Has anybody noticed Trump has been losing the support of Yas Forums?
Has anybody noticed Trump has been losing the support of Yas Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nuke america
kys faggot
1. That better be a boy
2. His handling of the virus has swayed him back into my favor. I'm really happy with it and I want this quarantine bullshit to end ASAP so I can go back to the gym.
built for the biggest and blackest of cocks
She is built for BBC.
yup, at least anyone here who thinks critically
he will never be a girl he has a dick.
kys fagot
My penis is so confused right now
Your tribe can have her Trudeau.
even better!
learn how to identify a shill thread
if there is a hot take parroted from mainstream media based on a misdirection or out of context trump quote... its a shill.
or some random normie who would normally be at work and just happened to stumble in to repeat his talking point like it was his own idea because it sounded smart to him when he heard it from his friend who watches the tv news.
oh and enjoy your ban newfag for posting porn on Yas Forums
I've noticed a raid by a bunch of trannies like you though.
no but i noticed all the slide threads and shillposts today like this one
herb in options
die in a fire, traps are gay
This is a fucking guy? Those hips
>have you noticed Yas Forums is being invaded by shills, reddit and cia niggers these last couple of years?
I love the guy, but he truly is a charlatan if he doesn't nationalize the federal reserve.
No, shills don't know how to remove the shill tag from their posts.
He didn't fufill any of his promises in his 4 years as president and now he is doing a really bad job with Corona. I believed in him in 2016, but he has really let us down.
>small to no boobs
BSWC> Built for Small White Dick
>inb4 small wieners cringing
I've noticed refugees from leftypol came here thinking it is still relevant.
Whatever was done in 2016 has its own momentum now. pol will be better off once the tards from leftypol realize this.
First time? It’s literally just shillposting and bait threads for easy replies, don’t kid yourself.
>inb4 gee idk guys I think hes losing us :(
True Yas Forums hates Drumpf, only migaturd redditards shill for him.
Ever notice that we have been flooded with anti Trump shills that copy paste blue check mark tweets ever since the impeachment?
Sure thing, DeSquarius
lul she is German
That's what we want idiot
Trump lost the support of pre 2016 Yas Forums back in 2018 when he literally started kissing Jews and sucking Israeli cock and getting into foreign interventions.
nu Yas Forums is composed mostly of boomers that migrated in from r/the_donald. That's not shitposting, there literally was a migration of sorts, or maybe a crossbreeding would better describe it. The point is, only the most drooling idiots still support an Israeli puppet (which explains why Yas Forums tends to even yet, due to the reddit crossbreeding).
The only people who still really post on Yas Forums are boomers and LARPers. Everything else is dead, and little to no actual political talk gets discussed anymore.
Come join to watch sexy asian women
cytu dot be/r/tv4c
>Has anybody noticed Trump has been losing the support of Yas Forums?
>He only noticed this now
Shills do their best, but he's still ourguy.
I’ve noticed a lot of shilling on Yas Forums. But, what else is new?
No. I notice that the discord tranny posts a lot though.
of course it's a disgusting abomination of a guy you closet homosexual
Has anyone noticed that OP is a faggot?
Tranny shill.... FYI, that’s obviously a guy
>True Yas Forums hates Drumpf
Lol...Is that the pol that pretends its Israel and not the kikes in the Jewnited Kingdom with your cocksucking kike Royal Family
>the year of our lord fucking 2020
>people are STILL posting shitposting compilations about reiko/aero shit
holy fucking christ
is this just a boomer thing at this point, where it gets repeated over and over, even though the meme died years ago?
Don't lust after thots.
kek’d at your fanfic
You mean kikes have been shilling extra hard lately?
>1. That better be a boy
Look at his cock
yes thats right. no need to even vote for him. it's already in the bag. he's doing so well handling this coronavirus and our economy is booming! how could he not win? I'm staying home
disgusting traps are gay
kill yourself shill rat
just come out of the closet it feels good
He would easily pass for a 10/10 girl here. Indian girls have high T and look like hairy wildebeests
you know how I can tell you're probably over the age of 30 boomer?
>support of Yas Forums
is this the best thing that chinks can pay for?
I believe gookmoot is a chink asset & now trying to play defense for the commies by trying to subtly portray commies & chinks in a more positive light. Prove me wrong.
because you touch yourself at night
Which kikes? The pro-trump or the anti-trump kikes? Because both sides are operated by them.
I've noticed more shills shilling for Biden.
Pol should be a blue board.
No, have seen a lot of faggots pretend they once supported him and now don’t though.
But faggots are always playing make believe anyway
He lost it just months into his election with the bullshit bombings & completele lack of doing anything meaningful
>because u touch urself at night
dude you can't even come up with a snappy, shitposty counter, it's obvious you're some boomer immigrant.
yep, /pol is def on the Biden Balloon now. Biden is so meme-able when he stops mid-sentence and doesn't finish his point.
>1 post by this ID
Never fails.
You will never be female
I've definitely become disillusioned and disgusted with him. Not over the virus, everything else. That said, there's not a chance in hell I don't vote for him again. The alternatives are abysmal. Trump 2020, violent biker gangs 2024.
Honest question: why do Americans approve so highly of Trump's handling of the coronavirus? From an objective point of view he was incredibly late. Early on he placed a ban on non citizens coming into the USA but that was after the first case. Up until 3 weeks ago he has done nothing, and there was a huge lack of even the most basic pandemic supplies, tests and masks.
Now the tests are revealing the enormous number or cases, deaths are picking up the lag and America has the most number of cases in the world. Why do Americans approve of his handling? Is it because his daily news briefings give an impression of hard work and action, or is it because Americans think this is normal and there's no way to contain it?
Yeah people have known this for a while. Although shills are always out in force, I've noticed trumpfags are a lot quieter, and /ptg/ threads get derailed even easier, not even taking into account the "BASED ZOGNALD" shills.
dirty bitch got a dick
Neck all traps and trannies
Ugly tranny, desperate for attention. Pathetic. Decent human beings aren't narcissist attention whore freaks.
Do you even know what sage does?
Gee...I wonder why.
I wish I'd have a sweet trap gf
Nope seen a lot of retarded failed attempts at demoralization though. Also if you want some data to mine.
>Trump handling of the virus is going to win him Zoomers and Boomers, both want out of quarantine. Only faggy bernie millennial are mad about his handling
Who needs to be female when you can be a female looking boy with a dick?
Probably because, despite the wishes of the (((media))), Americans still have some semblance of a memory and remember that same media calling Trump the reincarnation of Hitler for even suggesting to close borders to China when it was just starting out, and with (((courts))) already having a precedent to shooting down a Presidential order in this vein even when national security was in question, he didn't even try.
it was always a meme candidate. only redditors though it was unironic 100% full support of Yas Forums considering his policies. the wall is necessary, the cleaning of the swamp was important. it was the least worse candidate, it was better than Hilary for sure, but it was always a meme candidate.
you know how I can tell you're probably a discord tranny shill?
the solution is to become the sweet trap gf instead
It was only a temporary misunderstanding