. With the "pandemic" they now will scare people away from exchanging physical currency. Then the next step is introducing apps that use "digital currencies" like bitcoin.

you're a faggot with a shit argument trying to derail other threads with your link to it.
kill yourself qoomer.

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You're obviously in on it. Show your flag!

>blames fake news
>links to and mentions NPR

Die in an unironic fire shill


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based and redpilled

the virus is real. it may be overblown or underblown. I can't say. But what we can say is that it is what pricked the bubble that was bound to pop anyway, and gives a convenient reason to for every connected entity to raid the public treasury with little to no scrutiny.

good thing I don't pay taxes

lmao nobody uses that word here. It's 'medicine', singular, but with american kikes its ubiquitous and normalised so just 'meds'
fucking nutters

Fuck off you retarded flat earther nothing burger fag. Go visit your nearest hospital ER and tell us how it goes.

Daily reminder that its a hoax but not this hoax.

This is an obvious national security operation to decouple from China, bail out our financial system, and win Trump 2020.

This whole thing will explode entirely after her wins, but we will be much better for it. Eveyone else will tank too of course so we will still be by far the best.

daily reminder that we memed this and mass media ignored it until they couldn' this theory doesn't hold - OP is a Bill Mitchell faggot and we will have our happening

I really don't know how to feel about it. I work in a nursing home and one resident may have it and we are all on code nuclear. There are treatments for flu outbreaks, but not for this and the age range is high risk. I can understand panic with hospitals being over run, because nursing homes are time bombs. Bam 30-50 patients at once. We have ethics, so we can't just let these people die. But it clogs things up when other emergency beds are already being taken from other incidents / disease.

>Wall Street money changers who moved America’s factories to China need a bailout because of China

Boeing needs a bailout too because they off shored their software engineering to Indian for 5$ a day and the stupid Indians basically destroyed the company.

Any executive who made a decision to offshore any factory to China needs to be tried for treason not given a bailout by the taxpayers.

First tell me why Sweden isn't on lockdown but has the same mortality rate as the countries around it.

Then explain this.

>On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus

The UK has COMPLETELY SLASHED its projections on how dangerous this thing is.

>He said that expected increases in National Health Service capacity and ongoing restrictions to people’s movements make him “reasonably confident” the health service can cope when the predicted peak of the epidemic arrives in two or three weeks. UK deaths from the disease are now unlikely to exceed 20,000, he said, and could be much lower.

I do think it's a real incident / problem. I do think it will be exploited and maybe they are creating more panic than needed

There is no such thing as a virus.

How old is the patient?

Lol. My mom just went to ICU after a week of fever, dry cough, and being hard of breathing.

I'm a conspiracy theorist and alll but the boomer remover is for real.... My brother and sister have/had(?) it and are better but mom just went into the ICU this morning....

Is this organic? probably not... but boomers are getting sick hard and dying...

It doesnt matter when they already gave emergency powers for two years, you could prove its fake still be forced tested quarantined fined. "Vaccinated".
I tried to warn you.

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I want to believe this but last week I felt an illness like I've never known an slept a whole week.

T. Seattle annon

Now you're just LARPing like a retard.

Are you not self-quarantined?

t. 425 user

Sure yeah im a larp and they never passed what they themselves called draconian measures in commons.

Yas Forums - never actually follows politics

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Its not a virus its 5g
Wuhan 5g pilot city
5g 60 ghz affects oxygen, lungs


you poor dumb motherfucker

The virus isnt a hoax.

Though I believe it was constructed and released to cause this reaction.

>no proof
When will you faggots learn

no proof? are you fucking retarded?
are you literally retarded?


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>covid coverup
central bank billion billions bailout
pushing vexatious vaccinations
>wuhan flu
to poison the chinese well & plunder fortunes
ID2020 mandatory vaccine One World Government under martial law, 19 eighty four.

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Nah man we can't call it a hoax anymore.
Maybe there is a huge exacerbation of the dangers, maybe there will be "only" a few hundred thousand deaths 'til this is over, but shit's real.

>The UK has COMPLETELY SLASHED its projections on how dangerous this thing is.
That's what they were saying before though. If we can "lower the curve" with "social distancing" and get enough ventilators and staff then 20,00 is a good outcome and hopefully we might ewven be able to keep it below 20,000 deaths. Literally what they've been saying all along.

I sat in a meeting with Vikram Pandit when he was ceo of Citi. He outwardly stated that one of his and Citi's goals is to end cash and replace it with crypto. Citi is also the bank that owns the Clintons.

>, dry cough,
pneumonia is famous for a lot of phlegm
how come everyone reports "pneumonia" but it's a DRY cough?????

>then 20,000 is a good outcome

Pneumonia can be either. So can the chink flu actually.

>retards still believe this shill bait
Rip in pepperinos bros

proof it faggot

you'll get your proof in hell faggot

same to you

>1 post by this id