/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2656

► Detected: 621,593 (+25,280) ► Died: 28,791 (+1,450)

— 3.7 billion people put under lockdown —
— 202 countries and territories infected —
— 56% more confirmed deaths than swine flu in all of 2009-10 —
— 2,084 different strains have been sequenced —

Spain mortality rate goes up 17% due to coronavirus

South Korea leading expert recommends wearing masks

Boris: I shook hands with coronavirus patients

Spain health ministry says up to 66% of deaths not detected

Coronavirus spike already visible in mortality rates from Italy

25 year old nurse dies in Iran

Virus spreads through pipes

Children die from corona, WHO confirms

Teen death without previous conditions suspected in South Korea

16 year old without health conditions dies in France

WHO says Italy testing too many people

China admits local officials were hiding new numbers

$2.4 trillion global recession expected

US federal government pressures states to test less

Iran coronavirus burial pits visible from space


15:24: 52 new cases in North Carolina, United States.
15:11: 57 new cases and 3 new deaths in Missouri, United States.
15:07: 84 new cases and 5 new deaths in Mississippi, United States.
15:01: 138 new cases and 8 new deaths in the Dominican Republic.
14:54: First death in Sri Lanka.
14:35: 318 new cases in Austria.


Attached: CVG.webm (640x360, 3M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: file.png (583x356, 42.55K)

Godspeed Corona chan!

Attached: 1585354287841.jpg (657x1024, 53.17K)

Friendly reminder that if you actually believe that this virus is of chinese origin, bioweapon or not, you are braindead.
America created Corona-chan to punish China, Italy, Iran and Russia for "Silk Way" project.
I can bet my anal virginity that mutts already have the cure. They will release it as soon as economy of said countries is destroyed.

Friendly reminder that 13 millions of innocent chinese people and 1 million of russian pigdogs already died from american bioweapon unleashed on enemies of Israel.

Friendly reminder to shoot your local amerimutts on sight for their crime against humanity. After this event is over, being american will become much worse than being german after WW2. Trump will be remembered for centuries as the worst mass murderer in human history.

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How about we all go in there and coof on them?

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>America created Corona-chan to punish China, Italy, Iran and Russia for "Silk Way" project.

Fuck China and OBOR

Top fucking kek!

Why didn't Hitler go and have a look what's going on?


Attached: Screenshot - 03282020 - 04:34:29 PM.png (751x622, 91.88K)

Rate my PrEP boyssss

Attached: IMG_20200306_165625.jpg (1444x2249, 1.08M)

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Attached: Chink Rocket.webm (640x360, 202.35K)


Attached: Screenshot - 03282020 - 04:35:12 PM.png (713x684, 567.46K)

Come join to watch sexy asian women

cytu dot be/r/tv4c


also known as flu symptoms

>shift at the pub

mfw dead americans

Attached: 1568414627771.jpg (429x500, 111K)

Congratulations Corona-chan

Attached: 154571378403395.png (1259x1239, 192.59K)

>Patient 0

Attached: Chink creates Corona virus.webm (640x360, 1.76M)

Attached: 1584782391364.png (686x700, 41.96K)

30 year old Belgium nurse with no preexisting conditions, dies from SARS-2
>Her condition worsened on Wednesday and the virus hit her heart
>She never had lung problems and was perfectly healthy. She was sporty, crossfit, very optimistic and beautiful. It is unreal. In the hospital they said it was definitely Corona

Attached: 1581433962301.jpg (553x647, 171.54K)

Not every damn bout of illness is Coronavirus

just 10 threads before 2666 make it history guys


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Is it a coincidence the Democrats are most keen on keeping America closed as long as possible?

Attached: 093928901660.jpg (686x526, 90.14K)

who has /come to terms with their mortality/ here?
who /acceptance/ here?

Attached: 1585406688726.webm (526x720, 2.93M)

Where's heart disease?


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Gonna fill Russian Asuka poster's butthole with thick gooey coom

I'm glad hundreds of thousands won't die now that this is starting to slow down, but it sucks in a way since this was the best chance in our lifetimes that the workers would unite and overthrow their jew and billionaire masters. Maybe next time.

Attached: 1585168413620.png (1000x400, 118.5K)

What's new news for tonight? Links?

Did Mitchell turn into a 10 year old again?

Firm handshake and firm bootstraps

Shortness of breath is neither flu nor cold symptom

Attached: 1585237795029.jpg (1500x1490, 603.96K)

Actually most of those Italians who are dyeing are either southern Italians or southern diaspora in the North. Ask yourself why people are dying at rate similars to iran istead to those of civilized white western countries like France or Germany, the reason is there are millions of southern descendents in Lombardy with large genetic overlap with middle easterns like iran also badly hit by Coronavirus.

There are huge differences between North and south, especially the south is genetically a mix of Arabian-Turkish-Black genes, speaking of Italian nation is just a joke.

I live in North Italy ( Lombardy named after the Swedish tribe Longobards) and here the phenotype is mostly Nordid among actual natives ( tall, quiet, fair, intelligent). Lombardy is full of 3rd gen southern diaspora who flooded after the war, ethnic Lombards are actually a minority and we're the ones working for pratically the rest of the country sending rome more than 110 billions a year in surplus taxes. We could be like Austria or Switzerland if we were indipendent.

Lombardy is much more like Germany/France than rome/naples that you know from TV series. It is wealthy (finance, industry, and fashion) and Teutonic culturally.

A lot of Northern Italians have white skin and green eyes. The dialects even sound more German.

Attached: screenshot-twitter.com-2020.03.28-15_33_29.png (608x1289, 150.52K)

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>Fit & healthy

You'd get the arrow before you could even get the chance to coof on 'em.

Why is she clapping so high? Put your damn hands down.


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can't we nuke both

Would you save her/him?

Attached: Based Trap.gif (582x404, 1.99M)

Diarrhea man says it is just the flu. What's the fuss about?

Why are men beating women and children?

Attached: c065f94981ecb3047f8f05942b578f50.png (959x1240, 633.95K)

If duberinos, everyone in the thread gets the diarrhea check. Also, it’s time for another sacrifice.

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That goes with the research that i read yesterday that say the virus is getting even more affinity with people ACE2 and can infect any of the parts,so its likely that it started as a flu and is mutating in something that can fuck any part of your body that have ACE2

COVID-19 survivor here. Here's my story:

About four weeks ago I started suffering what I thought was the worst food poisoning I've ever had. I couldn't even hold water down. Had a fever of about 99.4 - 101.3 (onset - peak) for about three days. Fever broke on the 4th day but digestive issues still persisted.

On day 5 I abruptly woke up at 3am to a really odd pain that started in my back between my shoulder blades and would "travel" (hard to describe) to the front of my chest in a slow cyclical pattern. Felt very odd and slightly alarming. Wrote it off as cramps due to having been wrenching for five straight days and tried to sleep it off. Eventually, it started radiating to my left arm and my fingertips were getting cold. Being 30 I refused to believe I was having a heart attack but remained really scared.

Then the cold sweats started every time the cycle would repeat itself. Shoulder blades, into the chest, into the left arm, subsiding for 10 minutes along with cold sweat. Rinse and repeat, worsening each time. Told my wife to take me to the ER just in case, and she reluctantly agreed.

First sign that this was actually something serious was zero wait time. The second I told the receptionist my symptoms I was sat down on a bed. Within a minute a nurse had blood drawn and another had me hooked up to an EKG. Two minutes later a cardiologist was in my room telling me I would be admitted overnight as the EKG showed I may be having a heart attack. Within five more minutes, my bloodwork indicated heart damage and I was whisked away for an emergency echosonogram of my heart which indicated damage but no blockages. Over the next two days, heart attack was thankfully ruled out but I was diagnosed with myopericarditis (viral inflammation of the heart muscle and surrounding tissue) and heart failure due to the damage it caused.

There are multiple instances of this happening. Cardiovascular symptoms instead of respiratory. I didn't "fit the criteria" for a test.

United States 105,161 (1,722) Italy 86,498 (9,134) China 81,394 (3,295) Spain 72,248 (5,812) Germany 53,340 (399) Iran 35,408 (2,517) France 32,964 (1,995) United Kingdom 17,089 (1,019) Switzerland 13,377 (242) Netherlands 9,762 (639) South Korea 9,478 (144) Belgium 9,134 (353) Austria 8,030 (68) Turkey 5,698 (92) Portugal 5,170 (100) Canada 4,757 (55) Norway 3,972 (20) Australia 3,635 (14) Brazil 3,477 (93) Israel 3,460 (12) Sweden 3,069 (105) Czech Republic 2,422 (9) Malaysia 2,320 (27) Denmark 2,201 (65) Ireland 2,121 (22) Chile 1,909 (5) Ecuador 1,627 (41) Luxembourg 1,605 (15) Japan 1,499 (49) Poland 1,481 (17) Romania 1,452 (29) Pakistan 1,415 (12) Russia 1,264 (4) Thailand 1,245 (6) Saudi Arabia 1,203 (4) South Africa 1,170 (1) Finland 1,167 (9) Indonesia 1,155 (102) Philippines 1,075 (68) Greece 966 (28) Iceland 963 (2) India 933 (20) Singapore 802 (2) Panama 786 (14) Dominican Republic 719 (28) Mexico 717 (12) Diamond Princess 712 (10) Argentina 690 (17)…

United States +1,035 (+26) China +54 (+3) Spain +6,529 (+674) Germany +2,469 (+48) Iran +3,076 (+139) United Kingdom +2,546 (+260) Switzerland +449 (+11) Netherlands +1,159 (+93) South Korea +146 (+5) Belgium +1,850 (+64) Austria +333 (+10) Portugal +902 (+24) Norway +201 (+1) Australia +257 (+1) Brazil +60 (+1) Malaysia +159 (+1) Denmark +155 (+13) Poland +92 (+1) Romania +160 (+3) Pakistan +42 (+1) Thailand +109 (+1) Saudi Arabia +99 (+1) Finland +126 (+2) Indonesia +109 (+15) Philippines +272 (+14) Dominican Republic +138 (+8) Mexico +132 (+4) Argentina +101 (+4) Serbia +131 (+2) Croatia +71 (+2) Iraq +48 (+2) Hungary +43 (+1) Bulgaria +20 (+2) Ukraine +1 (+3) Macedonia +22 (+1) Albania +11 (+2) Brunei +5 (+1) Sri Lanka +7 (+1) Uzbekistan +16 (+1) Guadeloupe +23 (+1) Congo-Kinshasa +7 (+3) Israel +425 Czech Republic +143 Chile +299 Russia +228 Iceland +73 India +46 Singapore +70…


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I didn't know you could die of yellow fever.

I would protect.



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not looking so good for you either friend

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13 millions is too low, unfortunatelly the true numbers we the Common people will never know..

What is his endgame?

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>now that this is starting to slow down

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Large viral loads
Avoid going outside at all cost

Everyone infected will die, the recovered ones will have to live with weaker pulmonary capacity. Some just die at the first attack of the virus while others will take more time.

I am so sorry. RIP belgibro.

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He wants someone to shit in his mouth obviously.

When will we be receiving our Trumpbux?

Is there a direct deposit option?


You would be murdered before you can even land a single feet on the island.

I knew it, Xi Jinping was infected in Wuhan

Reposted since new thread. tl;dr this shit is serious, I know firsthand.

And for the record, I'm otherwise healthy. Healthy weight, normal blood pressure, bloodwork came back healthy everything minus the damage to my heart, zero medical history. And now my heart is damaged.

He would thank you with boypussy and bjs!

Attached: Based Cute Trap.jpg (418x750, 38.27K)

*coof coof*

this fucking guy

Just the flu, bro.

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Why are Wojakposters so adamant about Corona-chan?

Attached: 350.gif (560x545, 56.04K)

Reminder that the Dutch are all autistic and this confirms that autism is a condition that makes coronavirus more deadly

Stay inside bros

depends how big is her cock?

>naggin intensifies
>living with abusers willingly
lmao how is abuse even real? just leave lmao

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>a faggot mutt
No. Id rather save an actual nigger from Africa or a jew

Attached: illust_79959321_20200315_111027.png (1446x2045, 1.73M)

Why were SARS and MERS such little baby viruses?

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if you adjust by population, you're worse.

Do you think his cheeks get redder as he’s about to cum?

This is the ideal mentality
Death will come at some point anyways
Still fight and defend what's yours
Accept your fate gracefully when the moment comes

Attached: 1580406719104.png (819x642, 286.01K)

If I had to wager a guess: around 2k perhaps. Tops.
What I'd rather like to know is how many people in total are recovered and possibly immune already. Not everyone gets tested and some shitters might be typhoid mary's too

>Born: March 7, 1952 (age 68 years)

he'll be denied ventilators

so here tits don't get covered up + squished together by her elbows

I hate the guardian so much

this can't be real

>It's all so cruel

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/ptg/ still saying the virus is a nothingburger. Are they wrong?

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So what is going on with Israel I understand they put up a curfew pretty fast so why are they getting these numbers, Hasidic / Orthodox Jews fucking it up for the rest?

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>27 year olds die all the time to flu
It's all so tiresome

What percentage face is this?

United States (-4.22%) Germany (-5.29%) France (-4.84%) United Kingdom (-5.76%) Italy (-4.53%) Switzerland (-3.51%) Spain (-3.92%) Austria (-1.99%) Poland (-0.94%) Netherlands (-4.35%) Hungary (-1.99%) Russia (-5.73%) Greece (+0.00%) Brazil (-5.68%) Japan (+0.93%) Hong Kong (-0.48%) China (-0.29%) Australia (-8.82%) Singapore (-0.43%) India (-1.87%) South Korea (+1.78%) Taiwan (-3.70%) South Africa (-4.87%)

Sydney (-7%) Tokyo (-11%) Beijing (-13%) Wuhan (-12%) New Delhi (-65%) Dubai (-27%) Moscow (-42%) Rome (-15%) Milan (-13%) Berlin (-11%) Munich (-7%) Brussels (-17%) Paris (-35%) Madrid (-5%) Barcelona (-11%) London (-29%) Johannesburg (0%) Sao Paulo (-25%) Buenos Aires (-35%) New York (-29%) Washington (-18%) Miami (-14%) Toronto (-24%) Chicago (-14%) Houston (-9%) Mexico City (-26%) Los Angeles (-14%) Seattle (-2%)

India (1.3b) China (760m) Pakistan (211m) United States (196m) Mexico (129m) Egypt (97m) Germany (82m) Philippines (70m) Brazil (66m) France (66m) United Kingdom (66m) Italy (60m) South Africa (56m) Colombia (49m) Spain (46m) Argentina (44m) Ukraine (42m) Poland (37m) Morocco (35m) Peru (32m) Venezuela (32m) Malaysia (31m) Nepal (29m) Australia (24m) Romania (19m) Netherlands (17m) Ecuador (16m) Belgium (11m) Tunisia (11m) Czech Republic (10m) Dominican Republic (10m) Greece (10m) Portugal (10m)…


Attached: CVG.jpg (1020x574, 56.09K)

This ain't a dude.

Put the happening I'm the bag

Attached: Teacher-Gun-Joke-768x408.jpg (768x408, 34.74K)

Comrade Mitchell fights for people’s right for the universal basic diarrhea paycheck.

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>non-whites die
>this is somehow a bad thing

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Too deadly to spread

the smug comes before the fall

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Neighbor has it. Has been coughing his lungs out more and more over the last couple days. Heard him on the phone today saying he has it. No idea why he's at home and not at hospital, especially since he lives with his dad who is obviously getting more concerned as time goes on.
All I know is I'm not going near them. Not sure if I should be calling a hotline and reporting it.

>depends how big is her cock?
About 18 cm from what i saw

Attached: Trap Dab.png (882x804, 775.19K)

Grow Corona-sama
Become death itself

Attached: 1585333543979.jpg (823x900, 216.65K)

Nature overtakes everything

Attached: photo-4.jpg (1000x662, 234.2K)

What happened to that writefaggot or the sister fucker?


Attached: you.jpg (1699x1920, 231.41K)

Come join to watch sexy asian women

cytu dot be/r/tv4c


>Bingo wings
2/10, would not bang.

Did they change their opinion in lockstep with Trump during those days when Trump suddenly thought it was a burger and then dialed it down?

>What I'd rather like to know is how many people in total are recovered and possibly immune already.
You know we're testing like 500k people a week right now, right? We have an incredibly low positive rate, so unless the virus spread here the whole last year and we didn't notice, there's a very low chance that many people are immune yet.
>Not everyone gets tested
Everyone who was in contact with an infected and is now showing symptoms get tested. Yet less than 7% test positive.

welcome to the darkside brother

almost like it should make a return?

Why can't the US economy last a month off without irreparable damage? These cucks for big business need to think a little deeper.

Crowned like kings

>I kill childrens too!

It could be so peaceful.

Attached: 7c783142b2625f2a9b39b182d5309c67.jpg (1616x832, 264.34K)

Rip this guy..
True hero of the people.

>every health issue that people have now is the corona virus

No, trannies are gross. Only based femboys are worth saving.

P-please don’t coof in the thread.

Attached: 60B321B8-33B2-4BE8-A6A9-08F8667F766A.png (500x500, 61.33K)

Actually most of those Italians who are dyeing are either southern Italians or southern diaspora in the North. Ask yourself why people are dying at rate similars to iran istead to those of civilized white western countries like France or Germany, the reason is there are millions of southern descendents in Lombardy with large genetic overlap with middle easterns like iran also badly hit by Coronavirus.

There are huge differences between North and south, especially the south is genetically a mix of Arabian-Turkish-Black genes, speaking of Italian nation is just a joke.

I live in North Italy ( Lombardy named after the Swedish tribe Longobards) and here the phenotype is mostly Nordid among actual natives ( tall, quiet, fair, intelligent). Lombardy is full of 3rd gen southern diaspora who flooded after the war, ethnic Lombards are actually a minority and we're the ones working for pratically the rest of the country sending rome more than 110 billions a year in surplus taxes. We could be like Austria or Switzerland if we were indipendent.

Lombardy is much more like Germany/France than rome/naples that you know from TV series. It is wealthy (finance, industry, and fashion) and Teutonic culturally.

A lot of Northern Italians have white skin and green eyes. The dialects even sound more German.

I guess they are actually testing people, unlike most other countries.

More like she died of a heart failure and just so happened to have caught it. Not every death of a positive tested is due to Corona

They've forgotten their place in our absence.

Curfew wont work if people still think it's a nothingburger and go out against the order
I think the most effective strategy is pretending to be the herd, when enough people die others will get scared and self distancing without anyone ordering them to

No bullshit, a brit doc posted a thread last night and he said a lot of people here are presenting with heart problems due to covid. He had a healthy 28 year old woman die this way yesterday.

I.love these

Attached: untitled-101.jpg (2048x1360, 290.87K)

>dying of AIDS
Don't AIDS-ridden people usually die of tuberculosis/pneumonia?

Happening cancelled

>Number of cases are decreasing again, deaths on par with yesterday

Pack it up lads, it's over

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>Did they change their opinion in lockstep
Yep. Now its a nothing burger and trump is being safe just in case. To help out other nations with ventilators.

Winnie the Coof.

I was always kinda /ptg/. I've read an interesting analysis that Trump's actions completely were NOT due to some strategy or retardness. They were due to inevitability. The were no other choices in the sense that we are now going straight to hell. They prolonged those decisions as much as possible, but now it's over. It will take half a year to have some extreme event take place. and it's inevitable.

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Famine Now

Have either of them been around lately? It's been a few days and I want more greentext...

Attached: 1577366904796.jpg (968x753, 398.44K)

it hasnt slown down, it has hit testing capacity.

>trillions of dollars pumped into the market for a days worth in gains

Attached: C-4TNKTXsAEZwwz.jpg (137x158, 9K)

it *coof* just *coof* a *coof* nothingburger *coof*

Storm the island with a coof testudo.

Braap brabrabrabrap BRAP BRAP braaaaaaap

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That scares the shit out of me because I'm prone to anxiety attacks (7 years in grad school will do that to you) and have taught myself to ignore any of the symptoms, which are basically identical to a heart attack

i dream of this day

That gives me a good idea. Any drawfags in the thread? How about SARS-chan and MERS-chan as little loli with big sister Corona-chan as a cake playing together.

Attached: 1584988849523.png (710x510, 257.81K)

>Coincidence number case decrement on weekends !!!

needs an update

Attached: 1585262986073.png (393x360, 148.44K)

>Daily Mail

As much as I want a happening too, let's be honest nobody takes that shit seriously.

We're still in the first wave.

Yeah healthy people die of random heart failure all the time at 30

Can I get more post lockdown nature pics/webms/videos?

Attached: 1585408490321.webm (720x1280, 2.99M)

>No. Id rather save an actual nigger from Africa or a jew
How about pic related
>This ain't a dude.
Hahahah his porn name name is Taftaj
Good goy>No, trannies are gross. Only based femboys are worth saving.

Attached: Angelic Trap.jpg (240x320, 18.08K)

fuck no hope it dies soon

your mandatory obedience is appreciated

Attached: War on Death.jpg (1071x515, 44.25K)

They think it's only respiratory. It attacks the heart and the intestine too. We'll only know the correct death toll within range by comparing this period to the averages.

>using tik tok
lol what a retarded jew

It's actually a 50% chance of dying, because you either die or you don't.

>bird flu

Attached: 1577588043834.jpg (1108x1478, 712.76K)

>Cancelled nations
>About to be cancelled
United Kingdom
>Maybe will not get cancelled

Who the hell dies from Chicken Pox?


Much less transmissible. Not because of lethality, just viral structure. MERS literally does not spread from person to person; you have to get it from a camel.


What the fuck?

>I.love these
Soon ...

Attached: comfy.jpg (1500x908, 1.62M)

Me on the left

In fact it is
>closet faggot

His entire twitter feed is a diarrhea check

Yes. Trump went on Fox a few days ago and repeated several times how the number of flu deaths is much worse, and they don't lock down the country over that. Also
>Trump: "I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators. You know, you go into major hospitals, sometimes they’ll have two ventilators. And now all of a sudden they’re saying, ‘can we order 30,000 ventilators?"

Furthermore you have retarded qoomers who think coronavirus is used as a psyop to cover up the arrests of celebrities and Hillary Clinton, which they're spamming 24/7 on Yas Forums.

Attached: 1560486928483.png (603x684, 248.39K)

Oh even the ones that sat on a train with him and probably caught it already. Even the RKI thinks there's a huge number of unknown cases both sick and recovered alike.

>my city of 80,000 just reported it's first 2 cases

How long do I have bros? What should I prep? Everything is still normal here.

Attached: 2dpwzw.jpg (964x912, 59.83K)

Yeah, exactly. 27-year-olds drop dead all the time

Yesterday was 919 deaths. I mean, that a fucking lot.

We already said this in those 3 days were there was a big dip in new cases, then it increased again.

Same with influenza.

This is pretty much useless. 2-3 weeks ago when corona first came to my city I had a sore throat, cough, slight headache and a bit of shortness of breath. Dont know about fever.

Yet I still went to the gym and benched 2pl8 for reps and only had to deload like 10% off my Squat and DL. So from this graph it is likely I already had it and I was aparently able to squat 160kg with it. This shit is a fucking nothingburger if I ever saw one, I might not have had it but if that was all there is then we are destroying the economy because some pharma company wants to jew us out of billions.


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>Even the RKI thinks there's a huge number of unknown cases both sick and recovered alike.
According to the RKI, there's one undetected infected for every detected infected.

Coronavirus, italian FBI warn Prime Minister Conte: "Danger for riots and rebellions in the South"

>Potential danger of spontaneous or organized revolts and rebellions, especially in Southern Italy where the shadow economy and the widespread presence of organized crime are two of the main risk factors", this is the alert.

>Only irregular workers in the last year have been registered in 3.7 million since the last Istat report, with almost 80% of the phenomenon concentrated precisely in the south. Italy and even more so the South holds a large part of its economy thanks to illegal activities . According to reports from the newspaper Il Mattino, the intelligence report focuses precisely on these people . What will happen if Covid-19 makes it indispensable to extend the social distancing measures already in place for a long time? To this is added the organized crime present in the area.

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Disgusting desu.

I would be glad if we got a lockdown over a diarrhea outbreak

>tfw thought I had covid because I have a bit of a cough but these symptoms sound nothing like what I've got

Am I asymptomatic carrier masterrace or did I just not get covid?